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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by djss

  1. im in, can i spin? i wish i had entered SS
  2. wow! either i'm a lush or i don't know how to budget my money. i need some tips from you guys on how to party... if i know im going out...its like automatic $100 from the ATM and i still end up using my debit card:mad: im not trying to show off...but i guess im now realizing that's why im so broke. this thread has caused me to review my habbits. i look at it like this: i work my ass off all week at all hours of the day and i hardly know anyone down here, so if i actually have the time to go out, im gonna really go out and enjoy it to the max. But then i think i can probly still go out and just enjoy the club and music sober and save some money...right? SS
  3. djss

    Single Men

    awwww...you're making me blush here you're too kind jackie:D SS
  4. djss

    Single Men

    I'm currently single... sorry, but i haven't a way to produce a picture online i can't say that im incredibly good looking but im pretty sure those who have seen me will confirm im at least not hiddeous:screwy: SS
  5. djss

    Final Scratch Users...

    wow...all of this is overwhelming...im reading the FS message board right now and im quite alarmed at all the angry users who are having major problems with FS. i just wanted to get creative going digital and maybe playing some of my own tracks i figured it would be cheaper than buying a pair of cdj 1000's although it seems that there are less problems with pc users and FS...no? so should i get FS and splurge on a min. requirements low price pc laptop or buy some cdj's?
  6. djss

    Final Scratch Users...

    thanks guys i really do appreciate it SS
  7. alright guys... i fucked up the spelling...so i guess i deserve all the shit and pm's im getting SHEEEEEEEESH! give me a break... im so glad to see the level of diversity and maturity here... i asked a question which obviously involves CLUBBING on CLUBPLANET... a CLUBBING MESSAGE BOARD... but i guess i should get my info elsewhere since there is none of that here:rolleyes: by the way... i am a dj who spins house almost exclusively but i have an appreciation and respect for all others and the style of music they play...it would be abosolutely borring for me to continuously go see people who spin the same thing i do. i don't spin jungle or drum and bass because i have such a respect for it, i would rather enjoy it with someone esle playing on the decks...any real dj would agree the same for other genres they don't particularly play. SS
  8. i just got off the phone with my friend in orlando ( apparatus: stereo stormtrooper and glitch) who told me he is performing this weekend at a show down here...somewhere. He didn't have much info so i was wondering if the promoters for this or anyone else involved can shed some info on what is going on. i need my dnb fix:D Thanks. SS
  9. djss

    Final Scratch Users...

    no FS users here? wtf?
  10. So I think im going to go for it and enter the digital world...but i have i few questions first for Final Scratch users... 1. are all the bugs worked out with the new v1.1? 2. anyone having problems with mac os? and does it work with os 9.2 or X.? 3. are you dj's in the club really using MP3 files or .wav?...any sound degradation? 4. can i use higher quality pre amps such as an M Box...or even an apogee? 5. any latency problems? 6. and lastly...where can i get it for less than $499.99? thankyou all very much in advance for all of your help an consideration. SS
  11. you guys are awesome!!! thankyou all very much for your help and input...it is very appreciated...this is what this board is al about. I'm thinkin: drinks at lime so i can appreciate the music, head to opium for the porn ball head back to my place for some 5 on 1...err...i mean go to space or crobar. SS P.S. Sotuorlando...no problem...im not greedy;)
  12. hehehe... i work at a recording studio...but unfortunately im still the FNG... Fortunately i happen to be the only sigle and young enough guy to take these girls out:D Thankyou very much for helping me out... SS
  13. alright... i have been given the pleasure of entertaining 5 beutiful women who are visiting this weekend...but i don't know where to take them...i need to impress (for my job) without looking like i don't know where i'm going and at the same time stay from going broke... i hear opium tonite...who's spinning and how much is cover? space? crobar? life? sky bar? ...? ...some kind of sexy pre-party lounge?...i desperately need help! also if anyone knows of guestlists, passwords etc. please help me out...it will be very much appreciated Thankyou all very much in advance for your time and consideration. SS:D
  14. hey, i would definitely like to come out and get on the decks...if you'd like. just let me know. P.S. thanks for helping me out at crobar last night...I know i got there too late but it was still worth it... maybe next time! Sean S
  15. hey...um ...can i tag along? SS
  16. Just curious to see if anyone lives in the north miami-beach or aventura area. I haven't been able to find people my age group around here. Also are there any good places around that singles can go to? SS
  17. whoa!...sorry i didn't intend to upset you...i admit i had my head in my ass for writing that. i should have just said i thought you were pretty and left it at that. again i appologize... SS
  18. Nito! whut up...its been a long time...this is dj SS that use to spin with davie d. in orlando i recently moved down here and davie told me you were down here doing your thing...hope to see you...its been years? SS
  19. WOW!...are you single?...or does it matter?...anyways if you also speak english, i'd like to meet you! SS
  20. djss

    Nuttin but love

    So whut's your plans while you're here?...i remember you were apartment hunting...any luck?...i can help since i recently went through this if you need it...pm me I am looking forward to partying this weekend too...three straight weeks of 12+ hour shifts...i need to get fucked up! SS
  21. djss

    How do YOU like it?

    i personaly like everything in my liffe to be neat and tidy:D thats just my opinion...but when it comes to me going down, i won't discriminate...i have a weird obsession with cunniligus:licker: i think its maybe pheremones...or whoremoans SS
  22. i would love to go to this...i've never been to one...but i don't have anyone to go with:( any ladies need an escort...i'm not trying to be dirty or hook-up either. i honestly think this would be fun to attend with someone who has a similar intrest...nothing to lose SS
  23. crobar 24 is making a great choice ss
  24. b-side are you still looking for house djs?...if so. i am definitely interested contact me SS BluSi1200@cs.com
  25. also that year...my first murk label vinyl...an absoulute classic..... LIBERTY CITY - "If You Really Love Someone CLASSIC SS:D
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