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Everything posted by DANCEdeep

  1. What do all of you people do all day? It seems like a lot of you have too much free time on your hands. I mean, look at this guy for example..... Now that's what I call a day-job.
  2. don't think of it in that way. Got to be thankful that you had such a beautiful soul in your life. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) we all have to die....we just don't believe it. I lost 2 amazing dogs that I had for a loooooong time (a mastiff before the pitbull). Don't worry...
  3. I'm thinking you're serious...if you are, I'm REALLLLLLLLY sorry for you!! I totally feel you! My pitbull died less than a year ago and I loved her so much! I was living out of state when she got really sick and my parents had to put her away. I found out that they put her to sleep over the phone after I was seriously considering flying home to visit her. It really broke my heart...I cried everyday for 2 weeks. It was weird b/c soon after she died my boyfriend at the time had next-door neighbors who had a pitbull at their house occasionally. My x-boy at first didn't make me aware of this b/c he thought it would upset me. I think when I first saw the dog I held back my emotions but I broke down later on. He looked so much like mine......oh man it's hard!!!
  4. Now what is up with that? You had asked, "do you really care that much about someone's race?" Maybe you can answer your own question. Prejudice of different groups isn't mutually exclusive. It all comes down to the music....being ignorant only contributes to a vibeless scene.
  5. good or bad? Key Word kidz: KTU
  6. Don't be sorry, IT DID SUCK! Not like I was expecting for it to be any good. PVD is overrated to begin with. The whole set was filled with cheesey trance. Yeah, some of it made me go--"...I remember that track back in..."--but that's about it. A lot of what he spun was the same light cheese trance combined with the same dumb-ass dance beat..over and over and over again. The video..HAHAHAHA...OH MY GOD!!!...It was weird, like every minute they would shoot Paul looking at you with the same tranquil face....freaky. The video is only useful if you're high . Now I'm really into trance...but you know it needs to, well, um, be good. Not trying to dis any of you PVD fans, just my opinion.
  7. awwww....have to give you props for that!! Now don't spend it all on one thing...
  8. Nah...not a lemonade drinker. Get me a rum and coke why don't ya...maybe I'll leave a little tip if you make it fast.
  9. "even though yarin is an illiterate fuck, it doesn't change the fact that 2 out of the 5 posts you have are just you trying to boost your own self comfidence by belittling others on something as inane as post count... " nope, not trying to boost my confidence. I don't know how that's possible on a computer. There are other ways to do that It's funny how things are taken so seriously...just having a little fun....but obviously I'm not in "the know ."
  10. f* read what I wrote and think about it......I didn't say anything about my spending a lot of time on the computer. It was the contrary genius. Hahaha...a number next to your name--I'm not going to even attempt to get into that one.
  11. I hope you're kidding! I'd be more embarrassed that I spend so much time on the computer than happy!!
  12. Anyone going to the Ultimate Break Dance Throwdown March 1st at the Key? This looks so awesome...I'm most def. going to try to make it. I'll prob. be one of the few female white-ies....this is going to be off the wall!!! Below I tried copying the flyer but I'm retarded so if it didn't come out right, f* it! How have your clubbing experience been like lately????????? I think I'm going to look elsewhere for awhile...go to more prod. parties...go to Brooklyn and the outer boroughs rather than sold-out Manhattan. When you go dancing or clubbing there are usually 3 categories of people: 1. just standing around wasting away...not getting into the music or too afraid to. 2. losers who just go clubbing to pick girls up and bust out bumpin' and grinding moves. 3. really feeling the music...despite wheter you're good or not...if you're feelin' it who gives a sh*t. Unfortunately, #1 and #2 make up the majority now that clubs are soooooooooooooo mainstream, and the talent that comes in usually is as well. Then you have these people who think that PVD and Paul Oakenfeld are gods while sportin' their spikey greased up hair and tight black shirts, only to roll when they club...just causing more problems. A lot of the djs who were true to the music aren't around like they use to be....The Dever, Tommy Tunes, Whistleboi to name a few.
  13. my sister is friends with the owner's (mirage) kid. The guy owns a whole bunch of places...loaded. I can't believe you guys actually would want to party on LI....it's all good just seems w-e-i-r-d. I personally prefer going elsewhere but I don't blame a lot of you that are sick of nyc right now....a lot of these losers are not even from ny and they act like they are, all b/c they have had an apt in soho for the past year. Must admit though that we long islanders do know how to party it's just that there's f* nothing to do here unless you shop, shop, shop, oh and I guess maybe bowl . Just to respond to some of the lame-ass comments some people have made that are obviously ignorant. A lot of celebrities do come to Long Island and there are a TON that live here and were originally from here. Not too far from where I am there's an auto body shop where a huge list of celebs--mainly in the music industry--go to time-to-time to supe up their car...Busta, Eminiem, and some other rappers I can't think of right now. Not I give a sh*t anyway but I just have to respond when people write stupid comments.
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