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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. ive heard enough from you nicole.....now ssssshhhh.......and go stand in the corner
  2. where was your support at riverstreet stringbean?????......now i am gonna have to hunt you down in djais and clock you across the jaw.....TTTTOOOOOOOOOOTTTTSSSSSS......what up mafuka!!!!!
  3. moo....quick question.....wasnt there another dj spinning on friday.......and he definitley was playing much harder than you did......roddigga.....you my nigga.....you finally stepped it up and spun like we all knew you could........i dont know about the rest of Riverstreet but the 50+ of our friends that showed support had a fawken awesome time......and yes digga you did blow it up.....no more pre-game alcohol for now on.........total difference than last time at cherri.......and joe gio keeps impressing me each time i hear him......probably because i am always in his ear yelling at him or requesting songs.....hell of a fawken job rod and joe!!!!!....cant wait for the next one!!!!
  4. lightweight bitch......cry me a river!!!!!!!
  5. you got the fairy part right.......i will supply my own fizzes.....NONE FOR YOU FOCKER!!!!!
  6. jeffrey....respect your elders....i will make sure those clowns go.....your little group of crackanimals looks more like girl scouts lately........lemme guess you guys get together and hold hands on friday nights, screaming the chorus to zombie nation and sipping wine......prove me wrong nicca........bring on the fizz!!!!!!
  7. its in hoboken jeffrey.......open till 3.........we are bringing everyone there.....rod is opening up and it is a couple of our friends birthdays......i know eric is going......kevin and keith went last time so i am sure they will go again......show face son.....can outta the house for once......or shove that fizz right up your ass!!!!!.....holla back bro
  8. you were definitely smart for leaving that shithole.....i will never step foot in there again unless i am with about 30 friends.......what a poor excuse for a crowd!!!!!!......and what were the bouncers looking for.......there wasnt even any shit in there to do!!!!!!
  9. get ahold of Rafi Y.....he promoted last night at carusos......he was the alien looking kid running behind kosta all night......he promotes gustavinos too. Rafi Y 201.294.9418 or www.upscalevenue.com
  10. maria....are you serious.....i mention riverstreet in every post.....i hope this is sarcasm at its best.....if not.....check those tanning bulbs!!!!......i will be there with bells on.......i will leave the nipple clamps to the digga!!!!
  11. last time i saw billy he was hiding from the bouncers at factory.......billy boy you best not be a lightweight again tonite!!!
  12. maria....you offering me a job.....how bout a summer internship!!!
  13. we are bringing the nuttiest of our friends tonite.....all the old school crackers and meatheadz are coming.....and they are all fired up....i feel bad for some of the slinkys in there.......we even got the old school chickenhead fdu chicks coming full force.......i really might need a liver and brain transplant after this one...........GOD I HOPE THE MUSIC IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. floppy weiner or a limp bizcuit...ha ha ha...........maria......can we turn solar lounge into a tanning salon/strip club..........talk about a combo.......i will send over the paper work so we can get this thing goin!!!!!
  15. rod...rod...rod.......get back on the 1s and 2s........you are a little hostile today.....lemme guess you started drinking at noon to calm your nerves for tonite.......you fawken vagina........if you trainwreck you best find yourself a new agent!!!!!!
  16. maria does this mean i get a VIP card to the solarlounge.....looks like i found my summer happy hour tanning hangout.......I'll be threre every friday at 6......mark me down chica!!!!
  17. and if i here the records skip all night i am gonna launch RS yuppies into the dj booth and yell TTTTRRRRAAAAIIIIINNNNWRRREEECCCKKKKK!!!!!
  18. maria...maria...maria....what really goes on in that tanning salon of yours......i have a feeling there is a reason you guys won all those awards.....ha ha ha.........how far away is toms river from middletown again.....put me down for the 7, 7:30, 8, 8:45, and 10 oclock appointments!!!!!!!
  19. :laugh: ....... down in fraggle rock.....down in fraggle rock.......rafi y.....sorry i cant make it to carusos tonite......definitely in the next couple weeks i will show up.....but you better be at riverstreet tomorrow.....also we got the diggas birthday next saturday........so gidde up mafuka!!!!
  20. what up jessica.....havent seen you in like 8 years.........i might come out tomorrow though......i just gotta convice the digga.....he might not wanna because he probably will be in all night practicing and sweatin up a storm.......holla chica!!!!
  21. i think i might make an appearance.......with the digital camera of course!!!!!.........keep RAFI Y on the other side of the room though......if i see him in a thong I am stabbing myself senseless!!!!
  22. try morse code kelly.....maybe than no one will figure out your secrets or dont post it on a message board!!!!!!!!!......i love pickin on ya kell.......less than 2 months away.......you best be ready......know light weights in our house!!!!!
  23. GGGGRRRRRRRR........kelly you are askin for a beaten.......just practice your cooking, cleaning, massaging, and ______...... and the males of the shorehouse will wear what ever you want.....just kiddin chica......what ya plans for friday......lemme guess......14 guyz are trying to swoop you off your feet......you better show face at RiverStreet for rod.....and maybe i will surprise you crackanimals at carusos tomorrow!!!........DEAL!!!!
  24. 2 more days digga.......you better be blowin up morristown practicing.......all the boyz and girlz you grew up with are gonna show face so dont fawk up.....ha ha ha.....i love getting him nervous.........dont sweat it rodrigo........just drop the nutty shit we all like and the place will be jumpin'
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