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Posts posted by erickamikaze

  1. Originally posted by happyface

    :lol3: cold weather sucks !!

    This not cold people. Cold is when you have to wear gloves and a hat to go outside.

    I went for a run this morning along Ft Lauderdale beach and I was wearing my shorts, socks, and shoes, thats it, and I was sweating after a mile or so. Other people jogging loooked like they were bracing for a snow storm with long pants and sweatshirts on. I actually saw a women with gloves on.:laugh:

    Then there are people hangin out on the beach. Its great weather when you can go outside and you don't start sweating by walking to your car or have to wear 5 layers of clothes.

  2. Welcome to CP. Also just to let you know there is already a DJ that goes by the name FX and its pretty well known, he brings the good beats with house and breaks.;)

  3. The Albion is very nice. I have hung out there for a WMC party and had a freind stay there. If ya find good rates go for it, and it is right of Lincoln and close to shopping, Crobar and Nerve clubs.

  4. Thanks Carisa,

    I ran a good race this morning. I had to wake up at 5:30 am and I actually thought about all of you just getting out Crobar and heading to NV. :tongue: So I jammed some trance from Groove Eric on my way to the race.

    I finished 3rd overall and won a gift certificate to the local running store. :D

    But the bad thing about the race was that the "volunteers" and police directing the race sent us in the wrong direction on the course and the entire race was short by .4 of a mile or about 2 minutes. My freind was leading the race and we were behind him a little way and at 2 points he got to an intersection and had no idea in direction on where to run. Oh well fun overall, but still pisses me off. :mad:

  5. anyone else game for this? I need to get out, its been a long week.



    In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone? ...the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered? ...raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today we have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before. The Laffer Curve. Anyone know what this says? It says that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o. economics. "Voodoo economics."


  6. Funniest story I have seen in a while.

    A 7-year-old boy watches as firefighters try to figure out how to get him out of a supermarket's stuffed animal game machine after he managed to crawl into the game while his father talked on a pay phone three feet away Saturday. Jamie Piontkowski / ASSOCIATED PRESS


    SHEBOYGAN (AP) -- A 7-year-old boy had to be rescued with the help of a locksmith Saturday after crawling into a supermarket's stuffed animal game machine while his father talked on the telephone.

    "He was sitting right in there with the stuffed animals," said Shift Commander Mark Zittel of the Sheboygan Fire Department.

    He said the boy, whose name was not released because he is a minor, crawled through about an 8-inch-by-10-inch opening to get into the glass enclosure via a chute where the toys come out, but when he tried to get back out his way was blocked.

    The stuffed animals are prizes that can be hooked by players with a crane-like device.

    "His dad was three feet away at a pay phone," Zittel said. "He was talking on the phone and he said the next thing he turned around and the kid was in the thing."

    He said the boy stayed calm and didn't panic as firefighters responded to the Piggly Wiggly store and then moved the game machine to the back of the store and got a locksmith to open the main loading door. The process took about an hour.

    "There was no panic," Zittel said. "We could have broke the glass if there was an emergency."

    The boy was not injured or traumatized but desperately had to go to the bathroom, he said.

    But rescuers hadn't figured out how the boy was able to crawl into the game, or why no one in the store's busy lobby spotted him and stopped him before he got inside.


  7. Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

    I would imagine open to all. No discrimination here.....Trance, house, techno, breaks heads untie for a day! :D:tongue:

    Maybe we can UNITE for a day, but if you want to Untie, thats your business. :laugh: :laugh:

    I can't wait for another BBQ, I want to hear soem massive sets from Obby, MrMiami, and GrroveEric again. Lets get some of the other newbies to spin, if they want.

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