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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. Los, you left me off the list! WTF! you move away and all of sudden its "out of sight, out of mind" I am gonna have to take a few pictures for you
  2. sticky, i give the best directions, call me lol
  3. interestinggggggggggggggg well then i 2wayed the person who took your number LOL
  4. what did you do get rid of it yesterday??? it went thru on saturday........... now what number do you have?
  5. los, i 2wayed your phone the other day...........it worked!
  6. moving where?????????? i just learned how to get to your place not too long ago!!!
  7. exactly, if you do the same formula for all the numbers, you always get 18 and 18 is the symbol that comes up
  8. we threw our puppy dachsund in the snow, same thing as Wednesday, he tried to swim out i think he liked it though, he is kind of stupid
  9. i'd say logged in from there computer registers, but joey's is getting a lil behind in technology these days
  10. hmmm werent you going to Joey's???????????
  11. very logical opinion, calebos, but you can be nicer about the way you say things
  12. yup plenty of times..........its kind of funny cause you dont usually notice how long he is been on the same song unless you look at your watch in all fun, i am not going back any time soon...........
  13. i didnt cancel well actually i kept saying i was going out, cause i knew my friends were cancelling anyways
  14. listen tough guy! yeah i have just started going there but i do know my music and i didnt at all say it was gonna be good or anything..............i just said "its SF remember" could go either way, the tina is getting to JP, but he has been on Vacation for 2-3 weekends so dont you think he might just put his all into the first night opened again????? regardless of how he was back in the day, he is still an awesome DJ, and will be legendary (i have been hearing about JP since i was in like 8th grade)
  15. does it matter what night???? all weekend? hmmmmm very interesting
  16. dont feel bad for someone who has lost a parent..........it only makes them stronger............ i lost my father when i was 13, it was hard but it made me strong, independent, and kept me from taking life for granted. there is always a blessing in every hardship or loss
  17. hmmm who really knows though, its SF remember...........
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