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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. Originally posted by igloo

    Interesting comment coming from someone who contributed nothing to this thread but a lame-ass attempt at insult....

    You are dumb...accept it and move on

    What do you contribute I'd like to know? when you reply on post the focus of it is you insulting rather than explaining your viewpoint. Why not try the civilized route of simply explaining your opinion and acknowledging the opinions of others?? I know its difficult but maybe you would get a more positive response occasionally...

  2. Originally posted by igloo

    Congrats! It looks like you are beginning to string together complete sentences. Now if you can just work on the proper use of specific words (their vs there), you may actually be mistaken for someone with half a brain.

    Is your life seriously that shallow that you need to insult people on the internet?

  3. Originally posted by bigpoppanils

    i have read about several protests that unfairly criticized US troops (as well as desecrating 9/11 memorials). unfortunately, this anti-war movement was hijacked by nutjobs like the folks at International Answer, adding fuel to the conservatives criticism of the dissenters.


    Your right some people are just out of control. Theirs a big difference between these people who just blame the govt cause they got picked on growing up or some bullshit and people with legitimate concerns.

  4. Originally posted by youarehot99

    Fuckin' anti-war protesters. Even if you disagree with the war, these hippies could use all their energy they use to protest it and Bush to support the troops. Instead of going out of your way to protest your own country's leaders, use that energy and time to show your support for the people giving their lives up over seas. 95% of the people over there literally get disgusted when they see people protesting the war. Put yourself in their situation. Every minute that goes by over there could be their last...they are doing that for these people who show are going out of their way to disrespect their countries leaders. Pretty sad...

    Free speech is as american as you can get. It's really interesting how all the conservatives love to use the argument how we are trying to spread democracy and free speech around the world and yet when the free speech is against what their beliefs are then it is wrong and should not be practiced. How is anti war protests not supporting the troops? I live with 2 marines who just got back from Iraq and they really dont give 2 shits about what people are protesting in the country. The whole idea of the supporting the troops has turned into a political pawn for people. You talk about supporting the troops tell Bush to spend his time going to dead soldiers funerals instead of campaign fundraising dinners which he seems to have plenty of time to attend. No one hates somebody who does their job for their country, give up on it already find another way to attack the left please.

  5. Female vocalist "lift it up to the top dont you stop cause your the only one"

    think the song's name is 'make it work' not sure though. Anyone know if thats the name and who does it?

  6. http://www.msnbc.com/news/995113.asp?0cv=CA01

    “AT THIS POINT in time, Mr. Jackson has been given an opportunity to surrender himself to the custody of the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department within a specified period of time,†Sheriff Jim Anderson told a news conference. “We are currently working with Mr. Jackson’s legal representation on this matter.

    “I believe he’s willing to cooperate with us.â€

    Bail for Jackson would be set at $3 million, Anderson said.

    District Attorney Thomas W. Sneddon Jr. said he wouldn’t release details about the alleged crimes except to say that there was only one victim and that the victim was cooperating.

    In 1993, Jackson had faced a child molestation investigation that never resulted in criminal charges because the child refused to testify. Jackson reportedly paid a multimillion dollar settlement in that case but maintained his innocence.

    The arrest warrant Sneddon discussed Wednesday was for violation of a California law that prohibits lewd or lascivious acts with a child under age 14. A conviction carries three to eight years in prison.

    Sneddon said an affidavit outlining details of the case will be sealed for 45 days. He would not say how many charges Jackson would face.

    As many as 70 law enforcement officials served a search warrant at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch on Tuesday and searched for evidence for more than 12 hours. The $12.3 million Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley has a mansion, its own zoo and amusement park, and has often been the site of children’s parties.

    Search warrants also were served for two other locations in Southern California, Anderson said. He did not disclose the other two locations.

    Earlier Wednesday, a spokesman for Jackson, Stuart Backerman, told The Associated Press that he was consulting with attorneys and planned to issue a statement later in the day.

    He declined further comment, saying neither he nor Jackson knew the details of the investigation.


    Jackson, who reportedly was in Las Vegas when the search warrant was served, denounced media coverage in a statement earlier released to The Associated Press by Backerman.

    “I’ve seen lawyers who don’t represent me and spokespeople who do not know me speaking for me. These characters always seem to surface with dreadful allegations just as another project, an album, a video is being released,†the Jackson statement said, referring to Tuesday’s release of a greatest hits album, “Number Ones.â€

    The Jackson family was aware of the arrest warrant, said Steve Manning, a family spokesman.

    “It’s very unfortunate. They feel very bad about it, but they support him wholeheartedly,†Manning said.

