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Everything posted by g420

  1. This is old but needs to be posted This letter was written by Yashiko Sagamori on Nov 6, 2002 in a Japanese newspaper. : If you are so sure that Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country: When was it founded and by whom? What were its borders? What was its capital? What were its major cities? What constituted the basis of its economy? What was its form of government? Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat? Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation? What was the language of the country of Palestine? What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine? What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese Yuan on that date. ?· And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur? If you are lamenting the low sinking of a once proud nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that nation proud and what was it so proud of? And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call Palestinians are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over -- or thrown out of -- the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War? I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day Palestinians to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won't work here. The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it the Palestinian people and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the West Bank and Gaza, respectively? The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut and California with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called Palestinians have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel, and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a nation -- or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled. In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side, should pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel's ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What, are you saying again, was its beginning? You are absolutely correct in your understanding of the Palestinians murderous motives. I am afraid however that you, along with 99% of the population of this planet, have missed the beginning of WW III (they call it Jihad) quite a few years ago. The siege of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979, an event to which the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner had so miserably failed to respond, can be very well used as the day WW III stepped out of the pages of the Koran and into the current events. I pray the United States and Israel lead the world to victory in this war. Come to think of it, there is no choice, be you a Christian, a Jew, or even, believe it or not, a Muslim.
  2. These prisoner swaps are a bad idea, they usually turn out to be in the favor of the arabs.
  3. Raver_Lunatic was having his own party on 9/11
  4. You're right hopefully he won't get re-elected, he's too soft on the "pals"
  5. Mark Regev has much more validity than "Maria" from Jersey City, the same JC where arabs were jumping for joy on 9/11, like the U.S. doesn't have spies in Israel, every country spies on other countries whether they are allies or not. You just posted this article (which is dated June 2002) to divert attention from your own glee about 9/11 in hopes that other jew haters like yourself scan through the article & see the words "Israel & 9/11" in the same article & make some stupid connection. Just like all the jews knew to evacuate the towers before the slaughter (yeah ok). There I responded. Please spare us the backpeddling that the footage of these ragheads celebrating was filmed at another time & another place because that has been proven time & again to be true. Now go choke on your curry you piece of camel shit.
  6. We're only considered the bad guys by a few terrorist sympathizers like raver_maniac (who still raves anyway, gay pacifiers suckin' pill heads ) & his butt buddies
  7. I wonder how many on this list are Muslims?hmmmmmmmmm If Muslims were responsible for 99.9% of terrorism in the world there would be no need to "profile" (which I don't even think really happens that often due to the ACLU & other lefties crying).
  8. Please, if a Jew wrote this type of song about egypt or any other arab country, you'd be all over it like an Iraqi on a camel.
  9. Show me references to violence against non-Jews in the torah
  10. here are some more about the religion of peace.. Why are all terrorist activities that target innocent Non-Muslim victims always abetted by Muslim terrorists? What is it that makes the Muslim mind so subject to criminality and the display of such violent tendencies right from his/her childhood days? The answer lies in the systematic brainwashing that Muslims are subjected to since birth. The majority of the Non-Islamic world has deluded itself into believing that the principles of Islam are tolerant in nature. This misconception is heightened when people think that the fault lies with only a handful of misguided Muslims who are not adhering to Islamic principles and hence indulge in terrorism. It is time for the entire world to realise that Islam by its very nature and through its essential principles openly supports, encourages and propogates Terrorism of the worst kind. Therefore the Islamic terrorist is in fact the most devout Muslim, because he is following exactly what Islam teaches through the Divine Koran. It is this very Koran which is considered by Muslims to be the holy word of their Allah himself. The Koran functions as the central terrorist manual that urges them to slaughter, rape, torture,pillage, mutilate and molest all Non-Muslims. The Muslim is exhorted by their G-D to kill, mutilate, molest, rape and steal. This repetitive conditioning of the mind is performed by indoctrinating the Koranic Surahs in every Muslim child at Madarsas (Islamic schools). The Muslim child daily memorizes the Koranic Surahs which exhort him/her to