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Posts posted by erickamikaze

  1. Originally posted by mdamon7278

    Oh yeah IM THERE, Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and the whistle as well!!!

    Damon 2.0

    If the Whistle is there I am NOT :laugh: :laugh:

    j/k Damon 2.0

    Won't be able to make it this time, I have a race planned on Saturday morning and need sleep.

  2. Bling,

    No offense, but you seriously need to get a hobby to harness all your enegy . ill start off by give you some examples.










    UnderWater Basket Weaving




    Lifting Weights


    Rent a movie

    and this is my 1000th post. WOOOHOOOOOO:D :D :D :eek:

  3. Nice Review

    Sounds alot like the clubs I used to go to back in Alabama while in college. the club was set up allot like Spin, with tons of lighting and a very strong sound system with the music covering most electronic genres and the pace picking up as the night goes on.

  4. A little known company in Michigan is the true power behind retail music sales

    Posted on Sun, Dec. 28, 2003

    Music industry dances to Michigan firm's tune

    Associated Press

    TROY, Mich. - A little-known company in a nondescript office park hold a big influence over the international music industry.

    Few people this suburban Detroit community know what Handleman Co. does, let alone realize the impact it has on retailers, major record companies and musicians ranging from Kid Rock to Toby Keith to Luciano Pavarotti.

    Handleman plays a key role in determining what music sellers such as Kmart and Wal-Mart stock on their shelves and which ones are banished to the bargain bin, The Detroit News reported Sunday.

    "If you know music at all, you know what Handleman does. Mick Jagger knows what Handleman does," said Geoff Mayfield, director of charts and a senior analyst for Billboard magazine.

    Handleman's business is deceptively simple. Retailers pay the Troy-based company to manage their music departments, keeping them supplied with best-selling titles.

    In all, Handleman services more than 4,000 stores on three continents. With more consumers turning to mass merchants to buy music, Handleman-managed stores sold 11 percent of all music in the United States this year.

    That is why 3 Doors Down, Brian McKnight and other artists make special stops at Handleman's offices. It's not uncommon for employees to be treated to performances by the Goo Goo Dolls, or receive e-mails from the members of Brooks & Dunn.

    Handleman officials say their jobs offer many perks. But when it comes to deciding who's hot and who's not, they rely on company data to decide what to stock.

    "We get to meet our fair share of these guys and gals, some of whom are really, really good people, and some that you hope don't meet your daughter," said Handleman President Gerardo "Gerry" Lopez.

    "We don't pass judgment on the music. If you like rap, bless you. If you like classical, bless you. All I want to know is where you shop so I can get it to you," Lopez said. "We let the consumer decide with their dollars, which ultimately is the most important vote."

    So while Lopez might have Alan Jackson in his home stereo, his personal feelings don't effect what he does in the office. It's his two-inch thick binder of Excel spreadsheets updated daily that tells him how many CDs to order, where to ship them and when to pull them off the shelves.

    "Our biggest challenge is knowing when to step on the accelerator and at the same time knowing when to step off," Lopez said. "Because doing it at the wrong time has implications for the artist, for our customers and for us. It's very volatile. Records can be here and gone in no time at all. And it's tough to predict. But we get paid to figure that out."

    It seems strange that an area known for cars and manufacturing could also be home to a company like Handleman, which earned a record $1.35 billion in annual sales in fiscal 2003, which ended May 3.

    Its headquarters has been in the Detroit area for more than 65 years, and it has no plans of moving to Los Angeles or New York. Rather, Handleman executives are happy to work in relative isolation.


  5. Originally posted by CHRles

    Nicve review there.

    From what I hear Detroit clubs actually don't blow at all, you just went to all the wrong places. Bleu is good, Pancea is starting a new Saturday night, Motor is finally relaunching with monthly parties, and there's Necto in nearby Ann Arbor, they all tend to bring out some real good DJs almost every week. Bleu and Necto are very well established.

    Well I did know about Bleu and Pancea. Those were the 2 of the clubs were drove by and Bleu had a line of 100 people outside that looked very ghetto, (and I left my semi automatic machine gun at home:laugh: ) and Pancea had Hip hop blaring out of it and thugs walking in. So we passed . ;)

    Motor is still the best club there but since they are only doing a monthly party it wasn't this weekend, and Necto is good but we we didn't feel like driving anymore.

    you from Michigan CHRIes?

  6. So I ventured up north to Toledo and Detroit for holidays. Of course the usual Christmas events going to see the relatives and all the fuss that goes with it. It was fun.

    The weather was great; it was in the mid 30’s and 40’s each day and snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Just chilly enough and right amount of snow to set the winter mood. It started to melt the next day.

