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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. he definitely is squeezing out a turtle head........"i left a little rosebud in there for ya"!!!
  2. riggs in that picture i was holding a cigerette.....ha ha ha......bro....god forbid i run into any of the ol' hippy pot smokin sitting around the campfire like the hillbilly he once was pictures of the bus.....or perhaps an old kings college photo of you in those tight little soccer shorts.......game on fellas.....every man for himself.......i'll holla at fockers from scottsdale, arizona.....home of the 6 foot blonde pole dancers......arizona titty bars riggs.....just another chapter in the novel!!!!
  3. stiffler is definitely the 2003 seaside toughguymafuka!!!!
  4. ha ha ha.....nicole rocks granny panties......helps absorb the alcohol sweat from her buttocks!!!!!
  5. ha ha ha.....the philopino circus baboon
  6. riggs....we are definitely getting one for our shorehouse......i would pay money to see the digga flying down oceanavenue on one of those!!!!
  7. happy birthday ms. moochi!!!!!......how was your saturday night!!!
  8. get off my thread nicole before i smack ya.......tempts in march....ha ha ha......what were we thinkin
  9. you gotta love getting ripped on by a girl that couldnt even stand strait up at 7 oclock.....so no more comments from the peanut gallery.....and yes i did have to stop in at redbank.....you momo.....i wasnt that retarded yet!!!!.......next time out we are going to bring a pencil and paper and communicate that way since we were like the blind leading the blind......no run along chickadee and rip on the digga for awhile!!!!
  10. riggs, i have no comment about this past weekend.....thank god i am going way because i dont deserve to go out for a while.........and dont ya worry about the gym big guy.....i wont dissapoint ya this summer.........you most likely will be referred to as the little guy next to me.....ha ha ha.......ill holla at ya this afternoon!!!! no pms mafuka.....don.....ha ha ha.....i have a new name!!!
  11. steve....ill give ya feedback......yer a bitch for not coming to metro and now i am going to put a bullet in my head for going.....ha ha ha......no for real.....i told ya i would check it out and i had a good time in that place......i wish it was my college hangout.....young chickies running around everywhere........question......did ericone go home with that 16 yr old.......fawken pedofile!!!!!!!
  12. last night was very dissapointing......carl, yanni, and the bus did everything they could to make that place work.....it appears management would rather look good and lose money than do what it takes to make it sucessful......as far as last night, the crowd was pretty weak, but the bus had me in tears at story time in the vip room.......so i was at least entertained.....and justin did his thing.......fawk it.....bring on summer already damn it......enuff of this dressing up bullshit!!!!!......ladies break open the open back shirts, tube tops, and get nekked!!!!
  13. tough to play upside momentum nowadays........im still a nonbeleiver........i have been trading for about 1 1/2 years now and i have yet to be is a bull market (if that will ever exist again).......all i hear are stories about the good ol' days and how all these old timers rocked the late 97-2001.....fawken scumbags would buy anything, pay huge spreads, and still make a killing.....no talent though....they are the same fawkers that have no clue how to trade in this shitty market.......ha ha ha
  14. yeah....yeah...yeah.....we got our first bear market bunny!!!!!
  15. you gotta love yesterdays one day rally/short covering.......talk about a one day cock tease.........just go to war already so we can drive this market to zero and let the bottom feeders make a killing ha ha ha...........dow will be at 7000 and nas comp at 1000 in no time.......i never really got into the Qs, diamonds, and spyders......starting to dabble a little though......holla back
  16. dave + 2......ha ha.....like i would ever say that to guys at the door......see you mafukas later.....i think i am dragging ericone out with me for his first appearance of the new year!!!!!
  17. aaahhhh......1999......by far the best year.....2000 wasnt to shabby either.....myself and digga are coming down with the one and only joltin joe giorgio.....i know it pisses him off when i say that so i am going to keep on doing it.....ha ha ha
  18. are we all delusional in one way or the other or only a few.....cause sometimes i feel like i am the only normal person out there and some other people i know are bipolar nutjobs......than at times i become one myself.......i know.....i know....this is a notallthere thread......but answer the question if ya like fockers!!!
  19. maria....the bus and digga are chuckleing themselves to death because you keep calling me don......the name is dave chicadee.....don is part of the last name......but just because you sport nipple tassles and look the way you do.....feel free to call me whatever you want!!!!!
  20. digga splattered across the window......they must have been so scared......mandatory attendance huh.......guess i have to go!!!!......i will try to get up there early for the gym session.....i'll EMAIL you in a litte while mafuka
  21. sorry little mikey.......it was an old skool story.......later sport
  22. what could those two misfits possibly have done???........they cant even read or write.....anyway, i will have carguy walk me over to merge at some time on saturday to check ya out at merge.......your the drunk blonde right
  23. after you read the fine print in the RESTRAINING ORDER!!!!
  24. DDDAAAANNNNNNNNIIIEEEEEEELLLLLEEEEE.....i miss ya chica......when im gonna see you out again for my jukebox fix!!!!!!.......come on rockstar where you been hiding?......put the cats to bed and get outta the house........kthxbye!!!!
  25. im gonna try and make my way up there........not sure about taste though..........trying to conserve some braincells before summer......i know......im a bitchasspussyslinkymafuka who cant hang......ha ha............but I'll be ready memorial day to labor day!!!!!!
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