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Everything posted by g420

  1. The best parts of the “fight†scenes were, during the 1st confrontation when the “short†guy finally called this Kojak looking homo out all of the sudden he wasn’t too quick to put his hands up & fight, just talking smack “go home little man, I’ll break youâ€, the “little†man seemed ready to throw down. The Bamboo thing as a joke, he got held back by a skinny girl if he really wanted to fight he would’ve easily got around the girl to get at the guy. Fruit
  2. music was boring exit is a terrible club crowd was a bunch of dirtbags mostly.
  3. Figures they'd rather see their people suffer than accept aid from Jews, bunch of racist shitbags. Just like the homocide bombers' families would rather send their children to death than recognize Israel as a state. Here's the full article from Haaretz 20,000 people die in earthquake in Bam, Iran By News Agencies BAM, Iran - governments around the world rushed hundreds of medical experts, rescue teams, water-purification systems - even tea - to Iran on Saturday to provide aid to the earthquake-ravaged country. The scramble to dole out millions of dollars worth of aid and assistance was a harried first step for Bam, Iran, where officials say at least 20,000 people were killed and thousands more injured in the wake of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake Friday morning. Two leading rescue officials said the final death toll from Friday's quake could be much higher. "As more bodies are pulled out, we fear that the death toll may reach as high as 40,000. An unbelievable human disaster has occurred," said Akbar Alavi, the governor of Kerman city, the local provincial capital. "We need help, otherwise we will be pulling corpses, not the injured, out of the rubble," Brigadier Mohammadi, commander of the army in southeast Iran, told state television. Jahanbakhsh Khanjani, a spokesman for Iran's Interior Ministry, said Saturday that Iran would accept aid from all countries of the world, aside from Israel. The announcement followed statements by foreign correspondents in Jerusalem, who reported that the Foreign Ministry had said that unofficial Israeli sources were considering sending aid to Iran. "The Islamic Republic of Iran accepts all kinds of humanitarian aid from all countries and international organizations with the exception of the Zionist regime [israel]," Khanjani said. U.S. President George W. Bush, who once branded Iran part of an "axis of evil" for allegedly developing weapons of mass destruction, and other world leaders rushed to offer whatever help they could to the Islamic Republic. Washington has no official ties with Tehran, but Bush said in a statement: "We stand ready to help the people of Iran." A spokesman for Bush said Washington would be offering humanitarian aid, and a U.S. official said the State Department would be announcing an aid package soon. The quake struck when many people were still asleep in their homes. About 70 per cent of Bam, a popular tourist spot some 1,000 km (600 miles) southeast of the capital Tehran with an historic citadel and other centuries-old buildings, was leveled. Reuters witnesses in Bam said hundreds of corpses were bundled into trucks and the back seats of cars. Distraught relatives wailed next to bodies wrapped in blankets. Many residents were feared trapped under the rubble and the city of 200,000 in Iran's Kerman province was without water, power or fuel as night temperatures headed below freezing. Some people accused the government of doing nothing to help them. Survivors lit fires to stay warm in the open amid the mass of flattened mud-brick houses. Survivors using their bare hands joined search teams tearing at rubble. "I have lost all my family. My parents, my grandmother and two sisters are under the rubble," said Maryam, 17. One grief-stricken old woman, her face covered with dirt, just kept saying: "My child, my child." The United Nations, European Union countries, Russia, China, Poland, Japan, Turkey and others also heeded Iran's appeals for help from the international community. They pledged doctors, medical supplies, financial aid, and rescuers with sniffer dogs and equipment to locate survivors. A 60-strong British rescue team with sniffer dogs, special cameras and listening devices left London on Friday night and was due to arrive in Kerman, near Bam, early on Saturday. Rubble-strewn pavements were lined with injured, some on intravenous drips. State media said two hospitals had collapsed, crushing many of the staff, and remaining hospitals were full. The injured were being ferried to neighboring towns. Mechanized diggers hollowed out trenches where the dead were hastily buried without rites. A large part of the ancient citadel was destroyed, Kerman province governor Mohammad Ali Karimi said. Dating back 2,000 years, it had sprawling fortifications, towers, buildings, stables and a mosque. It was the city's main tourist attraction. "The city of Bam must be built from scratch," said its governor Ali Shafiee. Houses in the date-growing area are traditionally made from mud-brick, making them vulnerable to earthquakes. Bam is on the old Silk Road route between China and Europe used by merchants and travelers for centuries. It is a tourist spot with inns, a theological school and bazaars. In Tehran, state television showed people queuing to give blood. Bakeries in Shiraz said they would make bread from dusk until dawn as their contribution to the aid effort. Quakes are a regular occurrence in Iran, an oil-producing country crossed by major fault lines in the earth's structure. In June last year, a tremor measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit northern Iran, killing at least 229 people and injuring more than 1,000. Some 35,000 people were killed in 1990 when earthquakes of up to 7.7 on the Richter scale hit the northwest of Iran. Tehran was hit by a quake of about seven on the Richter scale in 1830.
