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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. The KEY word is THOUSANDS not the 25 million that live in Iraq. Amih Taheri wrote a article claiming that the majority of Iraqis accept our presence and the removal of Sadam as a blessing.
  2. You & him have the mental capacity of a BRICK...
  3. For someone who doesn't beleive everything in the media why do selectivley chose a report of MINOR protests as the true gospal sentiment of every Iraqi ??? Why do you ignore countless reports that say a MINORITY of Iraqi detest our presence?? I just don't get it....
  4. That's all you got PINKY??? Come at me with a logical legitamate argument you little puke.. You can't debate to save that poor excuse you call a life... Punk!
  5. I can't wait for that report to come out.. It will be a rude awakening for these loons. Even BUBBA is saying for the left to drop this uranium horse shit
  6. Have you read that article about the interview Brokaw gave to a inspector in Iraq. I posted the link above good read and a nail in the coffin for dellusional, anti-Bush carpers....
  7. OH hear we go CONSPIRACY theory wheels are turning ALREADY... Their was celebratory gunfire in Bahgdad last night after the news got out.. What do you want them to do hold a fucking parade down the strrets of Bahgdad??? Pictures of the bodies are going to be displayed on all the news agencies and newspapers and don't fool your self the weapons will be found their is already documents found in Iraq that support the claim that they were actively persuing and enhancing their WMD program patience is a virtue so stop wishing we fail and analyse the facts and what we already know... Here is something you won't find on the left wing screwball sites or the beloved BIASed BBC.. Check it out but I have to warn you it might piss on your anti-american camp fire... I can only show the jackasses where the water is I can't force them to drink.. BOTTOMS UP DONKEY'S http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2003/7/16/164802
  8. Jesus H Christ.... You have to be shitting me with this crap you just puked up from your souless gut... Those animals tortureed and murdered thousands of their own people and you feel for those cockroaches?? Does the lunacy ever end on this board with some of you dellusional people.. Does your hatred blind you from seeing the positive of this operation?? C'mon guy no one can be that biased that you would discount a success with a argument of " Assinations are illegal" crap, So is pouring gasoline and lighting a match on a person stealling gas for his car..
  9. I happen to beplaying HOOKIE from work today and just saw this response. Unfortunatley the clubplanet URL has been firewalled at my job.. Now SASSA how exactley does Isreal have us by the ballz?? Your hatred influences your emotion on this subject. That incident in the 67 war was just proven accidental after a judge won a federal appeal against the Isreali government that forced the classified info of the transcripts by the Israeli army pilots that were involved in the mistaken attack to be released. Now I know you would never beleive that the docs were genuine so I won't harp any longer.... the level headed thinkers on this board won't draw conspiracy theories like some people (you) Sassa you may not think so but the Holacaust is a big deal to some peole maybe not to ARABS who's hatred for the JEWS runs thousands of years, it's in the rotten fluid you have running through your hate filled soul.. This country has Christian beleives and can relate to some of the same hatred coming from the Arab world taht Isreal experiences. Lets face it Arab muslims don't want to make it a race war but that's what it's all about the daily cry for jihad are religous ordrs to fight Isreal and the fellow infidels or another words non-muslims..You said it your self the arab muslims recognize religon before geographic placement or map lines.. They hate the U.S for their support on Isreal and the reason for that support we lend is because of the hate caused by relgous differences between the Arabs andf jews.. I wonder if it were another diplaced ethnic group other then Jews that were given that little peice of land would the blood shed run for so long??? You pull this " other places are experiencing more killings" but get upset if we step in, just annoying and very hypocritical... This country is contemplating sending U.S trops to try and keep the peace in Liberia what underlying conspiracy you have for that act of nobility?? Is their a massive pipeline under Pres.Taylor's home that would quench our ever lasting thirst for oil?? You can draw any conclusion you want but it's this constant negativity that makes you sound biased we have diffrent opinions. You should ask some of the-- ARAB LEADERS IN THE REGION WHY???the US's support of Israel is not leading it anywhere fruitful. if anything, its support of israel is harming the region's productivity. funny how israel is the 16th wealthiest state in the world, yet the economic, educational, health, and human rights issues in the region (middle east) are the second LOWEST in the world. how is this possible? You should ask some of the Arab leadership that question...
  10. What is the code to put pictures in a post. I have the pic saved to my files and able to locate it but when I post and hit browse and include file nothing but a link is posted PLEASE HELP I HAVE TO POST THIS PICK!!!!! i KNOW HOW TO PUT IT IN TH SIG BUT HOW TO POST PICKS IS CONFUSING
  11. DUDE I HAVE BENN ASKING HER FOR MONTHS THIS SIS WHAT I GET... Like Igloo said nosolutions just complaints....
  12. My boy owns a A6 4.2 which I drove SICK RIDE def has balls to boot. My cousin has a S4 another sick ride but you said too small... The X5 is big and clunky bro I would rather have the new FX45 sick truck which noone has yet... How about a coupe the new G35 is banging and fast as balls for 40g's GOOD LUCK SHOPING
  13. Why do we lend a helping hand to Isreal?? Simple it's the only democracy in the land and it was founded after the single most horifying genecide in human history and with out our help the 2nd holocaust would have happened already... I to discredit your opinion because you rely on a slanted anti-bush, anti-american news org as your source for information.. Here is a little story coming from A so-called mindless sheep.. When the WAR started I was vacationing in Miami and the only source of info was BBC news for cable and the N.Y Times as far as a newspaper. I got sick to mystomach and it partially ruined my vacation because according to these SLANTED reports we were losing the WAR from predictions of 2nd Vietnam to front page pictures of a supply convoy ambush that killed 9 of our guys BULLSHIT... Prime Minister Blair is calling for a review of their slanted and often untruthful reporting... Doesn't the report of the memo from their head journalist embedded with British troops sent to head editors and govt officials slamming BBC's coverage of the WAR tell you something about your beloved BBC????
  14. Economics... Africa is a forgoten HUGE continent where U.S companies can introduce products by opening trade is this bad HELL NO... Capitalism is the only thing that seperates us from Africa why not guide them on a task that will allow them to operate in a way that is proven to work, the American way... Now before Sassa yells that we shouldn't push our values on them chill that's not what I am saying... Think about in a economical way...Buisness is what's going to save them beleive me... once the society can operate in a way where basic social activities like hospitals, buisnesses, TAXES for the govt to spend can be performed... all this translates into people working and living better lives... Now do I think it's a good idea?? IGLOO I don't know either... but the deep american roots that country has and the compassion I have being an American tells me that we can't let it go on for any longer... and maybe we should step in.. hopefully it will go smoothly....
  15. My fucking job FIREWALLED Clubplanet :mad: I will watching when I get home Liberals beware:blown:
  16. HOW DID I KNOW YOU WOULD RECOMMEND CRAP LIKE THAT!!! I am going to buy Decline of the West and wipe my ass with EVERY page.... :mad:
  17. I read on a Z board that they don't have camber adjustments you have to install them.. Would an inch drop really require a camber adjustment??
  18. I am not sure what coilovers are but they are expensive???Stillen has em at 500 what are they..
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