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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    That is a pretty simplyfied version of dropping water.

    First of all - fat loss is not the goal of dropping water. It is used to dry out an already lean person.

    I will keep it relatively simple. Lets say you want to look ripped on a saturday, you will start the saturday before.

    Day 1

    2 gallons of water

    Extremely High amounts of sodium

    Low to zero carbs

    Day 2-4


    Day 4

    Zero salt

    moderate carbs

    1 gallon of water

    Day 5

    Zero salt

    moderate carbs

    .5 gallons of water

    Day 6

    Zero salt

    As little water as possible

    High carbs

    Day 7 - take photos - you will be more shredded than ever before.


    Damn... Now your def someone who knows their shit

  2. not for nothing guys but you really have to stop criticizing Bush for everything he does. I thought it was wrong when Clinton could do no right according to republicans and you guys are guilty of the same thing. I guaruntee that if he didnt go into Liberia the comeback would be "he only cares about middle east oil". I try to debate someone and this mentality is the stereotype in which i am labeled it bothers me....

  3. Originally posted by sassa


    what about socialist countries? and what exactly constitutes a freedom, according to you? the country next door, canada, is a good candidate. but, it depends on what you're thinking about.

    by the way, i have no idea what you're smoking. i never said the US was a dictatorship. it is an oligarchy.

    1. Socialism DOES NOT WORK name me one socialist country that succeeded.

    2. I can write a 20 page thesis on the definition of freedom but i really dont feel like it to prove a point. Everything you choose to do out of your will is freedom. Complaining about everything the government does is one example of your freedom. Yes living in our society you do not enjoy total freedom because frankly total freedom is anarchy. To better help me understand your quarrels with the US please for me note.. I don't know 3 things that are wrong with the United States and then give an example of where another country is much better.

    3. Canada is the 51st state pretty much and except for cleaner streets i really dont see where Canada excells over us please give an example.

    4. The US is a republic plain and simple, far from an Oligarchy. The fact is despite what you want to believe (and also what i believe as well) the majority of people support Bush so i don't see how it is an Oligarchy Bush was elected into office and the people of the USA gave him the power he has.

    :cool: by the way YES I AM SERIOUS

  4. Originally posted by sassa

    whatever. fuck castro. fuck cuba. fuck everything. it's funny how the US is bent on destroying dictatorships around the world, but can't deal with the shit it has in its own backyard.

    one thing for sure: after 25 attempts to kill him, castro is definitely a smart mo fo.

    U really have no clue what a dictatorship is if you are even hinting at the US being a dictatorship. NO PEOPLE in the world enjoy more freedoms than Americans. Explain to me a country that is better than the US and why I'm just curious maybe i'll move their???

  5. Originally posted by sassa

    no shit :rolleyes: DID I SAY HE WAS A GOOD MAN ANYWHERE? no. i merely said he had both bad and good sides to him.

    You said " He has both bad and good to him"

    Ok well you didnt say he was a "good man" you just complimented a brutal dictator. And the only bad you felt necessary to mention about him was that he was hurting his people economically by his actions and putting an anti US twist at the end of it with the child porn shit.

  6. Originally posted by sassa

    he has both bad and good to him.

    he is stubborn and defiant, which is awesome. someone needs to stand up to the US....

    on the other hand, it's a shame that his actions are hurting people economically in cuba. little wonder why american pedophile motherfuckers make thousands of illegal child porn in cuba every year. so sad....

    Theres a reason cubans regularely attempt to swim from cuba to florida.... Castro is a bumb plain and simple. You disagree with him or his government and your ass is in jail. I really feel you are in the wrong to compliment or defend him in any way after all he has done to " Los enemigos del estado". All of your criticism of the government wouldnt be happening if you were in Cuba......

  7. Well I dont know If u want to call it a diet but I'm trying to drop a few pounds an a trainer told me that simply drinkin an extra 1-2 gallons of water will do that for you. Has anyone else tried this or anything similar to it?

  8. Originally posted by magellanmax

    Well said. :aright:

    Something that has been lost in the mayhem and violence is the fact that, the Palestinians do NOT have a standing army...but Israel does. The so-called terrorists organizations are technically civilians fighting an army and civilians. True, sometimes their decisions are crude, but they have an objective to achieve autonomy without being screwed up the wazoo.

    Somebody put it best: "One mans' terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"...take your pick.

    If the US actually put in half the effort to achieve 'peace' ...like the campaign right now in Iraq, the middle-east would have been paradise decades ago. Just my take.... It seems to be an endless vicious cycle with no end in sight unless concessions are made,...especially on Israels side...since they are an occupying nation.

    Just my take on the subject :(

    This mentality temps me to swing right in my political views sometimes...

    The ''so-called'' terrorists organizations are terrorist organizations period. Tell me how have these terrorists benefited the Palestinian people in any way? If anything they clout the legitimate argument the palestinians have in their struggles with Israel.

    You say Israel especially needs to make the concessions to end the vicious cycle. People forget the reason that Israel occupies the land it does right now. After 25 years of 250 million of your neighbors trying to annihilate you they kept the lands they seized after the six day war. I agree they should give back these lands but I also understand their reluctance to give back these lands so quickly when you are surrounded by all hostile neighbors.

  9. You guys are missing my point completly i probably didnt explain it well then. What I have a problem with is the comparison between Israeli soldiers being the same as a group like Hamas who's goal is to kill as many civilians as they can. Yes their are israeli soldiers that commit these crimes and its a shame if they dont get punished but despite this the goal of the Israeli army is not simply to go into Palestine and kill women and children and its a shame if you believe that.

    The whole situation is so complicated i really dont see a solution u have a growing Israeli population spreading into palestinian land on one hand and on the other you have a PLO leadership under Arafat who still considers the capital of Palestine as Jerusalem.......

  10. Dean has no chance hes lining up to be the next Michael dukakis. If the democrats want a chance they need someone who is sharp on foreign policy because terrorism, not the economy still seems to be the main issue in the minds of people.

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