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Everything posted by g420

  1. don't waste your time arguing w/these 2 terrorist lovers
  2. Farrakhan hates Jews cause he's a Muslim douchebag & they all hate Jews
  3. Farrakhan's a racist piece of shit who should be shot, and anyone who respects him or his opinion needs to drown in a pool of AIDS blood.
  4. wow there's a shocker U.S.: lack of progress in probe of convoy attack may harm aid By The Associated Press JERUSALEM - U.S. officials are pressing the Palestinians to find those behind a deadly attack on a U.S. diplomatic convoy three months ago, and warn that lack of progress may harm American aid programs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a Palestinian Cabinet minister said Saturday. However, there has been no direct threat to scale back aid, said the minister, Saeb Erekat. A U.S. Embassy official said Palestinian authorities have not fully cooperated with the investigation into the October 15 roadside blast that ripped apart a diplomatic car in the Gaza Strip and killed three American security guards. U.S. officials have not traveled to the West Bank and Gaza since the bombing, an unprecedented attack on Americans in Palestinian areas since the outbreak of fighting more than three years ago. Erekat said he discussed the investigation last week with U.S. officials who told him lack of progress would hamper aid work. "They said they can't get to Gaza and the West Bank and this would affect their work," Erekat said. "I urged them not to link these two issues," Erekat said, adding that he believes the Palestinians are cooperating fully in the investigation. "I don't think it's appropriate or advisable to cut aid to Gaza and the West Bank in these circumstances." The U.S. Agency for International Development, which has given Palestinian groups $1.3 billion in the past decade, is scheduled to award contracts next month for a key water project that would benefit 2 million Palestinians, Erekat said. The U.S. Embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that "we're not entirely satisfied with Palestinian cooperation." He said there has been some progress, "but we want to see more." He refused to comment on whether American aid would be scaled back. The U.S. State Department has offered a $5 million reward for information that leads to the attackers, and teams of FBI explosives and forensics specialists have visited the site of the blast and met with Palestinian security officials. In the days just after the bombing, Palestinian police detained seven members of a rogue militant group, the Popular Resistance Committees, and briefed the U.S. team on the questioning of the detainees. But American and Palestinian officials refused to comment Saturday on details of the investigation since then.
  5. http://www.ourenemies.org/HamasAlbum.htm
  6. NAACP is a joke & Affirmative Action is not only a form of racism towards non-minorities, it is a form of racism towards minorities too it lowers people's self-esteem & motivations && has negatively impacted the "minority" community. Studies has shown that since AA has been removed from certain educational institutions, minority enrollment has in fact increased.
  7. I don't consider Kahane a terrorist, if he was prime minister this would've been over long ago & a lot of lives would have been saved.
  8. I'm not trying to scramble for examples douchebag, there are plenty through out history, all one needs to do is put Islamic terrorism into a search engine. There are thousands of examples & I'm not even counting the ones that take place in Israel. The IRA has had ties to Hamas.
  9. Ben Gurion was a great man as was Meir Kahane
  10. F that stupid Limey he shouldn't have sited with terrorists. F the International Solidarity Movement too.
  11. By reclaiming a land that was rightfully theirs.
  12. Unlike you I don't deny or backpedal on my so-called hate. And if I was to hate it would be justified, Jews/Christians/Buddists aren't blowing themselves up on buses & Jews/Christians/Buddists didn't fly planes into buildings & Jews/Christians/Buddists aren't the ones who are waging Jihads all around the world. The MD/VA sniper wasn't a Jew/Christian/Buddist , the soldier who threw granades into his own barracks wasn't a Jew/Christian/Buddist ...all the criminals I just named were all Muslim....and I can come up with 1000000 more examples ...
  13. It will end when the arabs stop hating the Jews, meaning never because their whole religion & way of life is based on hate because their "holy" books tell them that they are superior & the Jews & the Christians are "renegades" & "infadels".
