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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. I suggest you pick up a economics book and under tax cuts read how less taxes increase government revenue by putting people back to work and earning a paycheck..
  2. Your are nuts really... Do you live in New York??? They just elevated the threat level sister the town is crawling with cops because they are afraid of another threat and you are debating how we gather information on people that are trying to kill us?? Sassa please amuse me on how we can tackle this obstacle of ours a diffrent way... Please for the love of God I would pay money to here your solution...
  3. Listen seriously I beleive you are intelligent but please reseasrch what happened at the end of the 70's when a Carter a democratic president ran the military into the ground by cutting military spending... The U.S was a joke just look at the fiasco that happened in Iran in the 70's as well.. Also the Soviet Union was spreading it's Iron Curtain west ward and there wasn't anyone around to stop them... Then came Reagen a conservative stepped in and put some balls back in to the countries shorts and the arms race began because he beleived that the Soviet Union was a evil empire and he believed deep down that human civilization was in danger.. We put our balls to the wall and the Soviets fell, case closed Reagen won the COLD WAR....
  4. You are lost.. If Reagen pushed for increased spending on defense which bankrupt the Soviet Union how did he not win the Cold war??
  5. Did this loon forget that 19 high jackers dropped two sky scrapers and killed 3k people?? They were able to blend into our society and this guy has a promblem with law enforcement doing their job and protecting us?? This guy is dillusional if he thinks that the U.S can be protected and certain non-essential civil liberties are bent not broken.. Listen the bottom line is that if you don't have anything to hide you will not be affected. I am sickk of this civil loiberties crap lives are at stake and all tha t liberals care about is that we don't offend anyone...... just insanity
  6. Reagen won the Cold war with strength not appeasment for the enemy... You should know that your towel head freinds respect power not weakness..
  7. Yeah and a dirty bomb set off in Times square is any better??? Grow a pair pal... power is respected that is the only way to deal with these lunatics...
  8. Good post 1 question... Do you still beleive that Iraq has or had WMD???
  9. The latest middle east plan caleld for a halt to settlements and Sharon stated that the some of the settlements will be dismantled... how do the animals answere 5 attacks in a week and they wonder why t they don't get anywhere.... I just hope 1 of these nutbags doesn't try to blow up his cock aroach ass in a subway then the shit will really hit the fan.......
  10. If I was Franks I would schedule a pay- per view spot where a Belgian Judge presents me with the law suit papers and I would WIPE MY ASS with it...
  11. Talk about shooting your self in the foot.. What is amazing is that the middle east plan that will create a Palestinian state by 2005 is poosible with cooperation and these idiots are doing everything possible to derail that progress in this never ending dispute... I just don't get it.. All they have to do is curb the killings but these rebel extremist animals can't except that why???? The suicide bomb attacks that killed 41 people in Casablanca could have been a response to Morocco's support for the Middle East peace process, Jack Straw said today. The Foreign Secretary, who met with his Moroccan counterpart in London, said that the attacks in Morocco and Israel could be connected. Mr Straw said: "It is not accidental that we have had these terrorist outrages directed at Morocco, one of the most modern and advanced of Arab societies, and also the terrorist outrages in Israel timed to kill Israelis but also to undermine the peace process." Mohammed Benaissa, the Moroccan Foreign Minister, said that the Casablanca attacks on Friday, which killed 29 bystanders and 12 suicide bombers, were part of a "wave of terrorism against change in the Middle East." The bombers were all young Moroccans between the ages of 20 and 24 with modest backgrounds, according to MAP, the official news agency. One of the two that were captured had worked as a car park attendant. But the terrorists appeared to have made some mistakes in their choice of targets. One attack took place at a Jewish community centre that was closed and empty. Another bomber blew himself up near a public fountain in Casablanca's old city, killing three Muslims. He had apparently mistaken it for a similar fountain at the entrance of a nearby Jewish cemetery, according to the head of the local police unit. Nabil Benabdellah, a Moroccan government spokesman said that the mistakes "could explain a number of things" about planning and execution of the attacks, or indicate the attackers were inexperienced recruits from poor neighbourhoods. "The experts were the ones behind the scenes," he said. The attackers "were used, they were simply trained how to act," he said. A high-ranking Moroccan official told The Associated Press that investigators suspect the attacks were the work of home grown Islamic extremist groups working on instructions that came from abroad – probably from al-Qaeda.
