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Posts posted by seximofo2k

  1. i really dont believe this war was strickly about oil. Might have been a weighing in factor but definately not the sole reason. Truthfully now im kinda gettin tired of even talking about the war in Iraq period it's over we're there. Aside from the partisan bullshit hopefully the plans for iraq are successfull i got some friends in Iraq i'd rather be wrong then see one of them die plus it would be alot better for this country.....

  2. Originally posted by CLuBBeRKiD

    Before everyone jumps on me i have to say, yes some of the mtv shows are ridiculous and some hilarious but.. i don't think it can be all blamed on the network itself especially when it comes to the reality shows.. these are actual people who put themselves on tv and conduct themselves in such a way.. so i say congrats to mtv for profiting and making themselves known from other peoples antics

    also reffering into driving young minds mtv also has aired shows promoting safe sex, voting in youth, gay rights and anti-discrimination

    With the reality shows its all about the drama if their wasnt any noone would watch it. But hey thats what people and thats what makes the bucks just like the glorification of dirtbags like Eminem it makes a ton of money. My cousin is 15 hes obsessed with 50 cent. I mean cmon now is that really a person you want kids to be looking up to and admiring??? Its like the tolerance for this garbage has slowly been increasing I think a line needs 2 be drawn. So much greed out their its ruining youth......

  3. Im a guy and i got really wavey hair so i really never grow it out cause of this. Ive heard from a friend that you can go get a chemical job to straighten it but im just curious what the deal is with it: How long it lasts, does it look alright, will i go bald from doing it alot?????

  4. Originally posted by spinninrecords






    these are mostly NY related sites... I'll post the other 100 tonite..

    Which have u guys had the best experiences with? I go to school in albany and when im up there i order from eightball but its annoyin cause ill make an order for like 6 record and ive had times where the order comes in 4 weeks after i make it.

  5. Originally posted by mr mahs

    What makes you think we aren't focussing enough attention to Iran and N KOREA.

    Good question. To start N. Korea is the center of a very volatile far east. The situation has the potential to spin out of control where Japan feeling threatened by North Koreas nukes may start producing its own and this would stir china also into a nuke frenzy and from there it turns into an arm race like we had with India/Pakistan. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the situation going on months now since they started processing the fuel rods we have yet to even meet with the North Koreans for talks yet. Now we can definately give credit to the Koreans for part of the blame but still even if they are refusing to meet why have we not put any pressure on them or ultimatems on them like we did with Iraq??

    The Iran issue i really dont see as imminent or serious a threat for first they dont have the weapons yet and second they dont have the capability of hitting US soil. The CIA estimate around 5 years (not exactly sure on the number) till they produce a nuke and Israel has gone about and said that the time till is more like a year. So hence why arent we putting any added pressure onto Iran, confronting the issue to the UN or doing much of anything to stop or deter Iran from producing these weapons?

  6. Originally posted by wakeup

    roc project-never is a yr old just cause ktu is beating it to death now hardly makes it the summer anthem, i posted this in a top ten sometime in july/august last yr

    Ok so your saying that a song can only be popular within a certain time limit of when it comes out? Or are u just trying to show that your cooler than him because you had it before???

  7. Originally posted by mr mahs

    WOW you can't see it huh

    12 year history with numerous resolutions and sanctions before we entered Iraq now you are crying we are not rushing to war with the other members of the axis of evil?? You are disappointed were not skipping diplomacy but probabbly cried when in your eyees we rushed to war in Iraq... make up your mind simpleton!!!!! [/quote

    Mr Mahs please explain where i started "crying we are not rushing to war with the other members of the axis of evil??" Cause as far i remember i never said that I hope you dont have to make up shit to argue with a simpleton? Never was %100 against takin out Saddam after all he is a piece of garbage and the resolutions he has been evading. What i didnt cry about but disliked was that we went in without UN support its funny everyone talks about the UN resolutions but yet the UN wanted more time but when that happened the UN became now a relic of anti-americans with no backbone. I guess we use the UN when it suits our purposes.

    I dont want to get into anti-american rhetoric i am far from that type of person. What I said and ill state it before is that the lack of action the Bush people are putting towards Iran and North Korea. We have a man Like Kim Jong Il who is a paranoid psycho with nothing to lose with ICBM's that the CIA confirmed could reach west coast cities. That my friend is more a threat than Saddam having some Anthrax that noone can find. Once again i dont believe we should jump into any situation I am just commenting on where i see inconsistency............

  8. Originally posted by igloo

    Who says the U.S. is not doing something?---don't be such a simpleton......pre-emptive defines itself beyond just military action

    But not for iraq? I'll stop being a simpleton when you start using your brain and realizing the inconsistency in the Bush's foreign policy. Hmmm preemptive attack for Iraq, negotiate with North Korea, avoid the Iran issue

  9. MTV went from a station that played music videos to the source of teen culture and its a shame that they market this shit to kids. How can they glorify some of these rappers they are just trash you ever see the snoop dogg show??? cmon now.......

  10. is ruining the youth in our society. I see it in my little teenage cousings they are MTV rats growing up idolizing pieces of garbage like Ludacris and Eminem its really a shame.....

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