    In a television documentary broadcast on ABC earlier this year, Jackson said he had slept in a bed with many children. “When you say bed you’re thinking sexual,†the singer said during the interview. “It’s not sexual, we’re going to sleep. I tuck them in. ... It’s very charming, it’s very sweet.â€

    Jackson caused an international uproar last year when he displayed his baby, Prince Michael II, to fans by dangling him briefly from a fourth-floor balcony in Germany. Jackson called the incident a “terrible mistake,†and Berlin authorities said the actions were not punishable.

    The singer had international hits with the albums “Thriller†(1982), “Bad†(1987) and “Dangerous†(1991) saw his career begin to collapse after the 1993 allegations.

    His last studio album, “Invincible,†sold about 2 million copies in the United States - great for most artists, especially veteran stars, but only so-so for the man who bills himself as the King of Pop.

  7. Originally posted by mr mahs

    I was having this argument with a co-worker the other day and my conservative side really came through on this subject. I beleive that every person is in charge of their own self and even though at times social and economic surroundings can be difficult, success can still be acheived. In our society it isn't un common to see a poerson come from poverty and become a self made millionare why? It's because that person had a goal and worked hard util he acheived it.

    This is basically the core different between conservative and liberal thinking. I personally think that social and economic surroundings have more of an affect on people than you take into account. Social mobility is rare at best in this country. Yes their are exceptions to any rule and yes although your economic and social status makes it 100x more difficult it is still possible to elevate yourself in society but still the idea that you are poor because you. Us more privileged people take many things for granted.....

  8. What i notice from you ghhhhost is that you choose to focus all your attention on the faults of the united states and never mention once the good things about this country. Trash this country every chance you get but the fact is your here. You were not recruited nor forced to come here you choose it and your enjoying the freedoms this country provides like being able to badmouth the govt. This mentality of focusing solely on the faults of our nation has gotten out of control. Also you say your real? WTF is real anyway? because your countrymen are trying to kill eachother your more real than americans? We dont know the shit you've gone through in your life and you have no clue wtf we've gone through so shut the fuck up with the "im above u" mentality.

    And for the attempt at a correlation between Hiroshima/nagasaki bombs to Kosovo situation you really need a history lesson. Stop making assumptions and actually read up about the planned invasion onto mainland Japan. Find out the estimates of casualties not only on the Allied side but on the Japanese side as well, which was arming 8 year old girls preparing to fight to the end. See if they surpass the casualties from the 2 bombs.

  9. Originally posted by marksimons

    I'm gonna take the piss out of your country's history mr mah. and it's easy.


    fucking italy.

    don't mention the romans, they weren't italians...

    let's mention that italy was a *drumbroll pleaseeeee*

    Nazi ally


    at least france had some principles, even if they were shit at defending their countries.


    I can see why mr mahs likes the current war so much. because it's in italian nature, and seemingly americas.

    wannabee fascist dictator, loves war, needs something to do, oooh let's go bomb a fucked up country, fuck it up some more and fuck up fucking it up.

    or something.

    "Following yet another incident on 5 December 1934, the already strained relations between Italy and Abyssinia (today called Ethiopia) rapidly deteriorated further. The resulting conciliation efforts, particularly on the part of the League of Nations, came to nothing. On the night of 2-3 October 1935, Italian forces invaded Abyssinian territory from Eritrea. At the end of an unequal struggle, during which the Italian army used chemical weapons, Abyssinia was finally conquered at the beginning of March 1936 and annexed by the Kingdom of Italy."

    "The Abyssinian government mainly protested about raids by the Italian air force aimed particularly at ambulances and medical units protected by the red cross emblem, and the use of gas - confirmed by the ICRC delegates themselves - by Italian forces in violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. However, when the ICRC approached the Italian Red Cross about this, its president replied that the Protocol contained no provision prohibiting the use of chemical weapons in reprisal for the ill-treatment of Italian prisoners of war. The ICRC, in turn, reminded the Italian National Society that, as far as humanitarian law was concerned, chemical weapons were very clearly prohibited."

    btw I do love italy and italians. but not that much as I've not been there yet. and it's late. and this threat is fucking stupid. but anyway. fuckit.

    Lets get into the glorious campaigns of your country hmmm which continent do you want to start with... i dont know how about simply your neighbor Ireland for starts how many years have you been pillaging that island for? Or how about how many native Americans you killed colonizing? Or how about how many Africans you enslaved and killed? Or how about how many Chinese died in incidents like the boxer rebellion? Or how about the near extinction of the Australian Aborigeny? The list keeps going for the honorable Great Britain. You name 1 shamefull Italian regime I you have a bloodline of so called "royalty"

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