  12. You don't know balls.,.. Get your head out of the deep sea scrolls for a minute and please for the love of God or Allah in your case stop reading conspiracy books.. You should seriously research the pattern of the democrats (not Bush ) in office the last ten years...that seriously diminished our abilities to track and share information about terrorists.. How can you say we knew this was going to happen?? Why do you feel we didn't do anything about it please?? This should be good!!!
  13. Stayed till the lights came on then went to Danny at Vynl... Should have went home!!!!
  14. Only The Rich Pay Taxes Top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.09% of Income Taxes October 23, 2002 The IRS has released the year 2000 data for individual income tax returns. The numbers illustrate a truth that will startle you: that half of Americans with the highest incomes pays 96.09% of all income tax. This nukes the liberal lie that the rich don't pay taxes. The top 1%, who earn 20.81% of all income covered under the income tax, are paying 37.42% of the federal tax bite. *Data covers calendar year 2000, not fiscal year 2000 - and includes all income, not just wages, excluding Social Security Think of it this way: less than four dollars out of every $100 paid in income taxes in the United States is paid by someone in the bottom 50% of wage earners. Are the top half millionaires? Noooo, more like "thousandaires." The top 50% were those individuals or couples filing jointly who earned $26,000 and up in 1999. (The top 1% earned $293,000-plus.) Americans who want to are continuing to improve their lives - and those who don't want to, aren't. Here are the wage earners in each category and the percentages they pay: Top 5% - 56.47% of all income taxes; Top 10% - 67.33% of all income taxes; Top 25% - 84.01% of all income taxes. Top 50% - 96.09% of all income taxes. The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.91% of all income taxes. The top 1% is paying more than ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 20.81% of all income. The top 5% earns 35.30% of the pie. The top 10% earns 46.01%; the top 25% earns 67.15%, and the top 50% earns 87.01% of all the income. The Rich Earned Their Dough, They Didn't Inherit It (Except Ted Kennedy) The bottom 50% is paying a tiny bit of the taxes, so you can't give them much of a tax cut by definition. Yet these are the people to whom the Democrats claim to want to give tax cuts. Remember this the next time you hear the "tax cuts for the rich" business. Understand that the so-called rich are about the only ones paying taxes anymore. I had a conversation with a woman who identified herself as Misty on Wednesday. She claimed to be an accountant, yet she seemed unaware of the Alternative Minimum Tax, which now ensures that everyone pays some taxes. AP reports that the AMT, "designed in 1969 to ensure 155 wealthy people paid some tax," will hit "about 2.6 million of us this year and 36 million by 2010." That's because the tax isn't indexed for inflation! If your salary today would've made you mega-rich in '69, that's how you're taxed. Misty tried the old line that all wealth is inherited. Not true. John Weicher, as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank, wrote in his February 13, 1997 Washington Post Op-Ed, "Most of the rich have earned their wealth... Looking at the Fortune 400, quite a few even of the very richest people came from a standing start, while others inherited a small business and turned it into a giant corporation." What's happening here is not that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." The numbers prove it. I have made an executive decision as the owner and ultimate editor of this website that this table and these numbers stay on this website forever - or until next year's numbers come out. In order to get these facts, you have to see them each and every day. This story, along with a link to the IRS chart, will stay somewhere on the RushLimbaugh.com homepage so everyone can see and find these numbers at any time. It's crucial that people get this, so please, share it with a friend now!
  15. True this war is justified I just hope to GOD people don't blame the U.S. for those deaths.. I can see people blame us for the uprising in the first place...
  16. I can see Al Sharpton protesting " Yo why the white man want to go after the Oreo's and not Vienna Fingers"?? It's racial man, racial lol
  17. R U Mad?? They are finding evidence pointing toward a massive WMD program every day. The United States has arrested close to 50% of the Alqeada leadership including Sheik Mohammed who was the master mind behind the 911 and in charge of cell placement around the world and guess what pal he is talking.....
  18. It's going to be a sick night.. Did you buy a ticket???
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