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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. i can't tell you....i am too young to know those days
  2. eww no sorry but the lip ring is a big turn off but in any club where the rules are no hats for guys, girls can wear them.......not just Euro Girls and hats go way back into history so you cant deny us that right Well euro has alot of things to work out but they just opened, i say give it a chance, or how about this, WHY DONT YOU APPROACH THE OWNER AND START YOUR OWN NIGHT THERE
  3. i was there 6am to 11am (had to leave early, my friends closed it at 7pm) but i really enjoyed it LOTS AND LOTS of eye candy for the girls..... not as many naked people as i expected though I thought the music was really good.....best i have heard JP in a while....... oh I got in free too pays to be a single girl, waiting online outside by yourself.........
  4. from what i read it was clearing up by Tuesday...partly sunny
  5. i really dont know what you people are talking about....... i find the door guy to be doing his job and yes there is a lil talking, but its called being FRIENDLY. He never gave me his 2 cents on life or whatever bullshit you are talking about.............who knows maybe you asked for it....... I totally agree with 3rdflfactoria & jerrycxtacy as for Yanni, ummmm where do you get off putting someone down for how they look????? are you perfect? i am not sticking up for the door guy cause i really dont know him all that well just checks my id and lets me in.........plain and simple he seems to work through respect, you give what you get, maybe you people were rude to him thats why he was a dick back.......i know how people in the club business tend to think they are celebrities and deserve special treatment........ ok i think i am done..........maybe not.......
  6. I dont really wanna post my opinion but you guys just gotta lighten up I love Bobby, always have, nicest person i have known for years but if you cant wear a hat, you can't wear a hat. The door guy has always been good to me and my friends My friend wore a hat one of the nights and even though the door guy and him had actually worked together at another place, he still said take it off and out of respect, my friend took off his hat. Why make a big deal over nothing?????? I think the place is gorgeous, needs some work with running a club, but really everyone is WAYYYYYYYY to critical over corny shit. Everytime I have been there the staff as been more then nice to me and my friends. Yeah it needs time to work out the bugs, but thats with every place. Anyways, i know nothing so my opinion doesnt count Food is awesome there though Sound system is incredible.........the way the speakers keep the main bass of the music in the middle of the dance floor makes it a place everyone can enjoy..........clubbers or lounge goers lights, NICE JOB! very good, its actually a really good set up just the place is to loungy for club lighting affects my only issue with the place is the floors are wayyyyyyyy to slippery. i almost busted my ass a few times oh btw did you guys forget its a lounge not a club??? hey sorry if i sound bitchy, but i had to do it...............i still love you all
  7. billy, happy birthday........... i'll stop by Cherri March 29th, since i'll be in SoBe for your B-day, and buy you a shot or something like that
  8. I was there................. Picked up my boy and headed up to Caruso's lol wish i could have stayed but i got there at 930ish and and we were making it an early night and going to Caruso's for business purposes maybe next time
  9. anyone going to the Clevelander on friday????
  10. i better be included going to Caruso's tomorrow...........come join me, i am inviting Kelly
  11. stop complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I need the numbers of everyone going to WMC so we can meet up or something................. Deeelite...........Stardo I have Double Duece's number (btw I have some F-ed up info so where are you??? I need a friend) Who else do i need???? Come on PM me with the info or Email me at............. CrAckAA55CeCe@aol.com
  13. i am down........... date and time????
  14. i heard a rumor there is a special room in factory, top floor, VIP room where there is nothing but wall to wall microwaves......... and guess what?!?! there is a room upstairs thats always locked........and its labeled (forget what it says, who can remember anything in Factory)
  15. yeah well i do that now already so i gotta pick one or the other and seeing when i get drunk i want more then drink.........i'll cut out the drinking........
  16. you left before all the fun happened............ I am official cut off from all alcohol.............thank god, i'll be saving mucho money in South Beach......... time for work.............i will be getting the pictures soon,, probably today.........i'll email you some talk to you laters
  17. i am not portuguese but everyone thinks i am i have alot of portuguese friends.........best people in the world hmmmm Relyc friday nights..........people check it out......no crowd but great music
  18. in factory.............they night they were closed down they didnt get raided, it was a friday night at 7pm before the clubs were open............and at that time factory didnt have a friday night thats why i am asking??????
  19. nope not gonna believe it til i hear it from someone who was there....................and he just said no
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