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Everything posted by luztidara

  1. Consider yourself lucky your boyfriend stumpie is not around to give you an anal cleansing.
  2. Wow I hope you are ok there. I don't want you cracking one of your plastic fangs by the guerillas.
  3. The only difference is that maniacman gets banned but that other douche just doesn't go away.
  4. maniacman is to penises as nomembername is to deepthroat.
  5. Yo quiero darle al piso hasta la manana esta noche!
  6. A mi me gusta el cafe con leche.
  7. Probably some alter ego.
  8. Anyone that would listen to your show would have to be on drugs.
  9. The queen of the damned has nothing on you.
  10. Your the prettiest guy on here.
  11. Salmon boy. lol These people are cool. We need to be there friends and make cp friends. Not!!!! Fcuk cp politics. Fcuk mods. Represent for da real kidd! One Luff.
  12. Pod is a punk and a fraud. We control him like he puppet he is.
  13. I was actually referring to our smelly friend maniac. Sounded like I was talking to you ot.
  14. Actually better yet little boy why not add a pic yourself.
  15. Yes. The only thing is that he needs a shower. Outside of that he's a dapper dude.
  16. Hmmm. A stupid thread to you is attacking people or flaming people. Then when someone responds you move there thread to drama. Anyway enjoy your night of responses and bashing. Wake up tomorrow and cause more drama. Who cares anyway? Your just a cp mod. It's not like the dave cares anyway.
  17. Everyone says that but they also read them. The fact of the matter is your not a respected mod. Well your not a respected individual. The problem is people rather live with you than tell you what an ass you are. They just accept you cause you are a mod. Wow I rather post on the lame ass london boards than post in bump. You can have it and swallow that damn board with you. All you like to do is start trouble and hide away and play mr. mod. Screw you nitwit.
  18. He's been like this ever since I met him in avalon.
  19. Listen boy toy don't get caught up in the frey. I will admit though you already have the right attitude to become a mod. I'm surprised they just don't make you one tomorrow. All you have to do is start trouble with the rest of the cp'ers and act like you know everything and your in. Anyway... fcuk off to all mods that act like gotmilk and fcuk off to all that sit around and swallow there shiznit.
  20. Ur a fake mod. A real mod moderates not starts trouble with it's posters. You wanna do this go ahead. It's not like people take cp seriously anymore. And to think it's because of jerks like you and the rest of the idiots on here. I will stand and fight you idiots unlike alot of the other people on here. They like to accept your stupidities and all the torture but I will torture you back and remind you that respect is earned not given. So go blow nmn and the rest of the idiots that like to incite and go play moderator like I giff a damn. Sloppytits aka Luz aka your master biatch.
  21. Quit the shenanigans freak and stick to yo guns. If someone is whack tell them they are and stop being shoved by these fake mods. Represent freak.
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