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Everything posted by seximofo2k

  1. stepped off a plane from la.... get ready to rock rock rock ????????
  2. It was the Bush administration that actually was the first to pull out of the treaty. They stopped the aid going to North Korea, which i basically blackmail by the North Koreans aid to stop us from goin nuclear, but it ultimately led to the North Koreans restarting the fuel rod shit... I feel the scariest thing about this situation is that you have a crazy lunatic dictator of a country on the brink of disaster who seems to have nothing to lose with the nuclear capability for bombs to hit the west coast of the united states. Look at the drama that 9/11 caused in this country imagine if San Francisco was wiped off the map. Its such a tough situation I really dont know which is the right way to solve it: to be stern and not give in to their demands or to give in a bit and to reinstate aid to the country??
  3. Actually he lives with his male partner and was previously married with two kids in this religion i believe it is allowed for bishops to marry. I agree with you that a person can practice their religion the way they see fit. The bible, which is the framework of christian religion is even said to be writted by people, not the lord himself so hence it can be flawed.........
  4. I feel in a wartime situation the US should cater to the needs of the US troops before any others including civilians thats just the way i feel. I dont know the details of the reasoning behind the use of napalm but for them to use it byt their must have been just purpose. logic says they would not simply drop the weapon to torcher soldiers every action by the government recieves stark criticizm. So hence if it saved american lives i have no problem with it. On the subject of Hiroshima n Nagasaki i remember having this debate previously on this site forgot with who though. If u really want to know what would have happened if we didnt bomb read up on the subject, ask historians etc. Dont just simply make bold claims that the atom bomb was uncalled for and did not need to be dropped. I've also heard it was used to intimidate Russia too.....
  5. Arnold schwarzenegger.... i seriously laugh at the mere sound of that austrian speak
  6. This shit is just hillarious click on the picture in the link http://www.jedimaster.net/dork_clones.htm
  7. He is in fact a liberal while covering on the Buchanan and Press show he did make many statement which i viewed by beginning "we liberals". It's really wierd how your father can be the poster president for conservatism but u end up being a democrat. Well the ragin cajun married a republican so????????
  8. I still dont see the harm in gays marrying like u do, prob never will. Difference in views well we agree to disagree then. I'm pretty chill im just aint a fan of the trash talk in a current events room where u would expect maturity but maybe i took u wrong. You get ur invite to my wedding now:tongue:
  9. Your original response on the matter was real biological: Then u came back after my comments with this response: U have a point in some way on this issue (wait i have inability to see anything i disagree with) Read back if you want see my reply on this matter again. You can try to trash me and call me gay cause i am supporting their civil rights but the fact is if you really dont make a strong argument for why their marriage should be illegal. Believing in this evolutionary idea, which you do, yet you say that civil union is ok but marriage no. Why you condone civil unions and not marriage u still have not made clear to me. Pretty sad that you had to stoop to derogitory comments in this post, think its wrong when its done to sassa and others it simply shows ignorance on your part. If you want to continue this debate maturely then i have no problem.
  10. Of the 3 reasons u state i see only the biological viewpoint as holding some water. I dont go by religion, neither does the US government, social reasoning... well 50 years ago half the country was segregated. On the idea of biologically it doesnt match well yeah that is true but I really dont see how letting a minute minority of the population marry is going to destroy the human species????? And if you are going by these standards then why is a civil union ok but marriage no???
  11. Yeah their is solid answer in my opinion : Telling people who they are allowed to marry is simply a form of discrimination. The government should not dictate what 2 peoples concensual behavior. Their is no proof that shows that gay marriage would be harmfull in any way to others that in which it should be outlawed. To answer the second part of your question the reason that the "obvious moral/religious reasongs" (which obviously is your sole argument against gay marriage because you have continually dodged any answering of my question). Still in effect in US law is the seperation of church and state the last time I checked. So hence because the bible says that this behavior is wrong does not constitute that hence the US government should deem homosexuality as illegal. Who is anyone to state that a certain behavior is "morally" wrong???? What might go against your morals could be morally acceptable behavior to me. Gay marriage is between to consenting adults and is not harmfull in anyway so hence their is no reason why it should not be legal
  12. Well I know this because he stated it many times while covering for Bill Press on the Buchanan and Press show. whatever the definition is he labeled himself it. Nice try though Sassa
  13. I agree with some points in the article. Our global deployment of troops is still based on cold war strategy. I think that now for the future we need to keep more of our troops at home guarding our own borders not turkeys or south Koreas
  14. This guy that told me about doesnt really read up on supplements and shit like that so what he took could well had been a bogus supplement but thnx for looking anyhows.
  15. It seems by the way you are presenting your argument against same sex marriage, that you see the only purpose of marriage as simply a unification of two people in order to procreate and raise children. I totally disagree with this viewpoint. The point of same sex marriage is the same as the point of the traditional marriage arrangement, you love a person and you want to make the ultimate commitment and spend the rest of your life with that person. You still have yet to give me a solid answer, other than the obvious moral/religious reasoning, why same sex marriage should not be permitted. I do not see any negative impact on society from two people of the same gender being married please explain...
  16. How is this an argument for disallowing same sex marriage???? Should we outlaw divorce then because it goes against the evolutionary standpoint or the family structure?????
  17. OK an intelligent comment....?...????....
  18. I saw a special on aids a while back where doctors said they are within 5 years of a cure i hope thats true......
  19. It seems that the majority of the country is against same sex marriage but I personally havent heard reasoning why besides the obvious religious and moral dilemmas on the matter. I personally being a str8t male can personally care less who people want to marry. I'm just curious what other reasons besides the moral issues are people against same sex marriage???
  20. I understand what u are saying as well, u need to produce some debt in order to stimulate the economy. I tend to disagree with the details of the Bush tax cut myself but eventually their will be a recovery i just dont feel we are recovered yet.
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