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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Don't know who this chick is but she looks good. By the way dave didn't know extra was all over mansion last time I was there http://extratv.warnerbros.com/video/video_shortaol2.html?=parislaunch Next time Paris is hosting hopefully her lil sis is there as well, looks just as good.
  2. Nice t shirts. Can't wait to see what pm sessions have in store for us in the upcoming months. As far as this friday good luck with the event, marco and carla. Would love to be there but heading home on friday for a week and a half. Also good to see you guys made it out of wmc alive with that huge marathon you guys had.
  3. Can't speak for everynight, but both times I went there got in no time. Had 2 advance tickets for delta heavy but came in a group of 4 and even though was packed as hell we just did the short advance ticket line and told them the situation and they got us all in at the same time. Not even 2 minutes in front of the door and thats pretty good considering the mob that was in front of the club. Second time for the lotus party was even smoother sailing even though had no advance ticket. Surprises me about nerve though, one of the nicest bouncers I know is that blonde that usually works there.
  4. Another two to add. Parks & Wilson (where have these guys been?)
  5. Oh one more thing forgot to mention check out proton radio on thursday for hybid's dj set in australia. Some of the tunes played Bad Mice - Bombscare (hybrid remix) Meat Katie & Christian J - Turn Me Out Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (seb fontaine remix) Men at Work - Land Down Under (unkown remix) Leftfield - Open Up (meat katie remix) Hybrid - If I Survive (unreleased version) Radiohead - Everything in It's Right Place (hybrid remix) Hybrid - Symphony New Order - Blue Monday Hybrid - Kill City vs. The Crystal Method - Name of the Game (Hybrid Remix) Hybrid - I'm Still Awake (Remix) Webcore - Control Freak REM - The Great Beyond (Hybrid Remix) Plump DJs - Pray for You (Remix?)
  6. Way Out West (Nick Warren and Jody) James Holden Infusion House Djs David Morales Harry Romero Morillo The Superstars Sasha Digweed Carl Cox Sander K Felix da Housecat And the act I wanna see the most since its been too damn long Hybrid (Live PA) come on space or mansion make it happen/If its a dj set then almost as good and any club can do that but would love seeing a live pa at mansion or space with hybrid.
  7. You guys have no idea how much of a nutcase this guy is.
  8. Anybody stick for the terrace set? Sure it was as good as the mainroom set.
  9. Been a long time since I had been to space and heard roly play there, so last night even though could not stay up late since had to drop some family off at airport decided to go for a bit. Get there around 1230 and roly was already dropping some crazy beats. Wanted to leave around 2 to get up early but nopes the beats just kept going and I had to stay a while longer. The sound system space just got is unreal. Amazing sound, clear, loud but not ear piercing and this morning did not wake up with that annoying sound ringing in my ears. Roly once again showed me why he is my fav local miami dj and I hope this year he gets more attention not just in miami but around the globe as well. This guy should be touring and exposing his sounds to other people and from what I hear this year he is gonna do a bit more of that, so good luck with that. Also thanks to biz for last night. Between him, marco, and dave this board is full of class act promoters that continuously hook it up. See him at the club and he hooks it up with a drink then later gets me in the dj booth to chat up with roly for a bit. Thanks a lot dude and I'll be sure to make it back more often for my roly fix, hope you guys are preparing his next official marathon session.
  10. Anybody go to the idiots night at reserved? Saw good reviews of it.
  11. Philippio ain't u the one that was talkin about hatin big names and supporting locals. Plenty of good parties featuring the locals. Know u hate the place but Im getting my roly fix at space 2morrow night.
  12. Best of luck up there. Been there once before for a couple of days, not a bad place at all though its quiet at least where I went. Take care.
  13. Is this a roly marathon set? If it is should be a crazy night, eddy or biz put up some info on this one. I'm there for sure to hear that new system at space.
  14. livin42nite

    attn. marcos

    Still alive after the pm sessions crazy wmc marathon. Could not make it out wednesday night but heard it was great.
  15. carlos that hernan set is pretty good, did not listen to the fortier one yet but pm me info on the delta heavy one.
  16. Congrats to stryke on the residency.
  17. Not my fav song of the conference but did hear lola's theme a bit. As far as my fav song I have no idea on the name but it had a male vocal and was played by either sasha or digweed at mansion around 2 in the morning I think.
