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Everything posted by djss

  1. sorry...you are absolutly correct...charles feelgood
  2. i offered before to teach ...there is nothing beter than sharing your knowledge to someone who is interested...especially when it comes to spinning. Tranzwhore...if you go out to maze on friday, meet me up and we can speak more of it SS
  3. how about... Kenny Glassgow Dr. Feelgood Chris Lum Mark Oliver Royksopp (recently heard an amazing set from toronto) Sean Samaroo a.k.a. DJ SS (this guy is pretty good,really gets involved and very dedicated)
  4. dhm... I've been hearing alot about you guys since i moved here. My boss Craig at the Gentlemens Club has told me about you guys, and i've been trying to come out to some of your events. We always hit Normans around the corner...but never when you guys are there. Hope to see what i've heard so much about. I'm a house DJ too, and i hear my style is similar to your crews. Hope to see you guys in action SS
  5. i don't hump just anyone but may i extend my tongue... as an offer? SS:licker:
  6. so seriously...what age groups typically attend? would a 22 year old guy feel comfortable there? thankyou, SS
  7. oh yeah...i almost forgot.. GOLD-DIGGING CUM DUMSTER:laugh: CLASSIC I won't be forgetting that one for a while hehehehe
  8. :laugh: hehehehehehehehe You guys have definitely made my day with all the comments. I never could have fathomed the quantity of informative responses when i initially wrote this post. i really do appreciate it very much and i would like to thank each and everyone of you who wrote with your advice. On another note im not exactly looking for a relationship, im just wanting to meet some ppl ,preferably women-cause they're usually easy to get along with...and not always trying to compete with you. I've been doing the beach scene since i got here and i was just curious if i am limiting myself to what miami has to offer, only because i don't know any other part of this large city. As for women i've been meeting out...extremely gorgeous everywhere down here. Miami definitely has some of the most beautiful women in the world. it's very discouraging when they think you are trying to hook up with them when just simply saying hello. unfortunately i don't have the advantage of going to school down here as i have completed my education...and as for work...well i work really long hours with a bunch of married guys and any females here are not approachable as they are almost always $uper$tar$. well i'll take all of this advice to mind and continue to venture out in this great city. Please say hello to me when you see me out...Im pretty easy to spot since im almost always the only guy by himself in the club:Dstaring at the lights and inspecting the sound system(by force of habbit) hope to see some of you out Sean S
  9. so im new to miami and i don't really know anyone...i met some peeps at the bbq but no one really that would remember me again...so the ? is where can i meet some women who would just like to hang out...im not lookin to hook up , i'd just like to meet some normal down to earth women who don't constantly whore themselves looking to be with all these south beach guys just for their money... is this wishful thinking or are the women down here really all they appear to be? also is there more to miami than the beach clubs/scene? info and advice appreciated respectfully, SS
  10. djss

    For the DUMB N BASSED

    awesome so how can i get on?
  11. djss

    For the DUMB N BASSED

    what is required to get on the open tables? must it be dNb also? thankyou SS
  12. i want to learn how to spin my head...spin on my hands...spin on my knees and freeze...BrEaK-dAnCe! (who gets this?) anyways i've been spinning for a while and i would love to teach anyone who wants to learn (TRANZWHORE this is an invitation) there is nothing more fulfilling than teaching someone something you know and know well:D NFA for ME SS:D
  13. hello it was great meeting everyone yesterday. i had a great time compiled of great food, great music and great ppl:D i hope i have the chance to meet you guys again and hopefuly spin for you next time. thanks to manny (mjm420) for taking the time to introduce me to everyone...what a socialite:laugh: see you guys around Sean S
  14. absolutely i'll be there with a big appetite ss
  15. great!...now that we know how to lift a box, i will contribute to make it a two part manual by instructing how to eat that box:licker: i will also demonstrate:licker: maybe this weekend at the bbq any volunteers? ss :
  16. great!...now that we know how to lift a box, i will contribute to make it a two part manual by instructing how to eat that box:licker: i will also demonstrate:licker: maybe this weekend at the bbq any volunteers? ss :
  17. great!...now that we know how to lift a box, i will contribute to make it a two part manual by instructing how to eat that box:licker: i will also demonstrate:licker: maybe this weekend at the bbq any volunteers? ss :licker::licker: :D :D :
  18. djss

    CP Miami BBQ

    i will put on a massive wicked baad proper set...just like we do back in elizabeth/london...yah:rolleyes: straight from the uk wicked bad house to mash up de place well and propper for all you club hoppers, pill poppers, name droppers and old skool rockers... and for all of you that know whut is whut but don't know whut is whut...you just strut...whut the fuck? ss p.s. i will MC to my wicked bad massive propper set preaching that this generation rules the nation with version
  19. djss

    R. H. C. P.

    wow...the concert sounds like it was fun for you guys. bought tickets back in feb for fridaynights show in orlando for the floor...but but that was well before i knew i would be living here in miami working my ass off...so im gonna miss their concert in orlando while my girlfriend uses my tickets to take one of herguy friends she grew up with:mad: but thats ok...i can find some female friends down here to hang out with myself:D hope everyone enjoyed ss
  20. the music at crobar was great and the girls were even better,as tranzwhore pointed out. but what could have been a great night for me ended up to be one of my most shitty experiences since i moved here 6 weeks ago. i arived to crobar with the intention to complete my already great night as i was pretty liquor'd up from maze(which was awesome by the way)arround 2am. i had a temp vip card for crobar that i got last week, and should have recieved a permanent one after presenting it that night. the dick-head at the door took my card, looked at me in a disgusted gaze and said "who are you?""you don't deserve to have this, you ain't shit, you're nobody" he then asked "where do you work?" i told him the name of the recording studio i work and he says to me " yeah right, go ahead in tonite but you don't deserve a permanent card". needless to say i was shocked. due to my mild mannered nature i said nothing an proceeded in with my friends. point of the strory is that shitty experience at crobar ruined my night, i did not care to drink or spend any money there because i could not get the akward situation out of my mind. i write this just to vent. i don't expect anything to come of this as i know i am a nobody down here given my situation. but im just curious if this is common at crobar. i had been there many time before when i would visit miami before i moved here and it was great...but it looks like this may have been my last time. has anyone experienced this kind of shit before? sean s.
  21. djss

    CP Miami BBQ

    i would like to provide my djm 600, but due to the way things are going at my work, i may not know till the last moment if i can attend. i really look forward for a chance to meet and of course spin for you all. i'll do my best to make it happen:D just curious...does anybody have the new technics 1200 mk5's or mk5g's? i would really like to check those out and spin on them... anyways hope to see you all there, if i make it i'll bring my pioneer djm 600 and some house and breaks vinyl to make the ladies gyrate:tongue: sean s.
  22. djss

    i need a drink!

    no one wants to me with me?
  23. djss

    i need a drink!

    anything going on this afternoon or tonight? i've been working too much:( anybody wanna meet up for some drinks, contact me. i'd be more than glad to partake in some wholesome drinking sean s.
  24. djss

    CP Miami BBQ

    nobody listens to techno... oh yeah i have a djm 600 sean s.
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