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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. I have nothing to do with the CODE RED party at pacha on sat the 8th. And that party will be far from lame did you not see the line up. And yes i dont know you personally but i know your personality on this board and we both know alot of the same people who do tell me about yourself and all the places you havent showed up. And yes i dont go out maybe not 6-7 nights of the week like i use to but i still put in a good 3 night out on the dancefloor a week, hearing different djs playing thru out the city and of course the same ones who have monthly residencies. Thanks for being observant with that said what parties will you be at in the next 3 weeks so we can both be on the same floor, i'll give you mines.
  2. Yo NMN is one of the pople on this board who only type stuff to get peopel to respond to there shit, but usllay doesnt go to anything anyway and is only trying to get a respond outta of people.
  3. Me too, but have fun everyone who goes out. And if your not looking to be in a big room that night im throwing a party at a brand new lounge in the lower east side,if interesteed let me know, it will also be free.
  4. Both of us dont have that mentality so sorry to dissapoint ya. But if you want to come down to TUTS on fri night i'll be there. And everyone should come to pacha on sat for the CODE RED party.
  5. Cool looking flyer wurd, more than likely i will skip out on picotto and get there when danny comes on if i can make it out that night.
  6. You beat me to it ms 500, hehe, mos def will see you there.
  7. welcome welcome, see you on a dancefloor soon enough, what styles of music and djs your into and beware of all the fake names on here and wanna be funny characthers.
  8. See you guys at TUTS on fri night and PACHA on sat. Hopefully deep as well but i doubt it so see ya at LOVE on sun for JOE CLAUSELL.
  9. MON and WED at CIELO are perfect. As for tues i would say go to SAPPHIRE for the DEEP SEE party with EMAN n LOLA, nothing bt house dancers and great music.
  10. tHAT would be awesome, i love frankie great night not to long ago when he played spirit on a sunday.
  11. Had fun the short time he was on.
  12. I think the soundsystem in pacha is pretty good as well. But my personal opinions for best soundsystem in NYC in order is: 1. LOVE 2.CIELO/SPIRIT 3. PACHA
  13. I hear what your saying and YES i fall into one or all those categories you describe depending on what you think of me. BUT i will say that for the die hard fans it will be something special and for the first timers they will want to ONLY be part of that scene for long time and think that is the only type of party should be like. But im sure it will be alot of fun for the fans like yourself, so enjoy. We may not know each other or agree with musical styles but i do wish for you to have a good time.
  14. And for the record if it wasnt for the Gays and the GAY movement after stone wall this dance/house culture would be a different story or wouldnt exist at all.
  15. ANGEL is def a great Talent and has been around for a long time with junior vasquez and the original soundfactory (27st) being a big influence on his life. As for the asians well sadly those types of asians usually in theirlate 30's and 40's and usually off the boat and give alot of the asians who are cool in the scene a bad name. Theres so many great and cool asians out there especialy in the deephpouse scene who dance unbelievavle.
  16. 218 sullivan street between bleecker and west 3rd streets. Should be fun and i would be there if it wasnt for my own party at 196 Orchard street ata lounge called TUTS. Its free so come thru if ya like b4 hand or after. Musically it will be deephouse,tribal,percussion driven house beats.
  17. websterhall is always packed might not be the most music orientated crowd but it does pack out each weekend.
  18. This has to be the smartest comment youve ever made. But then again maybe its not about the music at his parties entirely, maybe its THE PARTY itself. Which i cant relate too, cause i need the music to be awesome at any party im at.
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