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Everything posted by lyrik

  1. money talks - I have a feeling CJ or CP would promote for basically anyone if the price was right.....BTW that party will flop....I give it 4 weeks tops.
  2. u did see the time slots and that you ARE playing right bitch bang? better show or else ---->
  3. Alright - can we now have a running list of what people intend on bringing! Oh and just in case for the trance peeps wondering - sorry but I did intend on Groove Eric spinning - but he said he that he will be out of town attending a dog grooming convention.
  4. Tentative Lineup and Times Slots Posted.
  5. Thats what big boys and girls do when they have a home and want to keep it in one piece - it's not like I'm 16 and my parents are out of town.
  6. Well we are starting at 1pm (early afternoon) -12 hours of drinking in the sun and stuff usually gets to people (in one way or another) - BUT I am not opposed to going later - but I will not be having a marathon 2 day party. 2-3am the latest - I think my neighbors can only take so much. I may even pull the equip in by like 8pm and have the muisc inside from there.
  7. SATURDAY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND BBQ & POOL PARTY So this is going to be a BBQ/POOL party and there will be a few guidelines to remember when coming out. As I have said before (and people still did not listen) please DO NOT PARK on any of my neighbor’s lawns/grass and driveways – all my neighbors take extremely good care of their lawns. If there is no room in my driveway or directly in front of my house there is plenty of parking one street over. SW 129th Ave. (one side of the street has absolutely no houses – park on that side). Also please do not hang out in the front of my house – it looks terrible and my driveway is not to be used as a hangout or tailgating area – come inside hang outback, but let’s try to look like adults having a party and not a bunch of hoods hanging on the street corner. I have a nice pool table area and a seperate sitting area with PS2/Big Screen. This time around I ask that there is no eating in my living room area and lets try to keep the bulk of the people outside – just exercise respect and care with my home and we will all be fine. As I said before – this is strictly BYOB/Liquor and food. In the past I have gone way over board and ended up throwing too much away and wasting my time and money. Everyone usually brings a ton of stuff anyways…and I’ll have a few things but nothing like in the past (no kegs in the bath tub this time). My pool is ready and clean and it’s a fairly good sized pool (remember your bathing suits and any beach stuff). My grill is big enough to handle tons of food all at once – just be careful because the bitch gets HOT! I suggest people bring ice. More info to be added and updated to this post as it gets closer to the date, but for now… Equipment is handled: 2 Tech. 1200’s 2 CDJ1000’s 1 DJM600 1 Mackie SRM450 1Peavey Bass Sub **anything else you guys want to bring is fine by me. DJ Line Up and Time Slots (as usual it was tough to get everyone down and lineups are subject to change): 1-2pm - NO DJ - Chill Groovey Music Pool Side (CD will be spinning) 2-3pm Michael Martin 3-4pm - Eric Kitel 4-5pm - Lyrik 5-6pm - Seth Shore 6-7pm - Alan Stenback 7-8pm - MIRZA 8-9pm - Obby 9-10pm - Lotto 10-11pm - Diaga 11-12pm - RBS 12 and after - we'll see how the party is going. Time: 1PM to approx. 1AM Where: Directions (Near SW 127th Ave and 208th St – SOUTH BITCHES)
  8. SYFFYPTGF!!!!!!! or Shut your fuckin face you plate throwing Greek fucka!
  9. Nica - Nica - Hi - Nica - Hidey - Ho!
  10. So then its on - Sat MDW. I'd like to do a pool party and kick things off around 1pm and go until like 1am...or later prob. I'll post details in a couple days...but I usually have gone all out in the past...only to end up with a ton of wasted food...so you guys bring whatever you want to eat. My grill is big enough to handle a ton of food. BYOB for whatever you want to drink - again I have done too much liqour before and to pin point everyone's tatse is a bitch...nothing too new for any of us that have been doing these things for a while now. In regards to Djs and music I'll handle that but expect some of the usual suspects and maybe some new and old faces...peeps can pm me to spin...and I'll let ya know. No worries about equip. I am fully ready to go...so for those who are going to spin...the setup is: 2 techs 2 CDJ1000 DJM600 Mackie 450 small peavy sub for bass....and anything you want to add on is welcome. Because I am cool with people on both boards still - I will most likely open this to both CJ & CP - as is always the case - people can see from replies to threads just who and what will be going off and make an adult decision whether to come to have fun and be cool...or choose to skip...your choice...those who have come in the past have a good idea what goes down.
  11. nah - I think I can make room for one weekend.
  12. yes sir - but isn't always like that.... and if Leo wants he can take full control of my grill...I'll be letting everyone know by the end of this weekend if its a go.
  13. I was thinking about doing a pool party Sat. Mem Day Weekend
  14. I don't give a fuck about those points - I got a neg one too - called me a pansy - I guess I shouldn't have gone with that pink shirt last time I was out - but just remember anyone calls me a pansy in person....AND..... I"LL DROP YOUR YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I still got love for the poderator - he's never done me wrong - I just don't know why some people get preference over others in regards to what they are and are not allowed to post - can we just start over and all be friends again C'mon guys - please? Guys...hello...
  16. If thats true - this is exactly what I am talking about in respect to DOUBLE STANDARDS -...now STFU or I'll drop your ass!
  17. ya but see thats where it goes off - like I said I am not offended by him really - but others are - just as with Koky...it just so happens that Koky offended people that work directly with CJ - so is that the message you want to send to your board members? All the while preaching how you want to keep a respectable website - that it's okay if you're just board members and get offended continually, but in order to get any real action taken the actual people behind Cj have to be personally offended or attacked - it tells everyone else that the people running things over couldn't care less about how board members feel towards things unless something personally and directly offends the guys running things - you can't preach respectability and flip flop back and forth in regards to what is allowed and who is allowed to say and do it - well I guess you can because in a sense thats whats happening...but you're damn well never going to come close to that respectable title you guys are reaching for.
  18. does anyone really pay attention to those things on here - I always forget and end up readin them like 3 months later.
  19. Not that it matters too mucn to me because saleen doesn't bother me one bit (I do actually find the guy funny at times and other times he is just a joke in himself) - but he does offend people on regular basis more than koky ever has IMO (on both sites) and has a history of this that goes waaaaaaaaay back - I don't want it to seem like I am taking sides in this but it does seem a little silly that once Koky started to offend "certain" people that work closely with Cj he was banned - but all the rest of the regular patrons on the site that get abused by Saleen day in and day out go by the wayside...like I said could give a flying fuck if Saleen stays or goes - but if you are banning one person for doing the EXACT same thing as another all the while trying down play it like its something totally different...well thats just flat shit and you may be fooling some people (probably newer members of the site that haven't had the experiences most others have had with Saleen) but you not fooling us all - here's the truth - you want a respectable website as you guys keep crying about over there - be consistent and unbiased - the shit on all ends (Koky, Saleen and the people that work with CJ) is just getting plain annoying - this thread is "moved" here - this person can say what they want but that person can't - give it a fuckin rest of all you - its just plain childish on ALL parts....or at least have the balls to be fuckin honest and just come out and say it - SALEEN CAN SAY AND DO WHAT HE WANTS (for whatever reason that is) - and ANYONE else that makes an attempt at doing the same will run the risk of getting banned because there is an obvious DOUBLE STANDARD. Its not that hard is it? We all know its true.
  20. lyrik

    Att: Koky

    This is not to be confused with his upcoming *I WOKE UP NEXT TO A DUMPSTER* european tour.
  21. I always yell back "It's Illinois - not IOWA" see how much they know - pfft!
  22. lyrik

    att: phillipio

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