murder, violence, hatred and crime against every Non-Muslim. The Muslim child learns to hate Non-Muslims, before he loses his first tooth. The doctrines that are forced down his throat are so deeply embedded in the child's mind, that he cannot view the world in any other perspective except as a composition of Muslims and Kafirs (Infidel). It is also made clear to the child that ALL Kafirs (Non-Muslims) are evil by their very nature and that it is every Muslim's moral and religious duty to either convert all the Kafirs to Islam by force or Kill each and every one of them. Koran 17:16-17 When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants Here Allah, the God of the Muslims is clearly stating the exact method that he adopts when he commits genocide of an entire POPULATION. And why does Allah decide to destroy entire populations? Simply because they don't believe in Allah and so Allah will kill them all, to take revenge. Next Allah is indulging in an unbelievable display of conceit. He is actually BOASTING about how many generations he has destroyed after Noah. If Allah had a list of his merits, no doubt genocide of numerous generations of people would top his list. Allah enjoys watching the annhilation of thousands of Non-Muslims at the hands of his pious followers, the Muslims. Koran 8:37 In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost The "All-Merciful Allah" is now specifically instructing all "peace-loving Muslims" to heap up a mountain of corpses of the non believers. Of course, in order to do this holy task for Allah, the Muslim must first go out and attack innocent Non-Muslims and massacre them so that Allah's wishes are fulfilled. Allah seems to have an inexhaustible thirst for the blood of innocents. Note that the reason given to massacre non-believers is that "Allah may seperate the Impure from the Pure". It has nothing to do with self-defense or protection as Muslims try to argue. The explicit purpose for this heinous crime is so that Allah can easily differentiate between the Muslims and Non-Muslims. This way it becomes a lot easier for Allah and his angelic helpers to dump the heaps of murdered Non-Muslims into Hellfire. Koran 21:11 How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their inequities, setting up in their place other peoples Again Allah is boasting about his amazing exploits such as genocide and displacement of innocent people. The justification for this crime is that these innocent people had "inequities". Apparently any community which is not Muslim is full of inequities by Islamic definition and therefore fair game for all pious Muslims to massacre and plunder. Koran 2:8-10 In their (Non-Muslims) hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease and grievous is the penalty they will incur, because they are false. So Allah not only exhorts Muslims to kill all the non-believers, he also strikes down the surviving ones with disease and pain. Any good Muslim must surely carry out their beloved Allah's word. In fact Allah's word seems to be very much in effect in today's world. This is why one sees pious, Allah-loving Muslims like Saddam Hussain nursing factories that make weapons of biological and chemical warfare. Saddam is complying perfectly with Allah's wishes to the letter when he manufactures strains of deadly viruses to be unleashed on unsuspecting non-believers like the Israelis and Americans. He has secured a place in Islamic "Jannat" (Paradise) for himself by following Allah's orders so religiously. Koran 58:5 Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be crumbled to dust, as were those before them: for we have already sent down Clear Signs and the Unbelievers will have a humiliating Penalty Those who resist Allah and His Messenger" obviously refers to anyone who is not a Muslim. Therefore every Non-Muslim must be crushed to death by the holy edict of Allah. No doubt it was this very verse which must have served as a motivation for those pious Muslims who bombed the World Trade Center. Allah must have been extremely pleased to watch all those innocent Non-Muslims being crumbled to death. Koran 44:43-50 Verily the Tree of Zaqqum will be the food of the sinful. Like molten brass it will boil in their insides, Like the boiling of scalding water Seize Ye Him and drag him into the midst of the blazing Fire Then pour over his head the penalty of Boiling Water One shudders to imagine the kind of effects such a torture manual has on the impressionable mind of a young Muslim child. Is it any wonder that so many of them grow up into hardened criminals who possess a distorted, sadistic and perverted psyche. Repeated exposure to and encouragement of the thoughts expressed in this verse would surely inculcate violence in the very core of a child's being. This description of Hell for the Non-Muslims has been the model for every pious Muslim in the past and present. In India, Sikh Gurus were tortured to death in exactly the same fashion. They were boiled to death in a cauldron of scalding liquid. On April 20, 1998 in Udhampur, India, over 30 innocent Kashmiri Hindu men, women and children were burnt alive in exactly the horrific manner sanctioned by the "Most merciful and All-Forgiving Allah", for refusing to convert to Islam. The above verses are only the tip of the iceberg. Any deluded Non-Muslim who thinks that Islam is the religion of peace and that it is only misguided Muslims who commit terrorism and atrocities, can pick up an English translation of the Koran from any bookstore and refer to these Verses (Surahs). If, even after reading these Surahs, you are foolhardy enough not to realise the facts that I have explained, then here is a list of Allah's plans for you. All of these punishments befit you by default if you happen to be a Non-Muslim. Even a mass murderer will eventually attain Pardise if he is Muslim, wheras any Non-Muslim, even if he happens to be a Saint is eternally damned to Hellfire by Allah's decree. In Allah's own immortal words: Koran 2:39 Those who reject faith (Islam) and belie our signs, They