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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. Let me rephrase myself.....jimmys is the biggest joke......."3 levels, 3 atmospheres"........yeah they all suck......when you leave the first shitty atmosphere you get kicked in the phase by the second one.....if you even make it to the third one you were already hit on by 5 400 pound hippos and the second playing of zombie nation......I would rather watch grass grow......
  2. I would rather watch paint dry!!!!!
  3. this is obviously for second place....... ha ha ha ha ha
  4. "To all the ladies in the ladies in the place with style and grace"...........BIGGIE........."this goes out to you and you" .......no competition!!!!
  5. happy birthday danielle.......mylittlejukeboxpimpette!!!!!!
  6. I apologize my little jukeboxgetjiggiewithitpartnerincrime........ you know I got nuttin but luv for ya........I will take the crown away immediately......now I will go scoot away to the gym......havefunthanxbye
  7. Danielle......I fell asleep about 165 posts ago of yours ..... lay off the coffee and get some rest.....you have officially been crowned post whore of the day!!!!
  8. her name is janice fool.......dont know her number though....I went to school with her.....she is pretty cool
  9. Just went there for lunch in edison.....usually go once a month.....all I gotta say is wow.......you need a herd of elephants to eat the food there......I think we need a team mangle luncheon one of these days so we can challenge ourselves to an eating contest.......I am going to go throw up now........later fools
  10. no chica....this is your month to shine.......the bus is working on the next months criteria.......so go dance around and enjoy the spotlight
  11. Shortbus since you were MIA yesterday.....the digga appointed myself as the Feb. hottie chairman.......however this is no easy task so I went to the bullpen and called upon yours truly as a co-chairman...........however, since it is a new month and a new ruling board.....new rules/categories will be taken place......I will allow you to use that warped/creative mind to list this months criteria to become the new Valentines Day Hottie!!!!!!!
  12. Just do what I do riggs and nod your head like you are actually listening to him, but make sure you dodge the sweat and drool missles he shoots at you.....it almost looks like you are sparring with him or busting out a new dance move
  13. Happy Birthday Chica!!!!!! HHHOOOLLLLLLLAAAAAA!!!
  14. good luck justin......Im sure you'll blow it up.....and dont worry no phone calls after 12.......riggs already gave me 2 kicks to the stomach and a fat lip for it........I'll try to show up and give some support for ya......peace
  15. hey thanks for taken a liking to me you pudgy little hawiian midget. unfortunately i was not at cherry, i ended up getting dragged to float, which i might add was pretty good. rydell was pretty good and i am not a fan of metro lounge. shawn ink tries way to hard and is nothing more than a jp follower, get off his balls shawn. as for you roddigga i never heard you spin, nor do i care to since your signature has a line from a plasmic honey cheese track. so you fit right in with the cheeseball cd spinning crew over at cherry. i bet you guys swap mp3 like baseball cards, fucking clowns. like always cherry was sick and constantly getting more packed. obviously something isnt right if no one is dancing.
  16. that just got me all pumped up before the gym........362 mph.......super pimp baby!!!!!......than I yelled to my momz to make me dinner.......sorry......I gotta calm down now......thanx chica ala stardo
  17. I feel honored to fill yer shoes digga......I will try my best.....just keep a drooling trewguy away from me at all times......he tends to scare away the entire female population.....also, I would like to submit that I am hiring mr.bus as co-chairman for the search....he tends to get out a little more and would only boost the level of competition.
  18. .....yes ms.dkny.....you did bring a breif tear to my eye with that statement......I was about to run to the bar and put my mouth under the tap......thank god it was just a misunderstanding.....next time we will need a third party to translate so I dont leave the club because you say you are tired and I say what "fire drill" and I run outta the club....thanx chica
  19. more than once I saw rod walking around the club by himself with a tear in his eye.....mumbling......mystify....mystify......anyone see mystify......he looked so lost and so upset.........than he came over to me and said........"I dont think she is going to come dave".......I didnt know what to say because he looked like someone stole his puppy
  20. I only went in early with you for the comp not to serve you the 38 drinks you guzzled before .......and also all joking aside.....elite you guys obviously recognize who brings the crowd so keep getting the 3 djs together for future events and us rowdy followers will continue to show....."if you build they will come"......and next time get that fu*king ice off the parking lot or I am going sew everyone from badass to sir giorgio to the 4000 monster bouncers you had in the club......one per person......come one the digga and myself arent that dangerous and the bus wasnt even there!!!!!!!
  21. .....Im telling.......boo hoo......come on trew guy dig deep and grab that one testicle of yours and repeat after me......Im not a slinky....Im not a slinky......Im not a slinky......maybe one day it will happen big guy........one day!!!! PS bus.......please dont hurt trewguy he really didnt mean it......dont be mad at him......pretty please
  22. rod you could have played a mix of new kids on the block and vanilla ice and kelly would have still said it was awesome.....kelly you are always good for a chuckle........"too many stairs at float"
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