  14. They shouldn't have ever stopped....it's a shame that it takes yet another homocide bombing to make her resume.. JERUSALEM — Israel (search) is set to resume targeted killings of top Hamas (search) militants and leveled a blunt warning to the group's elderly spiritual leader that he tops the list of those to be hunted and put to death. The threat comes after a Palestinian homicide attacker blew herself up this week at a crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip (search), killing four Israelis. Deputy Defense Minister Zeev Boim said Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin topped the list of those the military is stalking. "Sheik Yassin (search) is marked for death, and he should hide himself deep underground where he won't know the difference between day and night," Boim told Army Radio on Thursday night. "And we will find him in the tunnels, and we will eliminate him." Yassin already dodged one Israeli attempt to kill him in September. A warplane dropped a 550-pound bomb on a building where he and the rest of the top Hamas leadership were meeting in a single room, but Yassin escaped with just a small wound to his hand. After several other high-profile but ineffective attacks against Palestinian leaders in the summer, Israel scaled back its efforts in concert with a significant drop in Hamas bombings. There was never evidence of even an unspoken agreement between the two enemies. Israel insisted that the downturn was attributable to its own security forces, claiming that they arrested as many as 30 potential homicide bombers. For their part, Hamas leaders, though often in hiding to avoid Israeli strikes, kept up their militant pronouncements and rebuffed efforts by Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia and Egyptian mediators to declare a halt to attacks against Israelis. The homicide bombing on Wednesday put an end to the "so-called quiet period," said the Israeli air force commander, Maj. Gen. Dan Halutz. The attack at the Erez crossing was the first time the Islamic militant Hamas dispatched a woman homicide bomber. An Israeli security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Yassin issued a religious edict permitting women to carry out bombings, something Hamas resisted in the past, and that Yassin personally approved the attack. Halutz denied that the reduction in Israel's targeted killings was linked to a slowdown in Palestinian attacks. "Since it is a preventive measure, it has nothing to do with the number of casualties that we have," he told a meeting Thursday of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Air force helicopters launching missiles have been used in most of the targeted killings, which Palestinians denounce as assassination of their leaders. Without giving details, Halutz said the air force and military intelligence have developed "pinpoint" methods to "hit only those who deserve it." However, dozens of bystanders have been killed in airstrikes in towns, cities and refugee camps. Top army commanders met at the Defense Ministry on Thursday to consider a response to Wednesday's homicide attack. It also was decided at the meeting to close the Gaza crossing points with Israel only briefly, until Sunday, to minimize hardship for ordinary Palestinians, the official said. The closure prevented thousands of Palestinian workers from getting to their jobs in Israel and a nearby industrial zone. The workers, among the few with jobs in the impoverished coastal strip, worried life would only become harder following the bombing. Some workers, though unwilling to directly criticize Hamas, questioned the wisdom of the target -- the crossing they must use to get to their jobs. "I think we have the right to fight to end the occupation, but at the same time we have to think 100 times before any act," said Fawaz Radwan, 42, who works in a food factory near the Israeli town of Ashkelon. Even such veiled criticism remains relatively rare, though some Palestinians grumble in private about tighter travel bans or other hardships caused by the militants' actions. In a society where consensus is valued, criticizing the armed groups openly is seen by many as a betrayal. Thousands marched through Gaza City during the funeral for the bomber, Reem Raiyshi, 22, a mother of two small children. Masked gunmen carried her coffin, draped in the green Hamas flag. "It is not enough to call her a hero. Calling her hero does not give the whole truth. This woman abandoned her husband and children in order to win paradise," a Hamas leader, Mahmoud Zahar, said in a eulogy.
  15. Most religious people realize that the muslims are waging a holy war or a jihad against judeo christian beliefs that's why the support the war.
  16. If they really loved their kids they would not be awarding them for blowing themselves up or sending them to their deaths & telling them they'll reach allah, the only thing they love is their hatred towards the Jews. These people do not have the same morals & values, they are beyond barbarians & the sad thing is that their holy books & their clerics encourage them. I've said it before & I'll gladly say it again, Islam is the enemy of world peace & is to blame for all the warfare & suffering in the world.
  17. March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said: The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. There is no such thing as a Palestinian Arab nation . . . Palestine is a name the Romans gave to Eretz Yisrael with the express purpose of infuriating the Jews & further try to distance them from their land . . . .
