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Everything posted by ummedunno

  1. my close friends are the ones whom i go clubbing with, go to movies with, go to dinner with, bitch & moan to, and just about everything else... then there are a few whom i met @ clubs and get together whenever we decide to go clubbing...right kimee, billy, & PCR?
  2. once again i had an awesome night. great seeing kutekimee, neil, brandon, billy, PCR, sabster, and rob. sorry if i missed anyone else. btw, i did show up by the left of the stage at 1:10, but i didn't recognize anyone there so i left.
  3. yeh, but i almost fell in the bathroom once! hahah
  4. diesels and pumas, but you tend to slip and slide whenever there's a wet spot on the floor w/ the diesels. ahah
  5. tequila...no salt, lemon instead of lime
  6. do the 'shuffle' (hustle)...doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo... lol
  7. nooo....i still haven't been there yet!!!
  8. i don't know, kimee...but i still have nine hours to decide...hahaha
  9. hey what's up with you? will you be going to armin? how about your bro?
  10. i've only met kimmee, billy and pcr. you'll always notice kimee w/ her glow accessories! hmmm, i don't know what i'll be wearing to armin tho...i guess i'll just meet everyone when i run into billy, PCR, & Kimee.!
  11. To the person who said 'i knew this event was too good to be true...', i seriously have NO idea what you're talking about. you didn't even give it a try. just because the line was down the block doesn't mean that they were holding up the line. it was a FREE event so it was obvious that there will be a lot of ppl showing up. my friends and i showed up at 1 and we got in for free w/o a hassle. im glad to hear that most of you guys had a good time. i didn't have a good time at all. maybe because i was in a bad mood to begin with. when i got there the line was down the block and it doesn't really help when ppl are cutting the lines. i mean yeh we all want to get in for free but please ppl....we all have to wait. if you're in such a rush, you should've left your house yesterday. these ppl didnt even have friends up front. they just plain and simple walked through the long line of ppl to ensure that they'll get in for free. nonetheless, i'll give Black another try.
  12. im having a bad day so far, but it looks like i'll be going to g&d...hopefully that'll cheer me up.
  13. \yeh i was there for mauro pictto and i didnt have a problem getting in for free...they didnt even hold the lines. as a matter of fact, there was no line. so is it free for g&d before 12am??
  14. im there!!! i was always out of town the past few times he was here. i heard he's GREEEEEEEEEEEEEAT! i'm sure i won't be disappointed.
  15. sorry, i can't make it to this one, but i have my hopes on picotto-3/12 and g&d-3/27.
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