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Everything posted by seximofo2k

  1. You forgot the record debt we experienced from 83-89. I have been hearing about how the economy is a recovery period from my pro Bush/optimistic republicans cant do no wrong believers for about a year and a half now so my question to u is when are the laggin indicators going to start experiencing this economic "boom" that we are in right now??????
  2. "first of all, its not true that the tax breaks went to the wrong people b/c people making over 150k pay almost all of the taxes anyway. So naturally, when there is a tax break they will get most of the break. But everyone benefitted. Where do you think that people with more assets will spend their money, on Mars? Or they just hold on to it forever b/c they don't need to spend money?" The whole point of this "tax break" is not to give back to the poor people have been unfairly paying taxes but rather as a stimulus to the economy. The consumers of the nation are not the upper class they are the lower working classes. People making 150k + do pay their taxes but do not need a tax break to increase their spending into the economy they already have the assets to purchase. A person who is struggling to pay their bills will spend that tax break on essentials (clothing, appliances etc) and that in turn will jumpstart the economy. Unfortunately the tax break to these people is really not enough to even have an impact. "The debt has absolutely nothing to do with tax breaks" Really??? Even top officials in the Bush administration admit that "some" debt will be accumulated from the tax break. If decreasing the revenue that the government receives below its budget costs does not cause debt to occur then please explain to me how the lost funds are replaced????? " In fact, the only reason there ever is a recession is not because we're not taxed enough, it b/c those assholes in Washington can't stop wastefully spending it. They pump billions of our dollars into programs that are unessential and, even if they are necessary, could be properly funded for much less. They tax us for things such as city constructon and maintanance, but wherever I go all I see is neverending construction, yet the streets are still full of potholes, street lights are out, and traffic lights are out of sync causing huge jams. Just to state a few. So you think we need to give them more money? [/" The basics of economics teach you that recessions are cyclical. I agree their should be some reforms in public spending but i really dont see public spending as a reason for a economic decline you are the first person to give this theory to me please state fact to prove your argument (if u can prove your case then u might change my view). I never said i think we should raise taxes right their you are putting words in my mouth, what i simply stated was i feel that if you want to stimulate the economy then you should give money to the consumers to increase the demand for goods. If you think that millionaires are the main consumers my friend........ " Don't you think it would be better to cut them off a bit and make them be more responsible and accountable for the way they spend our money?" Yes but nothing got cut off that is why debt is increasing. Everyone gets an income tax break meanwhile the states and cities are broke. College tuitions are going up, residential taxes are increasing, bridge tolls up as well etc......
  3. I know its such a taboo subject to even touch upon and i wont insult anyone for following any religion but i have a hard time believing in religion. This universe is so big i find it hard to believe that people already have it all figured out.
  4. People trash his dj skills all the time but the shit he produces are hot
  5. Ron Regan Jr. is a liberal, go figure??????
  6. Bush's handling of economic issue's has been poor at best. Trying to revive reganomics just isn't the answer.
  7. Bash America all u want people but this is the only country where jews and muslims can live next to each other in relative harmony Like i said this situation is just tit-for-tat crap its never gonna end
  8. Hey If u guys ever go to WT's say hi to me i btend there
  9. "Every single point you make is opinion not fact. "oh really? and you base this on what? i don't suppose i use any facts to back up my comments? " " Well you answered it pretty much how i expected by avoiding a response with some proof and fact about ur claim every election is rigged and just simply responding with a derogitory reply. MY claim to the truth is simply logic on this matter (state another issue and i will give specific evidence to support my claims if u desire). Logic says that every single politician is not in kuhoots together in order to rig elections. THINK PLEASE THINK WHY WOULD POLITICIANS OF DIFFERENT PARTIES ALLOW THE ELECTIONS TO BE RIGGED AGAINST THE FAVOR OF THEIR PARTY?????? You trully believe that noone would be exposing this????? " funny. if you don't agree with it, it's a "wild theory". this comment drips with bullshit. maybe if you actually did some research on the topic, you would think twice. but what do i know. i just spew "wild theories". " It's not if i dont agree its the large majority of the country who doesnt believe this bullshit. And when you make a theory against the norm it becomes a wild theory when u have no fact to base it upon. "i didn't say that, YOU did. now who's making assumptions now? get over yourself. seriously." Lets quote u again sassa "the popular vote isn't worth a damn thing besides the electoral vote. and who comprises that vote? senators and congressmen= politicians! so please, it's common sense. our vote isn't worth squat." Hmmm if our vote isn't worth squat then u are saying that every election is rigged Ill ask you for a second time to maybe try to proove ur claims.
