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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. Its only battling when someone out side your inner circle joins in and tries to make a fool out of themselves............ to be honest, i think the whole dancing circle started to make room for each other..........all friends join together then slowly move outwards creating a huge space to dance in.................. i don't know thats just my opinion:rolleyes:
  2. OMG, they are serious awesome...........my friends met them thru SF, so thats how i met them Definitely cool peoples
  3. lol yeah you should sleep sunday morning..........get some reason for sunday afternoon at SF................ how do you know my friends, from SF????
  4. Did you guys teach Patricia how to spin yet?????? Keep her off the drugs so she doenst screw up like at South Park
  5. another note for yourself..........no free dinners either LOL
  6. same here................going back next week for the outlaw party???? I am having a factory family reunion, so I'll be there.........
  7. Oh you caught me! Too retarded to sleep at night so i call you .........Except I am not a fan of IHOP............think of something else...........
  8. WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?! I'll definitely make it for Oscar G. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! tease is f-en right!!
  9. Barely alive from SF this weekend............must have been SARRS running through that place...........I am sick as a dog
  10. Ok sound good, except i dont drink on weekdays........work too early in the morning and I dont need to be all hung over cutting hair Also, i usually leave at 2 anyways, gotta be at work at 7am Keep it coming i got an excuse for everything
  11. AGREED!!!!!!! Denny you can see anywhere these days............love him but i wont miss anything!!
  12. LOL well i guess you dont know me that well darling...........i dont take too long to get ready.........and we usually get there at like 11 for the list so HA!
  13. LOL I know you didnt ask me...............but i am telling you so there!! :tongue:
  14. Saltwater has very cool vocals
  15. Not me!!! Ivano Bellini is at Deko..............I'll be there
  16. I agree with you babes........... Even the girls being 15 yrs old, come on people, think about it, lil girls these days are #1 sluts, #2 alot that i know of act as if they are 19-20 (especially those with older sisters) What these guys did was gross but comparing them to child molestors that rape 3 yr old who have not a clue even how babies are made to 15 yr olds who have probably sucked more dick then the ammount of times Matty will get ass-fucked, is a lil out there. How about this one????? Why didnt the parents of these girl teach them moral also???? Like sex at the age of 14 is totally wrong. Lil skanks like that is the reason abortion is so popular.............those girls should have kept their pants on and those guys should have kept their dicks away. Society is totally based too much on SEX, its crazy. World is gonna be one big STD by the time are children have children. and as for 13 yr old are easy to manipulate, so are 21 yr old, and 25 yr olds, just all depends how smart they were brought up. I am 22 now and I think i have been manipulated more as an adult then i did when I was 15. (FYI>> i had my first bf when i was 15, he was 20, I wouldnt let him lay a hand on me) oh well..........
  17. did you read exactly what i wrote???? dropping it as a CLASSIC 6 months ago
  18. You have never heard "That look" ????? They dropped that as a classics in SF 6 months ago............don't talk about DJs droppin old shit when you aren't up to date yourself
  19. Hurry up!! Damn it! I had everyone coming with me the 15th, i was going straight from work. NOW WHAT!!!!! :blown: to the pedophiles
  20. we are talking the washington post, thats must be interesting to them....................
  21. well the rate my friends are going with the steriods, drinking and drugs.....................someone is gonna need something actually, i decided to invest money into a nursing home, so we can all be retired crackheads with parkinson's, blasting the music, bobbing our heads together in like 40 years with no teeth, using a cane to walk. its gonna be strictly a clubber's retirement home.
  22. Honestly, i am against arguing, unless someone keeps pressing the issue. if you knew me in person, you'd love me.........not to make that sound conceited, but I am the most upfront, honest person who gets a bad rep for being a bitch, but i'd give any one of my friends, my kidney if they needed it. and i find its easier to forgive someone then to hold a grudge
  23. hey i never said it was a bad thing, or said anything against anyone. Just agreed and that it was funny. Hey i know!! lets all meet up and argue this in person!
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