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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Nov 18th TONY HUMPHRIES is playing at DISCOTHEQUE along with blaze and a performance by JOI CARDWELL, also shelter is having a new party called FUZE spinninw ill be FRANKIE FELICIANO. Deephouse mixed with funk and soul.
  2. hey techno sounds like you are like me when it comes to what you like. Cause i know how great it is when a club is half filled and everybody is their enjoying themselves and dancing while the dj is playing HIS STYLE. I agree thats what i like. Man if your around come out with me TONITE,thurs,sat, sun,
  3. ive been saying it for a while now more parties goin on besides the clubs you know. Look for them and see how much fun they are.
  4. what do you mean by classic house though. Can yuo be more specific.
  5. well once something is commercialized it becomes OVERSATURATED and the CORE is gone or no longer there. I mean people now make music for the love of it and spin for the love of it and of course getting paid is great. But when it becomes the other way around it loses its soul. Look at hip hop as a perfect example it IMO use to be something great but since lik 95 when it all became about getting paid it has become the crap that is still out now. And partially it is p diddys fault while yes him and a bunch of other peeeps got rich they somehwhat took the soul away from the ART. Now i guess hes trying to steal the soul of EDM.
  6. wurd im about the djs ,producers getting paid but for soem reason it just doesnt seem right that P DIDDY will be the cause of it. I mean do you really think the genral public will care that lets say for example an artist thats with p diddy on a track is spinning anywhere or making music. Or will they just buy anyting that has P DIDDY NAME. I look at this like CIELO mondays for FRANCIOS K, the crowd there wont follow francios to lets say a smaller place like SAPPHIRE because its not hip or chic like cielo. That to me is not an ARTIST fan. Did i make any sense? Cause i know what i mean but i dont seem to know how to explain it lol.
  7. happy bday leo and if your down for something tonite and FREE, AIM me.
  8. Well more importantly what kind of DJ or style of music are you into? Cause last yr over @SHELTER, DEEPA,LOUIE VEGA and TIMMY REGISFORD played for 15hrs and it was only 25 bucks.Since danny t wont be in nyc again this newyear eves im waiting to see whats SHELTERs line up gonna be.And since SHELTER is a MUSIC,DANCERS club there NEVER A DRESS CODE, come ready to sweat. Most of the MEGA CLUBS this yr arent my cup of tea, ikon,spirit,avalon, no thanks, im also waiting to see what crobar is goin to offer. But most likely i will be at SHELTER or another underground party. And new yrs day theres tons of parties starting at 12pm and even 3pm and 6pm if you stil have energy to burn. Last yr after the 15 hrs of shelter went to BABYLONS KISS party for a few hrs then wen to DEEP for DANNY KRIVITS party but left after like 1 hr cause i couldnt stand up anymore lol. Anyhow more importantly i guess it all depends on the sound and crowd your looking for.
  9. well unfortunately SUPER CLUBS of today arent owned by MUSIC lovers or music driven people. Its now about the cash. Which is why im always talking about the PARADISE GARAGE and im not even from that era. Man do you know what it mustve been like to be surrounded by 3000 or more people every fri and sat for 10 yrs who where there to only DANCE DANCE DANCE and who shared the same love in music and dance. The last of the clubs musically driven was 6 HUBERT STREET, but now thats gfone. And i always mention SHELTER but unfortunately its only like that once a week, while other nights the club and its other rooms are rented out for other parties. So until the day a megaclub opens and its owned by djs, producers, record labels or something. Were gonna have to contiue goin to whereever the DJ we like is playing and go to the various smaller parties at smaller venues or word of mouth parties with the big djs, like tonite.
  10. lol at you d, i mean of THAT SAME PARTICULAR TYPE OF STYLE. And you do have a point sometimes girls suddenly become attractive once their into somethin your into. But based on experience that only lasts for only so long. And from managing a hair salon for 4 yrs on the upper east side and for goin out for 7,8 yrs now ive gotten to experience a bunch of things and NOW know what i like to date and what i like for other purposes.
  11. im not into the new york nightlife per say, im into THE HOUSE CULTURE and theres a difference. The history of the music i love was born thru the anti popular culture. Is mr diddy makin or gettin into this scene to make money or cause he loves it. Hey i always have said that their are 3 types of clubs in NYC: PRETTY PEOPLE CLUBS(BOTTLES N MODELS), PARTY CLUBS(DRUNK AND GET LAID), AND MUSIC CLUBS(CATERING TO THE DANCE CULTURE). As for the hating i dont understand where that is coming from, i have NOTHING BUT LOVE for the scene and culture im in. I may not like a particular style of music or people who need drugs to enjoy music,but thats my taste. Now watch someone take whatever words i said in this post and make some bs drama over it.
  12. whaddya know about TODD TERRY, oldt? And of course most guys would sleep with the girls at spirit or THAT PARTICULAR type of girls. But after you fuck about 11 or 12 of them theres nothing special about them at all. Rather find something different. And remember the KEY WORD is FUCK them not Be with them. And remeber that for some this is a lifestyle (myself included) not just something I do for fun.
  13. i dont care who you are move outta my way if your not dancing. But i didnt see him nor do i care.
  14. see ya there, i'll be the first one on the floor and the last one standing at the end hehe, should also be alot of us peoples there as well. Have a good time.
  15. theres no dress code for this party, as for cameras i dont know.
  16. hehe ic nah man i go to tons of private loft parties, dont really like big clubs and prefer smaller ones wiht a family feel. So i guess i will see ya there then NICE.
  17. you were there, how did you miss all of us or did i or we meet you i cant recall now. And yeah i felt bad for kai when that happened but hey things happen. No biggie.
  18. hes far from a trance dj. And i just got home what a good time. BASSBOY wrote a review.
  19. hell i bring shades to the club as well but i keep them in my bag and i dont put them on until i walk outside to avoid the sun at like 8am.
  20. sanchez spins every month now at crobar so charles will be a great treat.
  21. yo eric it was a suprise seeing you there lol. And i dont know the HYPE or diference of the cds dvds blah blah blah. Right now im at work and i must say i had a blast. This being my forth time hearing sander and hes 2 for 2 defintely made up for last time. Musically iwas having a blast hearing the music take control of my body and making me move. And crowd wise it was way better than the last time i was at crobar which was a plus. And so many people were out from every messege board it was insane. More importantly, CHRIS and KAI did such and amazing job openign up. From the minute i walked into that place and saw KAI up there i didnt stop dancing.Hopefully they will open up for sander again in a few months.Good seeing everyone and meeting new people bday peoiple danced there asses off, and i think WE all had fun. Eric sunday if yor free PM me. Will write more once i settle in or something. Cause right now im at work and i cant think to much ort soem reason. Oh yeah for those who were like WOW YOU HAD HAIR (cause i took off my bandanna) of course im not bald, but i have natural short spiky hair and i dont wanan look guido like lol.
  22. yo samurai rememeber that night it was you me and eliseo dancing super hard at the beggining you had a pimp hat. Music wasnt that consistent but we did have some fun. Anyhow chri and kai are opening up and there awesome.
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