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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Im dressing up as the MASK. J/K no costumes for me cause i gotta leave by 8,830am to b at work by 9. But theres always sat and sun. And last yrs boo yourself was so much fun with costumes as well.Im sure its gonna be a good time but danny really outdid himself on sun.
  2. Im NOT goin to vote but will tell ya that KERRY will win. Reason being that him and bush are really pushing for the same GOALS, NEW WORLD ORDER. Bush fucked up big time in the eyes of the people so to make everyone feel good KERRY is the one who is looking like the SAVIOR. But it all doesnt matter caus this world is FULL OF LIES and is TERRIBLE anyway. And with THE MARK OF THE BEAST (VERI-CHIP) on its way to being mandated it wont matter.
  3. did you think about IKON for DANNY TENAGLIA. See ya there.
  4. all this talk of school makes me feel like goin back. Havent been in college since 1998.
  5. hey brandon KEYBAR was fun but what happeneoutside of keybar wasnt. On thurs nights the resident dj is name JED QUINN and hes a very good dj and brings in guests such as down deep, playground,alex pearce, etc, basically NYC UPAND COMING TALENT, it is small but when me and mscrew stop in we move the tables around. JED can play anywhere between deephouse ti some bangin tribal to some radiant tech to some funk grooves. MUSICALLY you wont be dissapointed. FEEL THE LOVE@KEYBAR thurs.
  6. wususp girl, things are much different around here,you will see.Will here the mix on sat or sun but by the tracklisting im enjoying just reading it.
  7. wususp girl, things are much different around here,you will see.Will here the mix on sat or sun but by the tracklisting im enjoying just reading it.
  8. best set danny played since his closing party at arc. Nothing over 126bpm, just as most of us needed and wanted it. Now we got what we wanted so now i guess he can play for the IKON crowd on fri. Thanks for everyone who came out on short notice but now you know why it was done this way. And to answer your question D it was at CIELO.
  9. best set danny played since his closing party at arc. Nothing over 126bpm, just as most of us needed and wanted it. Now we got what we wanted so now i guess he can play for the IKON crowd on fri. Thanks for everyone who came out on short notice but now you know why it was done this way. And to answer your question D it was at CIELO.
  10. just woke up,lol what a weekend. Forgot aout this until now, if my lil legs make it out the house i will be there buddy.
  11. Ron Hardy Remembered by Terry Hunter and Stacy Miller. A tribute to the man who brought the music to "The Box" - Ron Hardy by Terry Hunter and Stacy Miller. It's very important when writing about the history of House Music to mention the man who really got the music moving in Chicago at The Music Box, Ron Hardy. As you may not know, Ron gave many of our "House" hero's their first spin on the turntables, like Marshall Jefferson, Chip E. L & R, Adonis, Larry Heard & Robert Owens to name a few. Ron spun at the Music Box originally at 1632 S. Indiana, then to its' most famous location at 326 N. Michigan lower level. This was made famous because of its' 72 hour marathon parties where Ron would spin all 72 hours and always had a packed dance floor. Ron was one of the first to experiment with edits of the hottest disco classics, and was known for playing records backwards when the vibe was right. "Ron did only what he truly felt no matter what the situation" and he was praised for it. Praised so much that the term "All Right Ronny" came to be. Ron's tapes were known as the "drug" of House Music. People were so addicted that they would sneak in portable cassette players to tape the parties "live". Ron was truly a D.J. Pioneer, and there is no question that Ron paved the way for House Music in Chicago. Ron, we love you, we miss you, and thanks for your inspiration.
  12. holy crap thats crazy lol i guess someone wanted to make it a night to remember.
  13. i ahevnt stepped foot in there since carl cox and vowed never to go back. Actually since 2 months ago for the 718 sessions party which THANKFULLY moved back to DEEP. Theres jsut somethign weird about the dancefloor setup not like limelite was. Yo check your pms.
  14. sanchez is far from "HARD" dont get confused by the grooves of the track along with the sequences of the music and the bass of the soundsytem.I mean its not JP is HARD,(SADLY over the last yr)ERICK MORILLO at discotheque is hard. Its somethign i always wanted to talk to ya about but laways forget on i m's. Lemme also add MAURO is to hard and fast for me to "DANCE" to but i wouldnt say its not good, feel me. Although after like 10 min i probably couldnt handle it. I use to love that stuff b4 though but for like the past 2 or 3 yrs i can only listen to it for a lil bit not in excess. Just as im sure the same logic applies to people who cant ddance or like much of the slower stuff. One of my friends was also there that night and named me a few of the track listing roger played. Cause i was confused by your comment (HARD)and ask around to settle my confusion.I n a way i know why you would think it was just "HARD".
  15. i get out of irene in 1999,still hear mills producitons from early 90s, and mauro is just to hard fo rme to handle, one cd is enough. There you go lol.
  16. thats alwasy gonna be a problem for you.
  17. welcome back eddie be callin ya in a few and defintely see ya tonite.
  18. MELTING POT NYC ITS ABOUT 1hr 20 mins and tehres a live perfomance until about 13mins when louie vega takes over. ENJOY! Heres the flyer for the event mayeb some of ya were there, i know SAMURAI was.
  19. great to see everyone had fun and to drew and arg who partied hard with me on fri good to see ya had the energy to do it again. I wouldve joined ya if i didnt have to be at work yesterday cause i wouldve slept the whole day. Well now im at work and just counting down the hrs for tonite. So mask says HARD digital says SOULFUL which one was it. I think maybe mask you misunderstanding the HARD cause of the BASS and sound system in that room it is loud and hard hehe. But knowing sanchez for yrs im sure he followed with deep all the way thru techy right.
  20. good to hear everyone had fun. But what took you guys so long to get into the SMAN lol.
  21. but do ya both seem to forget that i have caught sanders last 3 sets here in nyc.And have enjoyed them with the last one being ym least fave though.
  22. thast right, its an awesome displayed ive witnessed it many times over the yrs and its great. "JACK YOUR BODY"
  23. hmmm clinton your the person i was trying to remember who said they partied since the 70s. See ya at roxy.
  24. dont forget to conserve that energy for sunday as well.
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