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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. What ever happened to him??? Does anyone care???? Last time i checked he was the master mind behind 9/11 doesnt everyone think that we should be putting more focus into his capture or at least confirmation on his death if it has ocurred. I truthfully care more about seeing him caught than Saddam why doesnt the goverment feel that way??????

  2. Originally posted by igloo

    No, not at all......

    people arent liberals simply because they disagree with views of the far right....... Are all people that disagree with liberals conservatives then????? Can someone be neither a liberal nor conservative???? Neither a democrat nor republican????

  3. Originally posted by sassa

    and this is supposed to be a democratic country? now they have the nerve to pass a law like this, telling people who they can or cannot boycott or support? What the fuck?

    I know right i mean cmon this country makes North Korea look like club med......

  4. Originally posted by igloo

    Could you and sexio have more grossly miss the point of the article than you did?......but in your close-mindness, you proved the article's point rather easily

    U know truthfully i dont disagree with everything you post or say but your resorting to name calling and degrading people just shows weak character on your part..............

  5. Originally posted by igloo

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I knew you liberal, hypocritical clowns would get all bent out of shape when your own shit is thrown back up your ass....

    :laugh: :laugh: ....

    SO predictable....

    Hope your not talkin to me......

  6. Originally posted by skince55

    Well my theory on the Bishop goes out the window.

    Totally agree with you on the religion thing. Even if it is directly God's word, it was written by humans which doesnt make it exact. Also this stuff was written a long time ago for a different culture of people. They bible also says eye for an eye which we don't practice.


  7. Originally posted by mangos

    Its our duty as the worlds strongest militarized country to defend "the little guy" who gets picked on. IE South Korea, Turkey, Iraq, and so on. If we were one of those countries, we'd look to someone like England or whoever else to protect us.

    Why is it our duty??? Who are we protecting Turkey from?? I see in many of these countries where we have a large amount of troops ie South Korea and Okinowa that have a population is largely against our presence in their country and yet we are their to protect them? Let them protect themselves. The cold war is over and our troop positioning around the world was based on that conflict so hence i dont see why we should not remap our troop positioning around the globe and i dont see why we should not be able to maintain more troops on our own borders to protect ourselves from present day problems like terrorism.

  8. Originally posted by sassa

    this is such a smokescreen it's not even funny. what about sierra leone then? or burundi? Or zimbabwe?

    The country was founded by freed slaves so we have much stronger ties with Liberia than these other countries. I still think it is a bad idea to get involved in these civil wars........

  9. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Not saying that the Palestinian leadership as well as leadership of the other Arab countries haven't done shit(they haven't), but c'mon, preventing food and aid going to civilians. Also, previosly heard from several sources, cases where ambulances with patients were detained unnecessarily, etc.

    The political situation is a very complex one, but I am seriously starting to wonder if the Israeli govt had/has any intention of letting a Palestinan state form. Agreed, at the root of the problem is the Jewish-Muslim hatred, but more and more Arab countries are seeing the right of Israel to exist. Which is a good thing. However, scenarios like this wall that they're building, designed to grab a large percent of the Palestinian land, is pure bullshit. I also just read that Benny Elon's (the information minister, I think?) ideal "road-map" is one where all the Arabs (including Israeli-Arabs) would be expelled to the neighbouring countries. Disturbingly close to South Africa's Apartheid.

    Dunno if this situation will ever end. Also, don't understand why the US supports a country whose actions are in violation of many of the principles this nation was founded on. The Jewish community here definitely must have a large political influence (pure speculation).

    I mean, the Bush road-map clearly states that there should be no more expansion of settlements, but all I hear about are more settlements being constructed. Also, construction of the wall is still being continued despite the administration's very strong reservations against it.


    Guess, I'm just discovering that Israel is not as good and right as I initially thought.

    The problem i feel is in part of the extremes in leadership. Right now u have extreme hardliners running the israeli government that dont want to budge. Until both sides decide to start giving in a little nothing will be solved.

  10. Originally posted by igloo

    Not sticking up for Israel, but just wondering if.....

    .... if Islamic "money" was used to build education, infrastructure, commerce and real goverment in Palestine instead of terrorist infrastructures and radical mosques ......

    Or perhaps Mr Arafat, man of the people, used some of his estimated $1.9 billion net worth towards good use..

    Imagine if Saudi Arabia reduced the amount spent on exporting Wahhibism and anti-West views and diverted those funds towards the Palestinians---ooopps my mistake, I forgot the Saudi's held the marytr telethon.....

    Or the King of Philanthropy, Mr Saddam Hussein----now that he is out of a job--perhaps instead of paying $25,000 for suicide bombers, he could use that same money on agricultural programs...

    And of course Hamas and the rest of them have done soooo much for the Palestinian people.....I mean, they are so great to build schools that have textbooks that call for the destruction of the Israel....and of course, they help build medical clinics and hospitals for the Palestinian people, which is of great assistance to those who accidentally blow off an arm preparing to kill innocent Israeli's on a bus......

    And of course those prideful parades with 5 year old carrying AK-47s.....how special......

    Raver---I am not saying that Israel is right or devoid of doing bad things....but at the end of the day, at the core of this issue, is that region does not recognize Israel's right to exist...plain and simple.....a massive, complex conflict that when you peel back the layers, that problem is at the core.....everything else stems from that....

    We can debate who was there first, who has the rights to what land, etc, etc, etc......but since so many in this country love to talk about "root" problems when it concerns the U.S., then why does the pro-Palestinian crowd ignore what the "root" problem is there?.......unless that problem is addressed, all actions will continue to feed off that....

    I am sure the "Israel is the Devil" crowd here is going to disagree, so be it

    Well said.....

  11. Originally posted by mrmatas2277

    are u sure...i could have sworn that during the first meeting between the US and Korea....they Koreans stormed out of the meetings...i think it lasted a couple of hours....

    We r thinking of different things. The Bush administration cancelled the aid that the Clinton administration was giving to North Korea and thats what i believe began this situation.

  12. Originally posted by wakeup

    wow i posted this back in nov when i got a prerelease and now people have been asking about it alot lately

    andrea doria-bucci bag original is best


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