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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. baby!!! where you been all my life!!!!!! am i gonna see you Sunday????
  2. oooohhhhh another person with my b-day HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!
  3. did you???? was i the girl in heels stumbling over herself????? oh wait that was all the girls in sandbar!!!!
  4. I am single and NOT looking.........my boyfriend was and is very lucky!!!! He still is...........since i am waiting for him
  5. I am 23 damn it!!! SINGLE!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! OMG I AM TRASHED!!! VICTOR YOU ARE MY BOY!!!!!! MAJOR KISSES TO YOU!!!!! I am sure I showered you with them already!
  6. they have this one.......True Life Afterhours Clubber..........they filmed my friends in SF...unfortunately i think I am in the backround a few times
  7. yeah i am behind, but i tend to do NYC these days last time i really read this site had to be around New Years except for a few posts here and there
  8. why isn't it at metro???????? What happened????? and what about being open til 7am? i haven't kept myself updated, so i might have missed the answer to all this
  9. does it really matter, their models are busted!
  10. My friends are tryign to talk me into CPI this year...........but no one i know is going from NJ
  11. you laugh cause its the truth, excpet my bf might argue it, but whatever
  12. awwww thank you I was there last for the Underwear Party..........I am not that big of a SF head. LOL I won't be back til my birthday BUt all and all its a good time, gotta be there with like 20 other friends though, but i think thats the deal with any place.
  13. Pitek said the same thing...........thats why its there.........funny picture LMFAO you know how I am, biggest prude known to man
  14. Well put your family photo album away, and i'll let you look through mine
  15. get over yourself I am off to make a living...............lata
  16. first off, please don't call me "sista" i don't know you and have no connection to you to be labeled that, thank you second, didn't we just say ITS YOUR OPINION other people think differently, don't jump down my throat cause your self-rightous attitude is taking over and you feel the need to prove you are right............you are right, and so am i.......so just leave it alone
  17. its just not your place, leave it at that...........its not hell to me, i met alot of really good people there including my boyfriend
  18. Thank god there is someone else out there that thinks the way I do
  19. CD RELEASE PARTY is AUGUST 2nd.............. I don't know what August 26th is............
  20. Were you referring to me when you said you saw Christine outside after close??? The pretty people know better as to get their beauty sleep before a long day of dancing.........
  21. You stfu! You didn't come say HI to me and you didn't here the close! so BLAH!!!!! to you weakling!
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