  18. JERUSALEM — A Palestinian homicide bomber -- and mother of two -- blew herself up Wednesday at the main crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip (search), killing four people and injuring seven, emergency officials said. Authorities believe this was the first mother to act as a homicide or suicide bomber. Israel Radio reported that the four dead were Israelis. Four of the wounded were Palestinians, the army said. The bomber set off the explosion shortly before 10 a.m. at the Erez Crossing (search), where 4,000 Palestinian laborers pass every day through a network of fences and security checks to go from the Gaza Strip to jobs in Israel. Palestinian witnesses said the bomber was a woman waiting on line to pass through to the Israeli side. A witness identifying herself as Amena, 42, said four Palestinian women went into a security office at the border crossing. The explosion occurred inside as she was waiting outside, she said. "I heard soldiers screaming. The blast was very strong, and I saw one of the women, the last one who went into the room, bleeding from her legs," she said. The bomber told soldiers at the crossing point that she would set off a metal detector, because she had an implant from surgery to repair a broken leg. She was then ushered to a special room for a security search, said Maj. Sharon Feingold, a military spokeswoman. Another witness, who declined to be named, said a woman waiting with the laborers was walking strangely. When the witness offered to help the stranger, the woman brushed her off. The bomb went off shortly afterward. Wednesday's homicide bombing was the first since a Christmas Day attack at a bus stop outside Tel Aviv that killed four. The Islamic militant group Hamas (search) and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (search), linked to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement (search), issued a joint claim of responsibility, according to Lebanon's Al-Manar satellite television station. The two groups said they worked together to carry out this attack. Hamas said it sent a woman for the first time because of growing Israeli security "obstacles" facing its male bombers, Reuters reported. Hamas spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin said the use of a female bomber was unique, but added that holy war "is an obligation of all Muslims, men and women." The bomber was identified as Hamas member Reem Al-Reyashi, 22, of Gaza. Family members said she had a 3-year-old boy and 1-year-old girl. Smiling at times in a videotape that showed her cradling a rifle, Al-Reyashi said she had dreamed since she was 13 of "becoming a martyr" and dying for her people. "It was always my wish to turn my body into deadly shrapnel against the Zionists and to knock on the doors of heaven with the skulls of Zionists," said Reyashi, wearing combat fatigues with a Hamas sash across her chest. "God gave me two children and I loved them so much. Only God knew how much I loved them," she said. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia didn't condemn the attack, saying that continued Israeli attacks and restrictions on the Palestinians are leading "to more escalation on both sides." After the blast, soldiers forced everyone out and shut down the Gaza crossing, witnesses said. A government spokesman suggested the crossing would remain closed. "Israel allows Palestinian workers to come into Israel. And the Palestinian terrorist organizations took this opportunity in order to kill as many people as possible," said Avi Pazner. "I presume that we will have to take measures in order to prevent that ... It's too early to say exactly what measures we will take." The seven wounded people were being evacuated to hospitals, according to Moshe Vaaknin, an official with the Magen David Adom rescue services. Erez has been the target of occasional attacks during the past three years of violence. On June 8, three Palestinian gunmen from different militant groups killed four Israeli soldiers in a coordinated attack there. Soldiers returned fire, killing the gunmen. On Oct. 14, three American security guards were killed in the Gaza Strip just south of Erez when a Palestinian set off an explosive device at a passing diplomatic convoy. The Gaza Strip is surrounded by an Israeli security barrier. In the past three years of fighting, only one of the more than 100 homicide bombers has infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip. Islamic Jihad, the other main Islamic fundamentalist group leading attacks against Israelis, and the secular Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade have used women for homicide attacks in the past. But Hamas, the largest group, has until now stayed away from the tactic. Israeli soldiers usually concentrate more on Palestinian men as potential attackers. The violence follows a West Bank ambush late Tuesday in which Palestinian gunmen killed a Jewish settler in a car at the entrance to the Talmon settlement near the West Bank city of Ramallah. The 28-year-old victim was the father of five, including triplets born two months ago. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility. Earlier Tuesday, Israeli troops killed a Palestinian gunmen in a firefight along the Gaza-Egypt border, the army said. The army said the soldiers were returning fire. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
  19. there is no such thing as palestine, never was, never will be
  20. AIDS Anally Inflicted Death Sentence AIDS
  21. kill the white people
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