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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. I think I might be going again, I went this week. Some boardies were there.......I am not gonna shout out names. It was a really good night, a few times it got so packed I thought it was a theme party. Music was real nice, I actually danced. He threw in alot of new music too. Bumped into a few undercovers, had some of us on edge briefly Can we share the corner????? whats yours is mine and whats mine is yours?????
  2. Kosta, now come on.......you know you only rented the corner for a few hours........ ATM Factory Corner is mine and my crew.....every weekend thats where you find us.....(i am every other or every few weekends)
  3. in all the corners of all of SF, you had to walk into mine
  4. I was there........awesome time It was so crowded, you couldn't move Way too hot JP was awesome great meeting and chillin wiht a few CP members
  5. I said the models looked like trailer trash I guess I am ugly then.......is that why you asked me to be a clubitup model????
  6. Clubitup just needs to STFU! I am sooooooo sick of them its a white trash website and i dont care how many posts you get you have 18 yr olds posing half naked, underaged drinking and all you do it run your mouth............hyprocrite too why did you dig this thread up a month after it was posted??? are you that out of the loop that it took you this long to know about it?
  7. I'll agree with the hip hop room.......close the doors, or at least one........maybe a curtian...............something to muffle it out doesn't matter, you always have down stairs
  8. Ok, so I haven't been out much all summer. Been to a few places here and there, but just wasn't feeling the music and people, vibe, you name it, I thought it all sucked Then I go to Northfield tonight..........all I have to say is THAT PLACE IS GONNA BE GOOD AS HELL!!!! I loved it! Its classy and upscale but not snobby Music was great....... Jeff, Joe & Badass.............thank you, you made my first night out in the last few months a good one, see you soon
  9. not you, Jeff! I still need directions, like Bloomfield Ave, verona/caldwell area
  10. cum seaman i mean come see me I will see what I can do i'll pass by one of these days....... I might see you Sept 11th also........anyone have directions???
  11. you crack me up sometimes............. ok maybe all the time
  13. I need a new nextel phoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee My i90 is crackingggggggggg I want a i95 What can you do for me, love?
  14. Memories at Facadesssssssssssss Bad Ass, when i first met Bobby.........me, kim, lynn, sean & bobby a few others used to go there all the time..........well maybe for a straight month or something It was fun though I believe a polaroid of Lynn & my ass is in the DJ booth
  15. Hey badass............I need a new nextel phone, what kind of deal do you have for me???? I wanna upgrade to the i95........unless there is something better :D
  16. I take it you go to SF???? post on the SF board?
  17. The reviews I got from friends were IT WAS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SICKKKKKKKKKK SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKK SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnny ripped it til 9am, when they made him shut down. He was incredible, from what I understand Only issue was the sound system was not meant for the SF team
  18. anyone wanna place bets that i might come to this one?????? I might come out of retirement............ We shall see who i can dig up.......
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