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Everything posted by DANCEdeep

  1. ...still it's funny, phuturephonk is some conniving mf.
  2. :laugh: ..yo that's classic....baklava...hillarious!! This post is cra-----------zy. At first you were getting all into it and playing w/phutuephunk's 'd'--you being phuturephOnk and ranking 'yourself' out by talking about your video-game habit. Then you get all serious... and even if you were being a wise-ass, I agree with a lot of what you wrote about the scene. either you're phuturephunk, trying to be funny by creating your own parallel or you're someone else playing it as a bitch----which is prob. what it is. whatever...funny!!!!
  3. eating???....hmmm...big deal should of just left it as "...i ate after i fucked my cat once..."
  4. either way---watching or eating---it's weird. How could you eat after seeing that..eww.
  5. don't take any offense to this, i'm just being honest---why don't you just type in "breakdance classes" in a search engine? You'll find plenty of places in the NY metro area and even suburban areas, whatever is more convenient. There's a few places in BROOKLYN that def. have breakdance classes. yo phuturephunk, i agree w/having your personal style or flava when it comes to dancing...to ME that's what's it's all about--I like to feel the music and do my own thing. The oldskool b-boys and b-girls didn't go to classes, instead they just headed to the streets b/c it was around. But now we f-take classes for everything. fineones, if you want to get all hardcore and shit w/this and be awesome, I'd most def. go to class. One of my friends on the west coast is AWEEEE-SOME at breakdancing b/c he worked w/a crew of some of the best kids that headed a school. Work on your upper-body, because arm/chest/upper strength is key, need a lot of power there for head spins, etc.
  6. it's going to be an AWESOME party...i like luna, it has a unique feel compared to other nyc venues. ...and glowgrlnyc, don't get toooooooo carried away w/the sangria girlie-girl..hehe:D
  7. yea, cosmicgirl76, l know what you mean...latino fuckin' house is awesome...if you ever want some hot latino beats, heard the following is in LA, but I do know of some Detroit kats who LOVE latino house!! if i hear of any place i'll let you know but right now i'm clueless.
  8. This girl can't even spell so wtf
  9. This is pretty cool. Check this out, this game server will guess what you're thinking in 20 ques. or less....weird shit. It's old-skool looking but it works. If you do happen to beat it on the basis that you're an ignorant bastard by answering the ques(s) wrong, it will tell you...so don't try to cheap-shot it. http://q.20q.net/q.cgi
  10. sorry fierydesire but you're no longer 2nd place. Beat you with 46,350... but what use it anyway b/c I don't have a dick.
  11. :laugh: OH man! you're a bad, bad, boy!!........better watch yourself You may get your ass kicked for that
  12. :laugh: :laugh: yea...but look at all the fuckin people that looked at this post...you damn druggies!
  13. go for it if you like small balls..
  14. oh no...not a bad word---people throw the word around.
  15. ....rent bullshit....all about the bills....I was told by a reliable source...you know who you are someone may look like a raver...doesn't mean they're "a raver." I noticed a lot of young kids partying last night. An 18 yo wearing kikwear & a visor, or whatever the fuck, may fit the generic look of it all but may not fit the actual role. From my experience, most of the kids that have hit up a lot of raves (I'm talking about parties back in the day) are pretty old...late 20s. I liked seeing everyone wearing their own style, brought a lot of flavor and a nice oldskool feel; better than muscleheads and hos I don't know about the past times at luna but judging from last night--even with the huge fuckin' wall--this place could be REALLY phat....you need an awesome prod. crew that has the skills to throw a party (none of this turning on the lights and bringing some djs in end-of-story, but creating the mood to begin with----a talented crew could manipulate the venue to such a degree that everytime you're there it blows you away b/c it's unrecognizable). Luna is an awesome, awesome venue for this too!
  16. I'm an asshole but this test is whack b/c I always thought that I was a combination of a fuck and a bitch.
  17. :laugh: :laugh: whatever makes you feel better.....
  18. OMG! Blunty's girl sent me some photos from last weekend. Damn!....that's one dirty, dirty guy....er, uh I mean girl ...better keep this one on a leash.
  19. word. I wasn't trying to say that working in a restaurant is necessarily a good choice. I was making the point that a lot of people decide to choose the option of getting a shitty job---making nothing---instead of assessing the whole picture.
  20. eckobarbie wrote: hey girl, i know what you mean...sleeping until 4. It's like when you don't have a job or really any true commitments, you try to sleep as late as you can!! I can get a bartender or waitress job very easily but it's the "real" job that is a pain in the ass to get. Fuckin' craaaazzzy b/c you can really make fuckin' mad $$$$ in a restaurant and then you get a real job and make slave-wage. It's like your parents get on your ass and say that working in a restaurant "is not a real job & only idiots do that"...but HEY! they would rather see you starve because you finally earned the status of working "in the real world." People just give it all up tooooo easily.....answers the question of why so many damn people become assholes when they grow up.
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