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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. Eating dinner with Rafi.....ha ha ha......I would feel so dumb after that..........rod calls him fraggle rock......sorry im making myself laugh thinking about some of the rafi stories......rod please start a thread for sir kosta with all the stories.....start off with the little gremlin going to the nets game and getting kicked out!!!!!!
  2. anyone worried about this shit.......kind of hypocritical when a large number of us (not all) put worse products in our bodies.....but for some reason I am debating about cutting this stuff out of my system.........alright bus, njstacked, carguy, throw your 33 1/3 cents in each and rip this thread apart.
  3. I am too good looking to be your brotha!!!!!! ha ha ha!!!!......no clue where the digga is, i think he mumbled something about taco bell, blockbuster, wearing a pink dress and lipstick, and never going out again!!!!!
  4. .....well said brotha riggs......i was just gonna tell him to let justin spin already and leave the hip hop to another night!!!!!
  5. I think you need two seperate rooms to pull it off..........it is tough to have it in one room only because you have to have a perfect balance of music to keep the crowd happy.......you know how it is when your at a club and you start getting pumped and a fawked up song comes outta nowhere......it ruins the vibe!!!!! just my fiddy cents!!!!
  6. dave...emad....dave!!!!.......hell yeah we are going!!!!
  7. emad......billy was bouncing in the titty section when we there.....I stubled over there and found digga dancing on stage for the locals in his husky thong.........not a pretty sight!!!!!
  8. me and roddigga will be bringing the old school fdu crew there to check it out......just keep the youngsters to wednesday nights!!!
  9. you were definitely stuffing your face and picking your nose mylittlejukeboxbootyshakenprincess!!!!! kthxtalktoyasoon!!!!
  10. no you didnt just thank the little people.....please rod respond to this nonsense while I
  11. danielle.....go get a hobby and stop posting depressing stuff
  12. your such a thug kelly......i could picture you and jessica boppin your headz like gangstas butchering all the words to the song
  13. yeah I checked it out with digga, giorgio, and dknybabe.......we all thought that the place looked alot better.....also had a good looking crowd with a lot of energy.......its about time they tested the place out with some good djs......were definitely going back for this thursday
  14. sorry rod.....i was reading my mom the brochure....and she said......"aw davey looks like a nice place to meet a good girl"....as she took out her checkbook and said the first 5 girls are on her......what a good mommy!!!!
  15. stacked....remember I daytrade....mostly very thin stocks (easier to bully around to make a bigger chop).....you probably are doing larger block trades in high volume stocks.......correct?.......right now I am only trading about 50,000 shares a day!
  16. yes everyone....this was sir siscos idea.....we just put our shorehouse up for sale and we depart immediately
  17. Guys you have to check out this site: www.cat69.com .....my friend told me about this place he saw on tv and it is legit.....basically you show up this tropical paradise and you get to get freaky deaky with supermodels .....females.....you get to stay home and watch the spice channel
  18. scott.....scott.....scott.........first off, i stopped in at shark bar last week to see santana and the place was pretty good......very good looking crowd and it has alot of potential.......this thursday should be even better with tsettos........no offense.....but someone who promotes Jimmys Haunt should never be allowed to make any comments on any other venue........but i said would stop in and check it out.....i am just waiting for my elephant tazor so i feel safe in there.....ya heard!!!!
  19. anyone watch the postfight interview......i felt that much dumber after listening to him speak...."I broke my back"..... ha ha ha.....what the fawk was that......"its spinal".......you kidding me......"praise be alah"..........how can someone look so tough, act so tough, sound like the biggest pussy!!!!!
  20. jess.....heres a big cyber hug for ya ..... now start smilin' damn it
  21. HA HA HA HA HA..........boo hoo hoo......
  22. kelly you are my hero....your like a dumping machine......we down here at the toiletpaper plant thank you from the bottom of our hearts.....without you we woudnt have a job.....so keep on scarfing down the tacos and dropping the lumber and we will make the extra thin paper with the perfect finger slip differential so you get double the pleasure
  23. is it me or was there like 15 carls running around that place
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