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Everything posted by g420

  1. I was there Sunday & I got in w/jeans & sneakers….there were people in there w/hats & baggy jeans
  2. Acosta was great the guy who was rippin the horn every few minutes kept ruining every song
  3. Music was good. At least Acosta was. Place was nice. Being an 18+ party there were a lot of little retards running around everywhere …. The guy who blows the horn should be shot in the face….he blows it at all the wrong times (as if there is a right time for the horn ever)…overall I had a good time
  4. Yea the zipperheads for the most part have no manners, never say excuse me or anything or they plow right into you, maybe they can't see well
  5. I thought Acosta was real good, except the douchebag with the horn managed to ruin almost every song by blowing that shit during the build-ups, and at totally unnessary times.... drinks were expensive but since I was drinking beers they were $7 which I guess is average.... Crowd was decent, a couple of shadey characters here & there * a lot of youngsters
  6. Because tigers are carnivores & don't eat fruit. :bigfinge: :bigfinge:
  7. They bombed Syria cause Syria's been funding the Islamic Jihad for years now...where have you been, it's the same shit we're doing & didin Afghanistan Syria won't do shit either (typical arab shit talking), their army is a joke, they have Soviet made weapons that are outdated. If Israel was able to fuck them up 30 years ago & Syria at the time had allies, the conflict would last about a day, the Syrian air force wouldn't even get off the ground. There was another article since then where Syria back pedaled on their statement
  8. Actually i had your Mom wash it in the sink for me, while your pops shined my shoes.
  9. a.I don't own anything by Von Dutch b.Apparently you're the scrotum sucker at H & H since you know the nieghborhood homos by name c.I'm not asking you to listen to me d.I just don't like douchebags like you who feel the need to attack people over clothes or what they wear....but I guess since you're half a sissy your only claim to fame is your "own styles"
  10. wow fruitcake i must've struck a nerve, obviously this applies to you Jizzo but don't get your crusty panties in a bunch over a hat, now run along & bounce on your daddy's lap...
  11. All you people bashing the Von Dutch trend or any other are a bunch of hypocrites, I'm sure each & everyone of you jumped on the trend bandwagon at least once in the last year. None of you are original or individuals. Now go get aids you fags
  12. Supposedly Acosta's 2-7 but who knows, come early & check out Vic Denaire he's good
  13. I used to live on the corner or Bement & Castleton
  14. I've lived in West Brighton, Grimes Hill & Rose Bank. Not anymore though.
  15. Anyone know how strict they are with the dress code there or if there is one?
  16. If they burned a cross on Martin Luther King's day, there would be riots in every inner cities, apology or not...
  17. My legs are killing me today, lol, well worth it Damn I'm getting old...
  18. I was there, all over the place but I don't know anyone on here..lol
  19. he came on around 10:30, and when I left at 1:45 he was still going
  20. I was there from 10:30pm until 1:45am & the music was great while I was there. The vibe was pretty decent, I haven't been to Arc since PVD spun there & it was good to come back. And I'm proud to say I was 100% sober
  21. At least Israel arrests these people unlike the PA
  22. Bunch of idiots but since 9 of the pilots are still on active duty, it really makes no difference. As much as I disagree with the pilots it illustrates that the Israeli's have some morals that prevent them from bombing "civilians" (who are being used a human shiled by hamas ), as opposed to the arabs, you'll never see a headline "palestinians refuse to carry out homocide bombings on school buses"
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