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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. I am OK, no ear infection But my friend Ze had been in SoBe like 8 yrs ago when he was 18, came home with an ear infection from the water............. Let's just say he never went into the water this year in Miami, pool or ocean.
  2. thanx, i actually looked it up, Its on 38th between 8th & 9th
  3. Sorry that wasnt directed towards you Just the whole thread, its like arguing about the war, no one is right nor wrong It wasnt really arguing either but you understand :bounce:
  4. i had it bad last night, i finally make a New Jersey appearance and i get sick from something i ate. Couldn't go to Float with the rest of the crew
  5. i am done with this thread cause regardless it pointless to argue over who you should and shouldn't hang with I dont judge my friends by what they do. And i also dont judge other people by who they hang with......... Doesnt matter if its about drugs, or an obnoxious friend they are standing next to. guilty by association is the stupidest thing. I used to be friends with a girl who slept around, does that make me a slut too??? No, simple minded people thought so though, when they found out i wasnt, boy were they disappointed, and i am happy for that cause now its better known i am really not a slut to alot of people. ANYWAYS! all i am saying is STEP OUT OF THE BOX open your mind, but be smart about it like misk said, chillin in a house with drugs is a definitely not the wisest thing if you wanna clean rep.......but just cause you chill with a person in a club doesnt make you the same as that person. And just cause you are friends with that person doesnt mean you are involved in the same illegal activities as them ok case closed, i am done with this
  6. if you go back and re-read what i wrote i never said drug DEALERS either........but you did basically mention users, why would people have drugs if they didnt use them? But i never mentioned hanging out in houses, we are talking clubs here. If a person who doesnt use hangs out in a house where drugs are being used that is a totally different situation, and their own problem. In clubs you cant be guilty by association, cause its everywhere.
  7. UGH!! but no one has been around for days! CP is DEAD! WTF!
  8. Just because you hang with people who do drugs or bad things doesnt make anyone a bad person. I have alot of friends that endulge themselves in this life style and they would and have been there for me before any of my straight law-abiding friends would. and that is a straight up fact for me, i personally think everyone is way too up tight judging people by who the hang out with and who they are seem with. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER
  9. CP seems so dead! WHAT HAPPENED!!! Is everyone on vacation?????? I am bored!
  10. thats why i always keep my mother informed on everything that happens in my life, to an extent. So if she is to see it, she knows what its about and if someone comes up to her and says "your daughter is in the daily news for some drug article" she can say "oh really?? yeah she clubs all the time but she isnt like most of the other kids, she just goes for the music not the drugs" :D
  11. i personally like that part about Exit installing camera before the could reopen Ummmmm didnt they already have cameras?? a few people i know of were arrested cause of those cameras BEFORE exit was shut down
  12. i think i am gonna be doing thursday night there with a friend Everyone better pass by............. i'll have more info about it all later and if i really take on that project i might end up >>>
  13. i'll be there with bells on! ALL NIGHT AND DAY LONG!!!
  14. i almost extented my vacation down there............ thought about moving there.............. i even thought about canceling my flight so i could stay longer and drive home..............
  15. i hear that! I just spent 6 days with all my friends and now we are all doing our own thing, I FEEL SOOOOO LONELY!!! this cold weather and rain sux too!
  16. yeah hookers all over wayyyy toooooo mannnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy worse then NYC and Newark
  17. we fell asleep a few times by accident......... Trij didnt sleep at all all week, he ended up delirious cause he drove down tuesday morning then went from club to club to club to pool party to club til saturday morning............ I need to go back and skip all the clubs just check out Miami for itself instead of just the night life...........
  18. yeah we all say we are retired, but i give it 5 days for me then i am back to the pounding bass and crazy cardio moves on the dance floor LOL
  19. HMMMM i had the cab driver that said he "sort of knew where Sky lounge was" and drove all over downtown miami rackin up out fee, over the same bridge 3 times til my other friends in their car pulled him over and had us jump into a stranger's car who took us there in 2 minutes. Ridiculous!
  20. the guy i was playing with all morning looked 21, ended up being 25.........you arent gonna marry one, so just use and abuse them who cares.........i am 22, to young to care
  21. LOL It was sooo much fun, i had one guy get me in free then another one follow me around like he was my pet I was actually happy i was single again
  22. yup thats right, girls were ugly.......thats probably why i was getting hit on more then usual.......i did look cute in my white bandana omg but the guys there HELLO!!!
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