    I then venture out the local bars on Christmas night and it was a madhouse at every bar we went to. We went to 5 different places in 2 nights. It looked like every person between the ages of 21 and 30 had enough of the relatives and went out drinking. It was great to see my two best friends and drink a lot of beer with them. The places themselves are typical bars and not much attention to the music and such.

    But I have to be honest, the women were unbelievable. My friend Patrick and I (he lives in NYC in Manhattan) were looking around and were just in awe of the amount of hot looking females. Yes there are hot women in South Florida, but most seem to stuck up and think they are better than you. But the Midwest girls are very good looking, great attitudes and also friendly. I will be honest, I like blondes and they are hard to find down here, so that may be another reason. To put it simple, Hot looking Midwest girls, that don’t even know they are that hot. Gotta Love them. :D

    So we ventured up to Detroit on Friday night, I had gotten info on some clubs to hit and was on the guestList for one. We get there about 10:30 and the DJ was not there yet, so we go drink at another lounge before hand. We go in the lounge and it looks like they bought all the club furnishings from 3 different club garage sales. The place was total Cheese; they had red walls, leather furniture, and then modern futuristic tables, WTF? :confused: So we drink a few and go to the original club ENVY. We then go back at 11:30 and they tell us the DJ called in sick, so we still go in, the club was decent, but they had a band filling in they were horrible.:mad: The crowd was not into it and the sound sucked. We stayed there still 12:30, hoping for better music, but no avail. I asked some people where there was good music and they gave me some other club names but not much help, but the rest of the crowd looked clueless also. We drive around downtown Detroit and it seems like every club we go by was ghetto fabulous and full of hip-hop. We go by another club called Space (or where it was supposed to be, but he place look closed or it moved). At this point we are pissed off and say fuck it and drive over the bridge and border into Windsor Canada. We go to an Irish Pub we had been to many times before and listen to some hilarious Irish limerick songs by a local musician and some horrible karaoke. We hit it off with some fine midwestern girls and close the bar down around 2am. :drunk: It was a blast. Its only 2 am and the Windsor Casino is open 24/7 so we walk down the block and the place is booming. We decide get some really good food at one of the restaurants inside and then hit the slots and roulette tables. We stay there till about 4 am, I won on the slots and lost on the roulette tables.

    I didn’t get to go snow skiing, that’s the only bad thing, and I miss all the hot women already.

    In Review:

    Good seeing Friends and family, Drink a lot of beer :pint: , Detroit clubs blow :no: , sleep, Eat, Midwest girls rule. :love2:

    How did everyone else’s Holiday go?

  7. These 2 things pretty much have shaped allot of my life in the last 10 years.

    1. I ran track in college, and am still an avid runner who is sponsored and semi-professional. I usuallyrun 50-70 miles a week.

    2. At age 19 I was diagnosed with Cancer and had to undergo 2 surgeries and chemotherepy. I have been in remission for over 5 years. :)

  8. Even others don't like it:laugh: :laugh:

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Mohammed Jaber said he went to Iraq on a pilgrimage to Muslim holy sites, he ended up being "tortured" with loud rap music by U.S. troops suspicious he might be a foreign fighter against their occupation.

    Jaber said an Iraqi taxi driver handed him and three friends over to U.S. troops for $100 each in April apiece as fighters for ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

    "They asked us why we were there and if we came to fight them. But we said we came only to visit the holy sites in Kerbala," he told Reuters.

    "They didn't torture us physically but they did psychologically by raising the volume of rap music all day until it became unbearable and by withholding food," he said.

    But Jaber said he kept one secret from his captors, fearing the treatment could get worse.

    "I mean I like rap, just imagine them playing jazz."

    U.S.-led forces in Iraq freed Jaber and sent him and seven other Arab detainees home on Saturday.


  9. Originally posted by playah

    Does it ever get warmer? Been here for a week and still cant get a tan :(


    Not too burst your bubble but it is Decemeber , the Earth is farthest from the Sun this month, and in the worst orbit to get a tan. But the good thing is it is still warmer than the rest of the country. ;)

  10. Great time had by all

    The chill was in the air, people were in the holiday spirit, Matt was bringin the noise, Drunken Santa and his elfs were dancing, and there was SNOOOOWWWWW.

    I love Delux more every time I go. It is a very diverse crowd but tons of great looking ladies and everyone is there to just have a good time.

    Of course it was good seeing and hangin with the usual peeps mentioned above, but the alusive Sobe2003 was in the house, but who is he?

    Here is a picture of some of the snow out on the patio.


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