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Everything posted by SuGaRNSpIcE

  1. he must because he likes to do shit that pisses me off and it puts my foot there
  2. like my foot up ur ass
  3. doesnt that look like fun babe???
  4. oh no , that is totally unexceptable!!!! lol, i had one of those too, someone duped my name, i havent seen them on here yet though, and they batta not yo!!!!!
  5. its not a big deal, really
  6. LOOK!!! i think we scared him off, hes not on anymore lol
  7. it is a good idea though, lol , jk
  8. maybe he is scared of commitment
  9. that would be evil n fake
  10. married and prego in a coupple years but it didnt work out that way
  11. im 26 ill be 27 nov 2 , but i dont think a wedding will be that soon, he was sayin maybe engaged in 3 more years , i didnt like that answer too much
  12. be pregnant by 30 the latest, or 31 tops, i would love to right now but doesnt look like that happening
  13. i dunno, hey u never know right? who knows if it will even happen, YA JUST NEVER KNOW I GUESS
  14. oh not that soon, lol, id say id like to be married in like 2 , 2 1/2 years
  15. lola , you are scaring him
  16. not that young, im gonna be 27 soon and hes 30, i wanna have kids atleast by the time im 30, i want a couple kids a couple years appart, i dont wanna take that risk with complications with pregnancy, and i want him to stil be able to run around w his kids and not worry about a broken hip, lol
  17. sowie, i figured that since u buy so much crap that you would apperciate that one
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