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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Worked out pretty good, told the cop some bs story and he gave me a crap ticket for seatbelt, rather then the speeding ticket. Not too bad of a cop, esp since my lazy ass has yet to get my license in the states and still using my other one.
  2. So tonight popped in a cd, I had not heard in so damn long and it still gives me goosebumps. I'm talking about sasha's ibiza gu. Not often I could put in a cd so long after it was released and for me to still be amazed by it today. Anyways not sure if its my fav mix cd of all time, but its up there. Wondering what everybody's fav mixes of all time are?
  3. livin42nite

    November 7th

    Damn how come so many great parties in one day? Demi at nerve Christopher lawrence and vida guerra at opium Trendroid at old playboy mansion Tom Stephan at crobar Not to mention on saturday sander k at 34
  4. Damn was ready to go, but got in the car and not even 5 minutes later get pulled over for speeding. That and the rain ruined the mood for me so ended up just chillin back home.
  5. Oscar dedicating this one to tiesto Leavin now to check it out.
  6. Damn can't wait till next saturday for this, that cd is all I listen to this week. Also about sander k, looks like he shares something with saleen Wants some fun back into the scene. Anyways check out his interview on http://www.residentadvisor.com.au/features.asp?ID=363 Let’s begin with Renaissance’s image change. Renaissance is re-inventing itself a little bit – would you say you are similarly undergoing any sort of change? Musically I haven’t really changed although I’m a bit more secure in showing a few more sides of what I do in clubs. More or less the CDs I did before were a part of what I do, but they were a certain part of the night, they were not as varied as I am… For some reason during the process of making this compilation it came together as I really wanted it to be. In terms of music, I think it features me in the wider sense. So how is the Everybody CD different from the Renaissance CDs of old? I wouldn’t really know what you mean. I mean, the fact that it’s on Renaissance is great, because it’s a brand which has a certain quality mark/ stamp around it. It sort of felt like it’s cool to have [my album] with that [reputation behind it]. But in terms of the CD itself I think I’ve done a compilation which is a lot about me and it’s great to have Renaissance backing it up and being willing to release it the way it is. But I’ve been very much involved from A to B in terms of artwork and the way I wanted it to be presented to the world – I’m happy that Renaissance were as open as they were in term of going along with me and how the artwork looks and what it represents and what it should be. I wanted the whole CD to be about the music instead of about a cool superstar DJ idea, I really wanted to take that myth away. What I try to do is make the music speak for itself and let the artwork just be the artwork. I think if you look at the CD and you put it in you listen to it and you already have a smile on your face hopefully and then when you listen to it, you’re like ‘Oh yeah, I like this’, or whatever. It’s away from where Renaissance were. Obviously, I think they were a bit more serious and I think it’s good to sort of take that away from the dance scene a bit, cause it’s all about fun in the end. So it’s more about fun and personally I agree whole-heartedly, but what about the serious people? Do you face alienating them? Dance music’s about having fun on the dance floor, it’s about dancing. It was never really meant to be this sort of… [stops himself from saying what he was going to say]. It’s about losing yourself and ninety-nine percent of people do that and I really wanted to show some of the more hardcore people that are very much involved in this music that it’s okay to analyse and to be critical and to take it seriously ‘cause at the end of the day we’re in the spotlight and we gain a lot from this financially and so on and see the world, so there’s definitely room for criticism - there should be - but in the end on the floor, on Friday night or Saturday night it’s about having fun and enjoying yourself and releasing yourself. The discs are labelled Attempt One and Attempt Two – this is obviously part of the fun aspect. That’s part of it. Don’t take it too seriously. I do try to sort of make it into a smooth ride, but in the end I want this CD to be played at pre-parties and after hours where there’s fun to be had. I still do this with a passion, I don’t do this to become the best DJ or the coolest DJ. Or is it perhaps for people who can only attempt to dance? [Forces out a laugh to be polite] Yeah, maybe. The blurb of the CD says something like music is returning to pre-90s state? What exactly do you mean – have we come full-circle? Again, if I were to over analyse then I would probably do what everybody else does and it’s like, I don’t really think about this – I’m not a philosopher. I’m someone who creates and plays dance music. I want to create a soundtrack for a weekend in the end. Have we come full circle? No, I believe that because the scene was so diverse [in the early nineties] and divided into different scenes and you’re either this or you’re that… it was very segregated. If we want the sound to grow and become more accepted and whatever, we’ve got to take the seriousness away from it because it puts people off. I’m going out to have fun, have a drink and see a girl, whatever, and I don’t wanna be fucked with all this bullshit with how it should sound and it doesn’t sound good when it’s this or that. I think a lot of DJs are now going ‘hey wait a minute, we can cram all these different sounds and scenes and directions together and make it into one interesting collective of music’. Which I think for a night is great, cause a night could go in waves. Sometimes I have issues with this because when I DJ out I do the same thing. I don’t sort of bring this one sound and then three hours later it’s the same sound and for some people this is exactly what a DJ should do. For them, that’s a foolish thing. I like to go against that, because I think a night should go through different phases and it should touch different emotions instead of just this one idea of how it should be. And again, with the CD I’ve opened up to this idea and it’s probably more eclectic than before and it’s probably more wide but I’m also not ashamed to spark fun – some of the tracks might even come across as a bit commercial or a bit ‘ooh, he’s using more obvious sounds’. Whatever it is, it’s just what I wanted – I wanted to get as many different styles together – that’s always how I’ve DJed, it’s the reason why I fell in love with this music. It [dance music] supposedly should be very open and very democratic. A lot of people who used to love this music have been put away from it they went like ‘whoa, serious’. ]The hardcore people] went back to their group of friends and said ‘Oh yeah, been there, done that, I’ve seen it all and I only like it when the high hats are on the third’ or whatever. So the English press were right when they declared prog dead? I think the English journalists were absolutely right because [the scene] became parody of itself. While the DJs got carried away with being ubercool, I don’t know – I think they were exactly right with saying that it wasn’t very exciting anymore and that we should move on to the next thing that they thought was gong to be happening. So you’re the face of Renaissance for the next tour: what can we expect? I’m not going to come out and play some R&B and stuff, though I did play some R&B last weekend in NY, which was fun. I am someone who likes the eclectic and feature as many styles as I can and I like my DJ sets to really evolve into something. I’m probably more old-school than other people in that I like it to start off with a more housier and warmer vibe then slowly progress into something harder – or maybe not. The only thing I can say is that this will be the first time I go to Australia where I’m gonna be featured in an environment which I think I do best, which is in a club. All the times I’ve been there I’ve played at festivals with loads of people and I always tend to be – at least I feel at my best, I obviously can’t say if I’m good or bad - but I at least personally feel at my best when I DJ in a club environment. It’s just the music I play is more sort of made for this I guess. That’s what I would like to say to the Australian people!
  7. Nice decorations for halloween at space. Place looked really nice. Got there as danny howells was getting on so missed roland's and luke fair's set, but dh played a not amazing, but a good set so didn't feel too bad. Yeah he was playing hard when he just got there, but not too hard. Played a nice set full of songs that I wish I knew the names of. Only two tracks I can remember well that he played are that new remix of cassius- sound of violence and the x-press2 remix of milkshake. Both cool ass tunes.
  8. Dude its a dj, not a dancer. Tiesto, im not gonna crap on for being number 1 cause he could have just chilled after winning last year but did a lot to try new things to please his fans (stadium performance, two dvds, a mix cd, new website, and tons of other crap) Yeah might not be my fav type of music, but the guy works hard so I give him his props. Avb, I can't believe even made the top 3, dude bored the crap out of most people except the group that was next to the dj booth when i saw him and the other time he played at maze had like 3 people in attendence. Rest of results, screw it not going into it but it sucks no locals of ours on there when we got so much talent here.
  9. You guys hate on the station too much. They might play music for the masses, but its a radio station what do u want them to do? Commercial music on fm radio, goes hand in hand over here in the states and most of the world. I give party 931 lots of credit, cause even though i only listen to it on sunday or sat. night, its still doing a lot for the dance scene. Yeah it might be crappy tunes they are playing, but its getting more people into the scene and one day those people will be saying thats too commercial after their tastes have evolved. Big up to party931, good work on the global show and the space broadcasts and thanks for the parties you guys throw (4th of july)
  10. Bro looks like u throwing some serious parties in peru.
  11. Just finished listening to cd 2 of this comp, and its even better then cd 1 of the mix. Sander delivered the goods this time with a comp full of funky beats. Tracks of cd 2, gotta be the memory one and manila. Also check out his remix to annie lennox-wonderful.
  12. livin42nite