  4. This is from Debka, I don't know why the fuck Israel is even offering them help "As many as 70,000 may have perished or been injured in earthquake catastrophe in Iran’s Kerman province to which aid is pouring in from many countries. Iranian government officials have said help accepted from every country in the world – except Israel. This response made to indirect aid offer from Jerusalem to Tehran."
  5. the muslims have been attacking jews & christians through out history way before sharon or arafat, stop blaming them & place the blame on islam where it belongs.
  6. Never be peace until the arabs recognize Israel as a legitimate state, which will never happen, those people are born & bred to hate & racism is an inhereted part of their culture & religion. I'm not just talking about the Israel issue. All over the world, from Pakistan to Africa to Chechnya to the Nation Of Islam here in the US. These people are waging a holy war against modern society & no one sees this.
  7. An enemy of Israel is an enemy of mine.
  8. g420

    Von Dutch

    Personally I don't like VD but if you do, wear it. Who cares what other people think. Half the people who bash on Von Dutch are themselves the trendiest assholes ever. Most of this scene is based on superficial mindless trends to begin with. Bunch of sheep.
  9. I used to hate these things & think they were real ugly but I got a pair of the new ones that just came out, by far the most comfortable sneakers I ever wore, getting a 2nd pair this weekend.
  10. Bunch of traitors, they'll sing a different tune if one of their loved ones gets blown up on a bus by one of these palistinian scumbags
  11. I'm surprised you didn't say the IDF or Sharon was behind this
  12. Thousands Feared Dead in Iran Earthquake Friday, December 26, 2003 TEHRAN, Iran — More than 15,000 people were reported killed after a devastating mangitude 6.7 earthquake (search) rattled Bam, a historic city in southeast Iran (search) on Friday. "What I know is that more than 15,000 have been killed," one of Iranian official told Reuters. Earlier, officials said at least 5,000 people were dead as they said twice that many could end up as fatalities. Another 30,000 people were injured. President Mohammad Khatami said the loss and destruction was a "national tragedy" as his government declared three days of mourning for the victims. "The quake hit the city when most of the people were in bed, raising fears that the death toll may go higher," said Hasan Khoshrou, a legislator for Kerman province where the quake occurred. Officials surveying the city of 80,000 people from helicopter said about 60 percent of the city's houses were destroyed, Khoshrou said. Water, power and phone lines were cut. The earthquake struck at about 5:30 a.m. The U.S. Geological Survey (search) reported the quake's magnitude was 6.7, capable of causing severe damage. It reported an aftershock of magnitude 5.4 about two hours later. Authorities in Bam, 630 miles southeast of the capital Tehran (search), put out a call for blood donations. "Many people have died," Kerman province Gov. Mohammad Ali Karimi told state media. "Many people are buried under the rubble." Relief teams set up their headquarters in a public square in Bam because their offices in the governor's building had been ruined, Karimi told state radio. Karimi said worried relatives from surrounding areas were heading to Bam and causing massive traffic jams that were slowing rescue efforts. He urged them to stay home and wait until phone service was restored to try to find relatives. Reports said the earthquake destroyed Bam's medieval fortress, a massive, 2,000-year-old structure that sits on a cliff near the city and attracts thousands of tourists each year. The fortress includes scores of ancient mud huts. "The historic quarter of the city has been completely destroyed and caused great human loss," said Mehran Nourbakhsh, chief spokesman for Iran's Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross. Authorities have sent numerous rescue workers with helicopters to the area, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. "We are doing everything we can to rescue the injured and unearth the dead," television quoted Karimi as saying. The United Nations disaster management team in Tehran has asked the Iranian government if it needs help and was to meet later Friday to assess the situation, said Elizabeth Byrs, Geneva spokeswoman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. She said there had been no request from Tehran so far. Roy Probert, spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said the umbrella group also has had no requests. Probert said the Iranian Red Crescent is well-prepared for earthquakes. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences over the earthquake. In a telegram to Iranian President Mohamed Khatami, Putin said he was "deeply shocked by an earthquake in Iran that brought numerous victims and destruction" and offered his "sincere condolences to the leadership and people of Iran." Russian Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Marina Ryklina said that two Il-76 transport aircraft with rescue workers and equipment were to leave for Iran later Friday. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder expressed "deep sorrow" over the disaster and said his country would offer humanitarian assistance. Greece put a team of rescue specialists on alert for possible deployment to Iran. Hardly any buildings in Iran are built to withstand earthquakes, although the country sits on several major faultlines and temblors are frequent. An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 to 7.7 killed 50,000 people on June 21, 1990, and most recently, a magnitude 6 quake in June, 2002 killed 500 people. Also Friday, a magnitude 4 quake rocked the west Iranian town of Masjid Soleiman at 8:10 a.m., but no casualties were immediately reported, state television said. Masjid Soleiman is about 600 miles northwest of Bam. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
  13. That speach Skribble gave about how he's from the underground & all that was corney. That was my first time there on a Sunday & I had a good time.
