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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. personally i find it insulting.................. this is a club site, we all go to clubs, do you think you are a bad person????? do you think you have nothing to offer a guy/girl? thats basically what people say about you cause you are in a club unless that person enjoys clubs also.... which equals common interest........... if clubs are all you have in common then so what live it up with that person til it gets old and if there is more to clubs between you and that person then seriously thats awesome there is always always more to a person just depends who clicks and who doesnt but never judge a person just cause you dont see what others do
  2. I am a club girl and what i have found is that regardless where you met the person, how you met the person and so on, you always gotta watch out........... Bar guys get too drunk and tend to be slobby, club guys get too f-ed up, are too high maintaince (i like a guy who takes care of himself) and alot do tend to have HUGE sex drives that make them hump tranvestites in a club if they cant find any ass......... My friends all say dont look for a guy at a club........well i like clubs so why not??? I personally dont wanna get all dressed up and go skippin along in a library lookin for mr right There is a select few good ones who go to clubs for the dancing and the music and to be with friends (i'd like to say me and my friends are part of that select few). The stereotype is what ruins it. My last bf i met thru friends but at Factory, that ended up being our down fall, even though we had soooooo much in common and so much fun............he loved factory more then me and now its over. well anyways................
  3. Ahhh Sticky, You know me, I love the afterhours. Even after 14 hours in factory, i still go to afterhours for a few...........BUT.............the only time i really do afterhour like good old times (summer, 2 days of being cracked out in someone's house, etc.) is when i really want the next day to just be a waste of time. So going home after a club is definitely ok, you arent missin much if you dont go cause usually everyone is too retarded to do anything but sit there and stare at each other.........
  4. less then 11 days to tan and get in shape OH NO!!
  5. When did you go to Float?????? I was there with Danny & Ze this past Saturday................ actually, it was Guitar Bar (in newark), Float, Vinyl then FACTORY!!! LOL just can't stay away from there. Early weekend though, i was home by 11am. Coming to Andrea's party, right?? call me when you get a chance, I work til 5pm sat, so who knows exactly when I am driving down. miss you
  6. that has gotta be the smartest thing anyone has said about a dj on this board yet...... one of my closest friends is a DJ, he used to spin in the city years ago, then opened his own club, got tired of all the bullshit so stopped, at that point he had some what a name for himself, now you mention his name no one knows and cause of that he cant get a real break. He loves music...the one thing that makes him happy is see people enjoy his music.......its not about fame you get as a DJ, its about skills and the vibe and the love of it. if you are in for the wrong reasons you wont get very far.
  7. lol yeah right, it the same kind of rumor like the fake flyer i got saying it was SF FINAL CELEBRATION 2 weeks ago.......
  8. thats what i heard too, and JP is under contract, he cant even miss on sat/sun.............not even for WMC
  9. thank for the idea, i am gonna add that to my album of 50 million pictures LMFAO
  10. well the lingerie isnt her style, too pink and girlie where's the black leather, whips and chains.......torn fish nets........
  11. OMG THATS AWESOME!!!!! HA HA HA :laugh: :laugh:
  12. it really is an awesome pic, i love ones like that
  13. you are really really lucky i love you:blown:
  14. i am the Queen of them, cant fool me!
  15. yeah yeah sticky you always gotta excuse love you anyways
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