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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. OK ladies I know Euro Lounge hasn't had a really good review yet to date but I need some girlies to pop in and say hi there this thursday. Ladies are always free and if you come before 11:30pm, you will recieve a complimentary drink at the door. Last week, the ratio was 50 very cute guys to 3 girls. I felt really bad for all the guys. PM me if you need more info and guys, special deals if you bring girls with you
  2. Just like you meant "I'll never go to that shit hole again" And who came over to me at Factory to say HELLO!!!! THE ONE AND ONLY BADASS!
  3. LOL jimmy wait til i get the factory pictures, then you are gonna be OMG I SAW YOU!!! my good friend didnt even know it was me
  4. I feel like posting another picture.......................
  5. i had to get an extention............my cousins ran behind
  6. do they need bartenders??????? SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME INFO!!
  7. Whose birthday?????????? :confused:
  8. Factory was definitely INCREDIBLE! forgot about Madonna ~ Like a prayer new song called White Rabbit I was there 8am to 12 midnight, 16 hours He closed at 1230ish. If i didnt have work today< i would have stayed there forever. All my friends around, couldnt have been a better time. Good seeing Bad Ass and Double Duece (who shocked the hell out of me by jumping out in front of me at like 7pm on the dance floor )
  9. lol yup.....born 1980 Guest list back then...........like the ten commandments.....carved in stone
  10. wow 71 huh??? then 9 years later i was born.............
  11. yes sticky you are, and in sooo many different ways..........now stop whining before i tell you my new dilemna of the day.......... :laugh: :laugh:
  12. OMG! I thought all smart and rational thinking people disappeared from this board til you THANK YOU! oh wise one LOL:laugh:
  13. i know roland, but umm i dont get this thread, it made no sense........then again it wasnt meant for me LOL
  15. I am doing this for fun, no other reason I have my career and job established, so basically if i don't do Euro i won't be doing anything else 'cause promoting and clubs aren't my life. Also, i wont be too sure about my friends going to taste if i asked them too, i have a better chance at Euro, no offense. thanks for the offer anyways as for the owners treating the promoters right...........i have no complaints whatever, this shit is corny and needs to be put to rest
  16. THE VOICE OF REASON!!!! :clap: :aright::aright:
  17. how about ALL OF YOU just shut up and grow up? I mean come on, what are we......12??? i didnt deal with this much drama in grammar school you are all ruining a good place for all the other people and i mean ALL....freddie, sphinx, badass, carguy, etc.............ALL OF YOU! JUST LET IT GO, its not worth the energy
  18. how about bartenders????? is sandbar hiring them?
  19. come thursday the 17th its opening night, i know alot of people will be there the dj mixes it up with all music all girls before 1130pm get a free drink of whatever they'd like from apple martini to vodka/cranberry.
  20. freddie is serious nothing to be afraid of i have always been very cool with him, he just enforces the rules. and its hard to keep a cool when people talk back, you know
  21. wow, alot of shit talk, no one has anything else better to do?? whatever floats your boat! HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! :D
  22. saturdays have been good there i dont do saturday night check it out, the place is beautiful
  23. not cool for business, i think you should stop
  24. you really shouldn't stoop to other people's level if you really are him. Makes you just as bad as the people talking the shit, if not worse i personally think you are a nice guy, should keep it that way
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