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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Yep... Who doesn't like posting around Tiny? Aren't you already the top poster? Sheesh! Us DC boys do have style.
  2. My little Long Island Ice Tea diva! What's up, babe? I'm everywhere.
  3. Word... good seeing you too. I can't wait to use my guiness cooler.
  4. I know the service is lousy. But I'm not that much of a prima donna to care. The food rocks!!
  5. I just might... God I'm such a pushover The bride's side.. but here's the thing. They asked me to document some of the wedding with my camcorder. One of my other talents... wedding videographer... And I'm not sure how good the video will be if I'm still wasted from the night before... oh the things I do for friends.
  6. Raku is one of my favorite restaraunts.
  7. I like honkey better.
  8. I usually go straight for the crotch. Then I wash my hair second. I guess that seems like the most important thing I want clean.
  9. oh, I might not be there... I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow and what's the other thing... oh yeah I'm broke. Damn... Maybe I can round up a few dollars. I really wanna see electric skychurch.
  10. Do they serve chicken wings? j/k... I'm in. I've been wanting some good kim chee
  11. Three protein bars... dude your insane!
  12. Has anyone gone to this yet? I'm going tomorrow night but was wondering if they try to get you to by a time share or something to that effect? I'm just really weary of free stuff.
  13. I'm down for it. You know... I could see vicman also organizing our AA meetings later own down the road.
  14. Oh yeah... You know your starting to turn in to the female version of vicman. Minus the back hair, of course. lol
  15. So do the men aparently... http://forums.vmag.com/jjsuspension/messages/927.html
  16. You can tell Christian loves his Jeep.
  17. ....and some fava beans with a nice chianti. (fsst fsst fsst fsst)
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