  18. Get dade on here or on cj, he been missing in action with the progress on that club. From what I heard place should be open by mid april, but could just be bs spreading. Crobar downtown should also be fun but thats a long time away from opening ain't it. So maybe you mean later this year might be downtown's time with those two plus space. Hopefully nv keeps on surviving they have lasted much longer then I expected and dt got them some attention so if they shape up for normal hours and not just their afterhours they may be in good shape. As far as sobe, crobar had the best wmc lineup in my opinion by far. Hopefully they keep up with the great bookings cause the place is still a good club. Nerve had a good lineup as well, but I could never really get into loving that club except for the early days with pm sessions. Nikki beach and mynt surprisingly had great lineups but they for sure will be back to same type of bookings they normally do during the course of the year. Mansion I think will do well if it does not turn into a club all about the music, I think they gotta provide entertainment like those fashion shows/celebrities hosting nights but also with well known djs that will bring in music fans and not send out the large crowd who might not want to hear more underground sounds. Just don't bring in cheese acts. State had a good conference as well from what I hear so hopefully it does well after its slow start.
  19. Nick warren as well from what I heard but I thought he was playing nerve tonight.
  20. Pod any idea when nocturnal is opening up? Also anybody make it to the dancestar afterparty?
  21. Yup carl cox is playing, think the party starts at 6 tonight. Would like to know when cox is scheduled to play though.
  22. Congrats to murk, they shoulda won best single also. Paris hilton is a dj?
  23. So last night decide to head to mynt for the dancestar afterparty with og, dt, fk, and moby. Get there and realize you need either a wristband or a black card to get in. Luckily though some girl in the huge ass nonmoving line that I was talking to about the conference says she is tired of waiting and hands me her pass. Wait like 10 minutes and line is still not moving and if you were out last night you know how cold it was. I can't deal with cold and already have the annual winter conference cold starting so I say screw it and decide to check out the other clubs, but not before seeing carmen electra and her husband leaving the club and as good as she looks I'd still take pamela over her after I seen both this month. Pass by nicky's and it seemed dead and it was way 2 cold for that, crobar's lineup was not 2 impressive, privilege not too happening, and reserved i knew had a good lineup but no idea where it is so stop by mansion after I find a nice lil parking right across the club. Huge line in front of the club and its still freezing. Try to find dave to ask how much cover is and how door situation is, but before I even find him he spots me and gets me in no time and comped so huge thanks to dave for the hook up. Get in the club and I could not tell who was on, but he was playing pretty well. A short while after Pete tong steps up and plays a pretty good set. Good music, just nothing close to what I've seen from the other talents all weak though a lot of the songs were the same. He did play that amazing remix of tears for fear- shout. Damn thats a great song so if anybody got the id let me know. As far as the club itself, I don't know if its cause saturday night was 2 packed or if its cause it was cold outside but it seems like the ac problem has been fixed. Was not hot in there last night so hopefully that prob is taken care of. Same goes for the sound seemed better last night, but maybe thats just me. Still one thing I preferred the first night over last night was that first room you see when you enter the club had no music in there saturday night and last night had its seperate music. I actually preferred that area being a place you could just go off too when you get a call or to just chill away from the loud music for a while. Anyways was a great night at mansion last night. Amazing models all over the place for that bikini fashion show and the place was packed with celebs. Great looking women all over especially that brunette bartender upstairs, thats where I'll be getting my drinks. Club is really the nicest looking club in sobe right now, lighting was great last night, and crowd was great again. Hopefully the place keeps attracting that crowd which Im sure they'll have no prob doing as long as they keep setting up those parties with great visuals such as fashion shows or playboy parties with top dj acts playing. Good luck to the opium group with the place, I think they and crobar are the only thing saving sobe's ass right now from downtown area especially with the new clubs like nocturnal opening.
  24. Dude you are absolutely right, haiti has such a long history of being oppressed not just by foreign countries but also by vicious dictators and the military. The one thing we don't see eye to eye on is France and the United States helped the people of Haiti obtain freedom from a vicious murderer in Aristide. I've posted many threads about it before, had gun shots fired at me, lost many loved ones, brother imprisoned under no real charges and had to stay in prison for 18 days all because of Aristide. The guy was vicious and if the United States had intervened to help save him, you would probably complain as well as most democrats when many marines lost because so many people were willing to die for Aristide to leave. The united states and france acted honorably in Haiti on feb. 29th and in no way did they kidnap Aristide. Guy has been lying and using the black caucus to spread his lies in the US, don't buy into his bs.
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