    Attn Lp:

    bump, and whats the cover 2nite?
  13. Well sometimes its good to have the new stuff and sometimes I would love to hear some classics. Roland mixes it up pretty damn well, which is why I try to make it out as often to hear his sets. Do agree lots of djs are not playing what they would like to really play, because everybody is taking their sets so damn seriously. Don't blame the djs though, they got tons of people criticizing them when they play fun and so I think its more of the trainspotters and the ones that sit there to just id tracks that take the fun out of the clubbing. Gotta admit though one of my top nights out this year was classics night at space, but at same time was very impressed by many others playing the new cutting edge sounds. Depends on the mood, but I think it hurts the scene when djs feel like they can only play certain records and don't play songs that they would love to play from back in the day.
  14. Dude I can't keep up, u need to post on this board more often. Funny shit on here By the way even if murk is not for you, there is that guy roland playing, everybody loves roland (even saleen and sobe) so im sure u got no prob hearing him.
  15. Biz is roland doing an extended set on the patio??? Noticed it says starting from 2-past 7 on the e-mail.
  16. im gonna be one of the ninja turtles Nah, no idea yet gotta find something 2morrow.
  17. Bro check out the new remix of rock your body he put up there, much better then the one that was out before.
  18. Missed seeing him, but heard it was amazing and what I've heard from him has been nothing short of mindblowing. It's good to see he is on that list, but he deserved to be higher up there.
  19. You all need to get this cd. Was able to listen to attempt one of it and its off the richter, lol. Great cd and the best track on there is Pig & Dan - Addiction. Amazing bassline on it
  20. My bad. How was the b-day at space last weekend? Was in santo so missed it.
  21. Demi is gonna kick ass like last time and not to threadjack but sander's new site is http://www.sanderkleinenberg.com much better then the one you put up there.
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