shall be Companions of the Fire and abide in it. Koran 2:89-90 The Curse of Allah is on those without faith (in Islam) Thus have they drawn wrath upon wrath on themselves and humiliating is the punishment of those who reject faith (Islam) Koran 5:33 The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land Koran 9:35 On the day when Heat will be produced out of the wealth in the Fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their sides and their backs- "This is the treasure that ye buried for yourselves, taste ye then the treasures that ye buried." This verse is referring to those people who don't spend their money in the way prescribed by Allah. Obviously if you happen to be a Non-Muslim, you don't spend money in the ways that the Muslim Allah prescribes, so this is the fate you are heading for. Beware All Ye Filthy Capitalists of America! This Surah's for you. Koran 8:50 If you could see when the angels take the souls of the Unbelievers at death. How they smite their faces and backs saying "Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire" Even the angels will be doing Allah's dirty work for him. The Merciful Allah does not discriminate among his Muslim followers. Everyone starting from the Muslim Bum to the Angel gets a chance to maim, mutilate and kill Non-Believers. Allah is truly just and Merciful! If you do happen to pick up that copy of the Koran as I mentioned, don't expect your fate to improve, unless you become a Muslim. Allah doesn't want Non-believers to understand the Koran. This is quite understandable on Allah's part, because any self-respecting human being who reads the Koran will be revolted at the violence and sadism espoused in it. Is it any wonder that Muslims don't want Non-Muslims to read or discuss any part of the Koran? They are afraid, that anyone who reads it will soon realise the true nature of Islam, which is genocide sanctioned by religion. Here Allah explains that Non-Muslims will never be allowed to understand the Koran: Koran 17:46-47 And we put coverings over their hearts and minds, lest they should understand the Koran, and we put deafness in their ears; when you commemorate your Lord (Allah) and Him alone in the Koran If a Non-Muslim cannot understand the Koran, how is he/she expected to convert to Islam on their own accord? This is obviously an admission on Allah's part that people can be converted to Islam only by violent force, because he has ensured that they cannot understand it via reading the Koran. For any Non-Muslim to understand the Koran would be absolutely counterproductive to Islam. Muslims have hidden the truth from Non-Muslims for ages. It is a fact that the available English translations of the Koran do not contain many of the original Arabic Verses. Many particular verses were edited and changed by Muslims, because they were just too violent and explicitly revealed the brutal and barbaric nature of Islam. The Koran is a psychological manual that incites hatred and violence in the reader. It was specifically designed for this very purpose, so that the Prophet Mohammed could carry on his tradition of Genocide and Terrorism, long after his death. The entire recorded history of Muslims is a testament to this fact.
  11. how about all these? The Koran teaches the hatred of Christians and Jews ____________________ "Do not take the Jews and Christians for friends" (Surah 5:51) ____________________ "fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness" (Surah 9:123) ____________________ "fight those who do not believe in Allah" (Surah 9:29) ____________________ "and fight them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah" (Surah 8:39) ____________________ "fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace" (Surah 9:14) ____________________ "Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them" (Surah 9:30) ____________________ "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" (Surah 8:12) ____________________
  12. Ok jerkoff explain the "goodness" in believing that the revelation to Muhammad, according to orthodox Muslim belief, is the final and perfect revelation from the one true G-d. It corrects and abrogates all previous revelations, including the Torah and Gospel that form the foundation of the culture of the non-Muslim West. The Jews and Christians who remain in the world after the time of Muhammad are renegades who have rejected this final revelation out of corruption and malice & must be eliminated ???
  13. I don't represent the Israeli cause nor should that cause be judged by what I say (i'm one person0, I strongly believe that most if not all Muslims are raised to hate Jews & other "infidels" but that's my belief & opinion & I have read many excrepids from the Koran that state that.
  14. If I was a cock I guarantee I'd be in your mouth, circumsized & all.
  15. Court sentences Israeli Arab teen to 8 years in prison By David Ratner, Haaretz Correspondent The Haifa District Court on Tuesday sentenced a 16-year-old Israeli Arab boy to eight years in prison, after he admitted to plotting a suicide bombing. The minor, who is a resident of Haifa, was convicted under a plea bargain. He admitted to a charge of conspiring to aid an enemy at war, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison for minors. For adults, a conviction could be punishable by death. According to the indictment, the minor, with the aid of others, plotted to blow himself up in Israel. The boy has lived in Haifa for four years, and acknowledged his plans were to "bring disaster on youngsters his age." The boy's investigation revealed he was proficient at operating cellular phones and was asked to plan a detonation mechanism that could be set off by dialing to the phone. Judges Aryeh Razi, Ron Shapira and Yosef Elron stated the boy must be punished "in a manner which will deter minors from cooperating with terror groups." 8 years is way too light of a sentence for this piece of shit
  16. Most racism comes from the Muslim population
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