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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. i know its everything but the girl but i dont know the name of the song.

    The lyrics go something like this:

    I walk the city late at night,

    does everyone do the same,

    i wanna be the things i see,

    across the street take a ride pick up the pace,

    i wanna love no more

    only way out is down

    I dont konw if the songs new but the remix is def pretty recent

    thanks for any help....

  2. I see the only way house even has a chance on long island is if its totally seperate from the hip hop. These half hip hop half house clubs end up playin 3/4 hip hop and a quarter house that is commercial and not even enjoying for the house fans. I think the ideal fashion is to have clubs featuring both a hip hop and a house room. That way if you are a house fan you are not forced to listen to hip hop or dumb down your music to maintain their interests until hip hop comes back on

    Nation, good luck to u i hope u guys flourish u have a rough job ahead of you. Sadly the reality is house fans are getting old and gettin married so we are a dwindling market. MTV has basically hijacked our youth to a point where "Lean back" is the commonly accepted pop music now. With very few new dance music fans growing up to replenish the retirees you will see house continue to dwindle out of the club scene. Is our only hope the Pdiddy/felix da housecat duo????????

  3. I had a good time the music was good. I personally hate that place and cringed paying the 44 bucks to get in but it was roomy on the dancefloor and all the guidos were at spirit so i had a blast. He kinda cut his set short, though. His website said he'd be on till 5 and the lights came on like quarter to so i was a bit disappointed bout that.

  4. it was me and two of my boys..now i never been to spirit on a saturday so we walk up to the line we get up to this guy at the door and he's like too many guys..i was are you serious.?? then i decided that i would rather go to Crobar and had a Blast!!!!!!!!!! Roger Ripped it i can say i got my money's worth and thank god i went to crobar.i hate to state the obvious but the ratio from guys to girls was like 10 to 1 from what i could see at the line for spirit.

    I dont know why passed up crobar for spirit last night..........

  5. wht the retard is forgetting is that the parents are messed up too, if the parents are brought up in an enviorment like that, how can they be expected to do any better for their kids??

    it is easier said than done!

    "Lack of English skills: "I can't even talk the way these

    people talk: 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... And I

    blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I

    heard the father talk. ... Everybody knows it's important

    to speak English except these knuckleheads. ... You can't

    be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your


    Hes trying to invoke parental responsibility into the community. Just because a parent cannot teach proper english does not mean that they cannot make sure that their children go to school and learn it. My great grandparents didnt even go to school in sicily but they knew enough to make sure my grandparents went to school when they immigrated to the united states. He is trying to invoke responsibility and good morals into the black community. I see nothing wrong with this.

  6. seriously...i feel that both candidates are bad...i am thinking of NOT voting for the first time in my life...=(

    You know i've been hearing alot of people that feel just like you. People talk about how this election is gonna stirr up the party bases and bring about high turnouts, I wouldnt be suprised to see the opposite.

  7. i heard it on ktu sunday night of memorial day weekend being played by tsettos. female kinda screaming "just a little bit" or something like that. It was a song or 2 before photograph at 1:15 or so. Any help is appreciated.

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