  10. I'm a kickboxer and I want to get more flexible but it seems that no matter how much i stretch these days I've seem to not be getting any gains. Someone was telling me that their are supplements out their that help u stretch ur muscles. Anyone know of any??????
  11. Everyone who is banking on that their are no WMD in Iraq is going to get burnt in the long run.
  12. You know another funny thing about you saying how corrupt the government elections are. Their are two major political parties that are complete rivals of each other. You think if this "election rigging" that was going on so often as you claim then wouldn't each party be exposing one and other on the issue???? (Once again fact please not opinions in your reply thank you)
  13. Every single point you make is opinion not fact. You're telling me to use my common sense? Listen to some of the wild theories you are making up. Add one piece of fact besides the opinion of some senator who's trying to make some money from a book, and maybe you will get agreement from me. I agree their is some speculation about the florida and their is more to it than we know but don't use that shit as proof that every election is rigged. Prove, don't just make wild accusations, of other cases where the government and congress are rigging elections.
  14. If you really want to simplify the Iraq debate what it boils down to is two differences in opinion on foreign policies which is right is in the eyes of history......
  15. If we can get away from the insults for once and maybe actually turn this into a debate or discussion forum again I for one don't speak for every anti-war supporter but my reason for being against the war is this: regardless if their are some wmd in Iraq I really did not see Iraq as such an imminent threat to the United States that it was essential that we bypassed the UN and went into the country unilaterally. If we had waited a year would Iraq be planning the invasion of the Jersey shore or the Nuclear bombardment of the east coast????? One of the responses to this is frequently that 1441 UN mandate calls for Iraq to disarm. I agree we should have enforced this mandate (through the UN IMO) yet it seems to me that the UN mandate is simply being used as another excuse for an imminent strike. People state one of the main reasons for going to war was 1441 yet the UN called for more time. It seems like people support UN decisions when they agree but deem them useless when they don't.
  16. I've had good times up there but some people love it and some people hate it.
  17. 3. Canada is the 51st state pretty much and except for cleaner streets i really dont see where Canada excells over us please give an example. LOL so true! but canada has excellent health and welfare systems. i like how even if you're dirt poor or very rich, you can still get free treatment and not worry about insurance bills and hefty prices for life saving treatments like surgeries, or chemotherapy, or even if you just wanted to get your teeth pulled. the US sucks your blood out in these things. You can tie these two together into your argument of the goods of socialism and social welfare systems. Ideally it could work like Ideally communism is the best system where everyone contributes for the betterment of the community. The problem that occurred was when you are receiving the same benefits no matter how much you work then their is no benefit for you to work your full potential unless you had the threat of a person like Stalin who would ship u to Siberia if u didnt work your heart out. So the fact is I really dont feel that a degenerate who refuses to keep a steady job should receive the same benefits as a person who works 60 hours a week busting his or her ass.
  18. WHO VOTES IN THE CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS IN????????? You really must live in a dream world you think that their is some big conspiracy going on. And yes most people like Bush's stance thats why his approval rating in every poll i have seen is still above 50% (and before you pull some "it's a right wing conspiracy in the media crap" have some facts to proove that those polls are false don't just say your opinion. by the way don't use the electoral college as another conspiracy claim the fact is the 00' election was the closest in history and i agree the electoral system is outdated but if your gonna say it is rigged then once again please show a hint of proof in that or anything else you say.
  19. You really can't compare the 2 situations Taylor is requesting US troops obviously that was not the case in Iraq. Regardless I really don't think the US should be responsible for sending troops to remedy every situation. If it is a joint UN effort then I have not problem with the US aiding the effort in some fashion but I am against another Unilateral mission
  20. he prob just got out of a relationship and their still going back and forth. Don't break it off with the guy if u like him yet he could have been alot more shady about the whole thing
  21. Theirs a few reasons why i disagree with you. First off America can't be the worlds police force. To try to solve the problems of every country is impossible, we dont have the manpower nor the resources. This was my disagreement over the argument that it didnt matter if Saddam was a threat or not cause now the "reason" for taking out Saddam was the liberation of the Iraqi people. Second off if we try to get involved in these civil wars we are going to end up in another Vietnam situation. Somalia taught us that lesson and I believe that will lead to reluctance from every future president over whether or not we should enter into the affairs of Africa.
  22. Yeah i go their too i was just curious about if their was people on this board who go to school or live their. Funny thing is ive prob crossed paths or know some of ya's
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