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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Clinton is a disgrace to the oval office!
  2. If you are dying and walk into a hospital they will not turn you away plain and simple. Medicare and medicade are programs to help people who need it.... The trick to solving this promblem of ours is capping mal-practice suits and getting people in jobs that pay for it and that can only happen with tax breaks and incentives..
  3. either way you wait months they both suck... You hear liberals rant about universal health care thinking they roll the red carpet out for you and that's just not true..
  4. I don't know raver why don't you tell me.. I have relatives in Europe who are amazed at the care you receive here.. Recently I have a cousin who needed root canal and waited 3 mos fgor a appointment at the dental clinic.. Again very important you get what you pay for meaning if you pay shit for health care you receive shit service...
  5. Why do people think a universal health care is better? The promblem with our system is the massive awards malpractice suits receive that drive up costs... Dan Akroyd in a interview states the last place he would seek medical attention is Ontario and if you look at other universal health care systems especially in Europe they're terrible.. France had 10k of it's senior citizens die in the summer, please explain to me how that system is better then ours?? Remember one thing my freinds you ALWAYS get what you pay for and health care isn't an exception to the rule.. Canadians have French blood running through their veins that expalins alot lol
  6. Are you for real? Guatanamo bay is a holding cell for enemy combatants who took arms against our country...How in Gods name can you compare Gitmo Bay to muslims stoning wives accused of adultry????
  7. What does this have to do with the topic?
  8. I read this article and found it very interesting. It amazes me how backwards these people are, chopping off hands for theft? What amazes me is the disdain europeans have towards our capitol punishment but are hush-hush when a father kills his daughter over a marriage dispute in the name of Sharia? ?
  9. I was shocked about the S class... I always knew LEXUS was a good car but better then a BMW 745?
  10. http://www.caranddriver.com/article.asp?section_id=15&article_id=7359&page_number=1
  11. It was the tax cuts and tax incentives for businesses, as well as a upturn in a cyclical mechanism that left alone would eventually take place. Fiscal and monetary policy are what accelerate that process....
  12. This has already been debated and crushed by common sense.. Here you go lost one lol .... Read the responses by me & mrmattas
  13. Yeah right... Do you know how ignorant that sounds?
  14. Not the NAZI link again.. I guess you didn't get the memo? lol this argument has more holes in it then alpine lace cheese and was discussed and discounted previously...
  15. Just a couple of points.. The GDP is made up of - consumer spending - govt expenditures - capital spending. It's the latter that needed to improve and that's exactly what is occuring with the latest numbers ie.. beige book, corporate profits & durable goods.. Consumer sentiment is over 90, another indicator the cunsumer isn't letting up and with a strong 4th quarter which trickel into equity prices. That rise should also reinforce the consumer's positive assesment of the future with an increased wealth factor..
  16. Oh and Bush got a standing ovation when he appeared at dinner in IRAQ:)
  17. The troops in the pics from her dinner were akward looking. Looked like they realised they were eating with a traitor..
  18. So wait you guys don't think the tax cuts worked in getting us out of recession?
  19. *****October personal income rose 0.4 percent as expected. September personal income was unrevised -- up 0.3 percent. Wages and salaries inched up 0.2 on the month. Disposable personal income or the money left over after taxes also up 0.4 percent after sinking 1.0 percent in September. Looks like wages are increasing to me bud and thats not even counting cash transactions which are un-traceable 1) Unemployement is ALWAYS a lagging indicator and 6.1% is not that bad in a country with 300 million people here is a report put out on thursday... Here is a closely watched INITIAL jobless claims... ***New jobless claims fell 15,000 in the week ended November 15 to a level of 355,000. This week did include a holiday and therefore the sharp drop was not totally a surprise. Lately, economists and market players are talking about the problem the Labor Department has with a consistent bias in jobless claims. It seems that claims have been revised up just about every week over the past year. Given that this series is so timely, economists would rather have the data early, with a known bias, than later with more accuracy. This way, financial market players will expect a slight upward revision to the figures in the following week. Nevertheless, claims have been consistently below 400,000 for seven straight weeks now... http://www.nasdaq.com/asp/econodayframe.asp?page=http://www.nasdaq.com/econoday/index.html Now to the claim frances healthcare system... france has one of the best healthcare systems in europe, and compared to the american model... I think the 10k (3x more then 911) senior citizens who died in France this past summer from HEAT says something about their WHOLE system. If I remember correctley even Chirac said "Our health system failed us" and with their negative GDP output I think it safe to say the only thing that was lucrative to the French were selling nuclear secrets to Sadam in the 70's lol... Now the increase to defense spending is essential for our protection especially in a post 911 world. Nothing against you at all but being in Europe you really wouldn't understand the urgency in our govt to protect ourselves from another terrorist attack. The most important part of that defense spending increase is the missile defense system, vital against rogue nation's who decided to lob a nuke into LA, NY & Chicago..
  20. Isn't there a pay increase in the works for the troops in the new defense bill? The VA association is inefficient mechanism that needs a major overhaul. I beleive they are going to fix the system not increase funding and to blame the tax cuts is lunacy. The country was in a recesion and the tax cuts are what returned us to record expansion (8.2%) those benefits can not be paid for unless revenue from economic activity is received. If you want to look at a cash strapped country because of high taxes?France is a perfect example with it's high unemployment, stagnant GDP and sky high taxes. Now that we have returned to an expansion cycle and with the latest developments in medicare, don't be surprised that the VA benefits will be better then before in the near future because the american public won't stand for anything less!
  21. Debt is the american way lol. I do agree with the consumer debt levels being high but a collapse like you described is unlikely. With the current 7 trillion dollar economic output which will likely increase as a job recovery is imminent. The last couple of years with the tech bubble burtsing companies were reluctant to spend capital on new goods but the economy didn't just halt, in fact business made cut backs and consolidated debt especially with the record low interest rates. I have been arguing with some of my friends about the housing bubble which has seen gains in the last 3 years of 75%+ in some areas. Now if you look at the last couple of years the refinancing boom by the consumer which we all know is 2/3 of the economy has kept us afloat. Now for the housing prices to crumble the economy would have to be at a red hot pace for interest rates to climb up high enough to stiffle the demand. If the rate goes to 7% I think a 10-15% drop in real estate prices will occur doesn't sound like much but on a 400k peice of property it's 60k. Now this is troublesome to some but the rise in 401k plans and stock portfolios which caused that rate to rise in the first place, either by the bond market or the fed raising rates to fight off inflation will off set that worry because a home is a necessity and isn't easily liquadated so the loss will be unrealized. This rise in economic activity means more jobs and more revenue from taxes which can easily fight off the deficit in the municipalities unless of course the local govt's decide to spend more. In a recession it is necessary to cut taxes and to pack on a little debt to recover. We won't experience the la la land of the late 90's which were unhealthy to begin with but by the latest ecomic numbers we should be just fine.
  22. So do you think that this shouldn't be done UNTIL stability is returned to the country? Doesn't this practice prevent a suicidal bomber from detonating a a bomb in a mosque which is not neutral ground?
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