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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. MarkSimons as for your pics of the injured children and all from Iraq I really think you should stray to another angle in your protest for the war. Hussein was far from a humanitarian so in trying to demonstrate the death and anguish the american assault and occupation of Iraq is causing you must take into account the amount of lives saved by Hussein not being in power. Both sides use the Iraqi people as political pawns but lets cut the bullshit neither gave 2 shits about them until this whole conflict began.

  2. Originally posted by igloo

    Just do me a favor.....before you make statements like this, do some research and get an understanding about the difference between the two searches, the dynamics, the region, and what is entails...

    please...I beg of you to get a little more informed....

    Well you said it so hence i'll get right on that. I mean after all we've of course put the same amount of funding, soldiers and resources into Afghanistan as we did in Iraq.

  3. Originally posted by igloo

    completely off-topic in its relevance to this discussion...completely...this is another debate in itself....one you do not want to go down because your hypocrisy will be exposed again

    This is just a flawed argeument by you.....think about it......".Don't help people here because you did not do it there".....or do not take credit for helping here because you did not do it there".....or "wail against the U.S. for overreaching but wail against the U.S. for not intervening"...

    Far from off topic slick, You should stop focusing on your insults rather than actually putting up a decent argument. What I'm exposing is the emptyness in the idea that we were compelled to go into Iraq for humanitarian. I'm sick of hearing all the time about the suffering of the Iraqi people as if anybody really gives a shit about them other than using them as a pawn to strengthen the argument for the war. I bet you really give a shit about the suffering of the Iraqi people right? When have i complained against the US not intervening? Please state to me when I said this and prove my hypocrisy. Amazing how I can respond to a post and not evolve it around insults.

  4. Originally posted by raver_mania

    haha funny you posted that Igloo - I've mentioned before that I'm surprised that the party divisions hasn't caused all out war yet.

    You ever watch japanese parliment in session? Those guys get in fist fights with each other all the time its amusing to watch

  5. Originally posted by igloo

    Again, anyone who believes that the capture of this ruthless dictator means nothing is clueless, and needs to have their soul questioned......

    I find it amazing that the hypocritical, anti-war crowd who claims to care about Iraqi civilians can not simply remove the foot from their ass and admit that this is a good thing for the Iraqi people.....I will not even mention what is means for the region, the U.S., the military, the war, etc, etc....

    Nah.....people who lived under constant terror and fear for decades could never be happy that this monster was caught. They are simply dancing in the streets because Clay Aiken's CD has reached Iraq.

    It could not possibly be a good thing for Iraqi's, civilians and military, who were afraid of cooperating because of the fear that this monster could actually return to power and they would incur his revenge and brutality. Nah...not a good thing he was caught and never coming back. Means nothing.

    Nah. The capture means nothing to begin to heal the pyschological damage done to a people who lived under a brutual police state for decades.

    It means nothing that mass graves will no longer be filled. It means nothing that one of history's most reprehensible animals is no longer in power.

    Means nothing that this monster was exposed as a fraud, not the person who cultivated an image of "standing up to the U.S."....."The great Arab Leader" being pulled from a shithole crying right away "don't shoot", "I will negotiate".....that should really cement his "myth" and send a powerful message throughout the Middle East.......nah...means nothing that another fraud was exposed.

    I suggest that those who ridiculously continue to discount this put away for a moment their anti-Bush hate, their anti-war views, and their shameful hypocrisy and do the human thing and recognize this as a good thing.

    Ok good so since you obviously care so much about the oppressed people around the world why dont you join the army and we can put you on peacekeeping missions in Africa because the shit that goes on in that continent makes Iraq look like a vacation spot. Then after that you can lead the fight into North Korea to take out the admitted WMD's from North Korea because of course we cant let any rogue nation posses wmd's.

  6. Originally posted by CHRles

    Because it's so easy to capture guys like this?

    Seriously, some of you guys have the mentality of a 15 year old who think they know the world better than anyone. You're never satisfied with what the US does, and at the same time you people don't condone terrorist attacks as much as need be. Why even bother following current events if all you can do is act all cynical towards any US action.

    Admit it - you guys really don't give two shits about anyone dying, all you care about is having a stupid internet message board where you can vent about whatever.

    we had 100k + troops in Iraq with playing cards etc, billions of dollars in funding all for searching for Saddam. How many troops did we have in Afghanistan looking for Osama?

  7. I dont understand all the "morality" and "international law bullshit. War is war people die, prisoners get torchered etc it comes with the territory. Stop looking at a video like that and making assertions about right and wrong. Have you been in a war? Can say you know that you would act any different when you have people dedicating their lives to kill you?

  8. Originally posted by igloo

    Were they capable of launching a WMD attack in the first Gulf War?......Did they do it?.....

    Little different situation. The first Iraqi war our stated goal was to take Iraq only out of Kuwait and Saddam assumed we would stop their which we did as well as a threat from Nuclear retaliation which added the deterrent. Iraqi freedom's clear goal was to oust Saddam. The threat of Nukes was obviously still their yet in this round it was all or nothing what did he have to lose by using them?

  9. You guys get out of control with your blind hate for this country. Disagree with policies that is your right to do but where do you come up with some of this shit. First whats the benefit of understating the casualties felt on 9/11? You argue that Bush is using 9/11 as a ploy to consolidate power for his own agenda so hence wouldnt he want 9/11 to have been more of a disaster than less with more American deaths involved which would prove a more imminent danger?? Next the whole Israel 9/11 thing is just rediculous show me one ounce of proof from a reliable source other than Al-jazeer or one of these conspiracy sites please as well as an explanation of how attacking the world trade center has changed anything for the situation of Israel? 3rd I really doubt more Americans are dying than being told although you might hope for more. Considering casualties are big news stories hence you know CNN, fox, and msn are working through more than just US govt. sources to uncover information on the battles which are being fought their but then again it is possible. Finally Bush = Hitler corrolation is insane. Despite a difference in policy opinions I really feel that Bush thinks hes doing the right thing for the citizens of our country and Iraq for that matter.

  10. I dont know why people still argue this we are coming out of a recession. If you want to have a valid argument complain about the budget deficit and the debt that will be accumulated that no one seems to even care about.

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