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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! MUAH!!! miss you! when you coming home???
  2. i really need to get away from this thread before i start talking about my problems and sticky knows all about them..................... oh stickky i got a new one, wanna hear it?? I am gonna im you
  3. SF was worth $50 on the anniversary but not $100 for NYE
  4. ok but make sure you don't love yourself too much, cause then you will end up like me, never able to keep them
  5. relationships are just a pain in the ass, so fuck'm, be single, play around and be happy
  6. just my opinion, i have dealt with SOO much DRAMA in my life from others relationship to know, you can keep putting your opinion out there over and over again, but pretty much 75% of the time, the friend will listen to themself and no one else. So just listen, leaves you with less the headache too i think this is something i have also picked up being a hair stylist too LMFAO
  7. you know relationships arent all black and white and only the 2 people in the relationship know what the deal is, so no one out side cn judge. when me and my ex broke up, all i got was shit from my friends cause they told me he was an asshole. yeah he was a jerk for ending it, but he wasnt to me during the relationship. my friends couldnt understand that, they keep putting their 2 cents in about everything, so finally i just stopped telling them when i saw him or when he called me. it just none of their business. So what i am saying is, instead of getting involved, just listen cause the person complaining to you is usually just looking to vent and sort things out in their head. if a lil shit is talked who cares, 100% of the time it isnt meant, they are just angry and frustrated. if you happen to be friends with both parties, seriously seriously just keep your ear open and your mouth shout, regardless that keeps the drama to a very very low minimum
  8. I saw the flyers last night, very very impressive. Good seeing everyone at Cherri
  9. I hope i see you guys there again, I had alot of fun:D
  10. I guess he is gonna be at Roxy I might go...............
  11. I believe Tiesto will be in the city May 16th at either Roxy or Vinyl, i forgot what my friends told me. I could be mistaken, they told me after PVD at Roxy this weekend:hat:
  12. didnt they opening the new upstairs last year????
  13. its on river rd in north arlington between the belleville & lyndhurst bridge off rt 21 next to "the Stack" pancake house want better directions PM me or www.euroloungecafe.com
  14. NOOOOO WAYYYY, guys don't have double Ds
  15. if you need the list, PM me or email me at crackaa55cece@aol.com
  16. LOL sticky too kind Gotta love you i'll give you a call when i need help with the ummm you know.........
  17. LOL yes i know, i was drunk when i wrote that, very demanding. Thank you for coming Sticky, Jenejugs, Ninadd, and the others everyone i talked to said they had a really good time, so thats all that matters for me.
  19. to be perfectly honest, i never really had a good time there on a thursday before i started working there. And honestly, why do you care?? you keep posting and putting the place down, you are out of it, so why the need for all this hostility??? Friday and Saturday are packed so bad you can't move.
  20. I don't think we were properly introduced, but its factory, things are always excused cause of the condition of the minds in there. It was pleasure here too
  21. I am a girl and I couldn't stand it WHERE ARE THE GIRLS!?!?!?!
  22. I was the girl with the white bandana on, white tank I had been there since 8am
  23. RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTT:rolleyes: tell me another...........LOL:tongue: This saturday is the s&m cd release party and May 17th.........the outlaw party <<<i wanna see badass dressed up as a cowboy
  24. This is my last night there. Its a really nice place, its a shame it got such bad reviews.
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