  14. This is probably a shot in the dark but does anyone know the name of the song he spun that night, it's a female vocal & in the beginning of the song she sings something in reference to "the towers going down"...thanks
  15. At least 3 Hamas activists injured in 'work accident' A car explodes late Wednesday in the Balata refugee camp next to West Bank city of Nablus, seriously injuring at least three Hamas activists, the Itim news agency reported. (too bad it wasn't 3,000) Palestinian officials added that the three were carrying explosives that detonated accidentally. Hamas blamed Israel <--- typical arab reaction
  16. don't be trendy, get a mullet
  17. yeah ok, the palestinian authority were the ones who provided all the info needed for this attack to the terrorists. they're just saying that to appease the US.
  18. IDF video contradicts claims bystanders killed in Gaza raid Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on Tuesday urged world leaders to take immediate action over Israeli helicopter gunship strikes that killed 14 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip Monday. Army Radio on Tuesday evening quoted military sources as saying that seven of the 14 Palestinians killed in the air strikes were positively identified as Hamas operatives. The other casualties were believed to be non-combatants. Palestinians said the seven dead were civilians killed by an Israeli missile fired into a crowd at the Nusseirat refugee camp, while the Israel Defense Forces said only militants had been struck and released a video indicating there was no one on the street near the vehicle targeted in the attack. According to video footage provided by the IDF, the target areas of at least two of the air force raids were empty of Palestinian bystanders at the time of the missile strikes. The army released the video - filmed by a remote-control pilotless-plane flying above Gaza and screened on Israeli television news programs Tuesday evening - showing two missiles hitting a car about a minute apart after a brief chase. "We didn't see any massive gathering of people. We will not allow munitions to be launched when there is a massive gathering of people," said a senior air force officer, speaking on condition of anonymity. The grainy video showed a crowd gathering around the car about two minutes after the second strike, and the video ended some 40 seconds later. The military said an additional 10 minutes were recorded but didn't release the additional footage. In his first public comments on the air raids, Arafat did not specify what international action he sought. But he told reporters that world leaders, including the Quartet of powers trying to secure a peace agreement, should "immediately intervene to stop this military madness in which they aim to destroy the Holy Land and this steadfast people." Israeli security forces remained on high alert Tuesday for threatened terror attacks by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in retaliation for the unprecedented wave of five IAF helicopter assaults throughout the day Monday. In a statement released in Beirut Monday, the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad pledged to retaliate for Israel's attacks on Palestinians. "The two movements agreed to confront the Zionist aggression on our people in Palestine and to urge all (Palestinian) factions and resistance forces to coordinate among each other to confront this aggression," the statement said. National Infrastructure Minister Yosef Paritzky said Tuesday that Israel should apologize for the civilian casualties and compensate the victims, Israel Radio reported. Asked Tuesday about the civilian casualties in IAF raids, Deputy Defense Minister Ze'ev Boim said: "the murderous Hamas and Jihad terrorism nests deep within the civilian population. Some of this population - and I emphasize, some - collaborates and aids these murderous organizations. "Not all are innocent there, certainly not those who store lathes (for producing Qassam rockets) and weaponry, bombs, and Qassams in their homes," Boim told Israel Radio, adding that "some of them also receive good money for this. This is also true of the (arms-smuggling) tunnels in Rafah." Army spokeswoman, Brig. Gen. Ruth Yaron, told Army Radio that "the primary responsibility of the IDF is to defend Israeli citizens. The blood of the victims in Gaza is on the hands of the terrorists." Yaron added that "we were forced to stop the car and capture the terrorists who were in it. To our great regret, civilians were also hit during the strike, but anyone who flees into a densely populated area put the population at risk." During three years of violence, Israeli air strikes in Gaza have caused dozens of civilian casualties. In April, an air attack killed Hamas leader Said Arabeed and eight other people. In July 2002, 15 people were killed, including nine children, in an air strike that targeted another Hamas leader, Salah Shehadeh. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, addressing the Knesset Monday, said there would be no let-up in the campaign against militant Palestinian groups. "The Israeli military will continue to act to foil terror attacks, capture murderers and liquidate terror organizations," Sharon declared. The Palestinian Authority declared a state of emergency Monday night, citing supply shortages in Gaza hospitals. The IDF said Monday that the attacks were carried out due to the large number of Qassam rockets fired recently from the Gaza Strip into Israel, and not as a response to the killing of three soldiers on Sunday near Ofra, a West Bank settlement located in the Ramallah area.
  19. that was well over a month ago, and that american was acting as a human shield for terrorists she deserved what she got.
  20. of course they were targetted because they were americans, these are the same animals who celebrated 9/11 and if one of you terrorist sympathizers tried to say that footage was fabricated, please check Scopes.com
  21. White sunshines Grey VW's #7's (white)
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