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Everything posted by anotherway83

  1. what's up girl...how's it goin' i've been thinking...you're hot...im young...and word on the street is that your fiancé is out of town...which means that this is the perfect time for you to try being someone else's GF for a while, just to spice things up a bit!!! :D i've saved up enuff subway and mcdonald's coupons to take you out to dinner at those fine restaurants every night of the week...and i have something special planned for the only weekend of our week long tryst!! get back to me if you're interested (as i'm sure you are)
  2. naughtybabe - i see that crowina has started sending you some home videos of me and her doing it...can you please not post them on here tho? i have no problem if you use them for your own auto-erotic activities but this is a lil too much thanks
  3. i'm right and you are all wrong. the end.
  4. shut the fuck up and get back to the brothel you were born in you whore...
  5. well, what can i say about the true love of my life? we actually met at a mall and it was love at first sight...back in those days i was pretty skeptical about such things, believing that true love was meant only for the very few fortunate among us, those few members of humanity that i certainly wasn't a part of... i vividly remember that day at the mall...i was out picking up some games for my newly purchased PS2, and i just happened to take a detour for some reason i still can't remember - but it was the best damn decision i ever made, that's for sure! it was around noon and i was in a hurry to get back and check out my new games, and then it happened. i saw cindy...she was at a pet store, playing with some puppies and the look of innocence and sheer joy on her face utterly captivated me. oblivious to her surroundings, she really didn't care what people thought about her...she was there to have a good time and that's all that mattered to her! i knew that if i didn't take her home with me that day i'd live to regret it for the rest of my life...so i went straight to her manager, took her in my confidence and asked if i could take cindy out for a little bit...and the rest is just history. today we're a happy family and she really doesn't mind if i bang other women...i mean one day my cock could be deep inside naughtybabe's mouth, another it could be tearing open mysticrain's pussy and the next it could be splitting apart linabina's fat, juicy bum...but cindy knows that the only thing that really matters is love, and with my heart firmly in her hands, nothing can ever separate the two of us. anyway i've uploaded this pic of her taking care of the family..she's very homely that way, but she's a total cutie...tell me what you think Cindy, the love of my life
  6. alot of bitches say they like personality first, but truth is, in the real world, its often looks or income first, then looks or income second, and finally personality
  7. yeah...chances are pretty slim. theres hundreds of thousands of ppl. who come here from all over the country, maybe even from all over the world, who want to make it in hollywood, and you'll be competing against them all for "a slice of the pie" so to speak. there's a glut of super hot chix here already and even they dont always make it because it takes more than looks...if you're a guy i guess the rules aren't that different. i guess who you know also plays a big role. and of course luck. best is to get laid with a hot chic like somebitch, as i plan on doing, and be happy with life.
  8. you're right in that correlation doesn't imply causation, but the fact that so many studies have come to the same conclusion should be enough to at least convince you that living together before marriage isn't such a good idea.
  9. ok, here's a study conducted by penn state university that is as recent as 2003 and backs up my point : http://www.pop.psu.edu/searchable/press/aug403.htm why don't you provide some studies that support what you're trying to say? so far you've done nothing but stated your opinion, it's time you provided some hard evidence, weyes...
  10. assume this is all legitimate, for the sake of discussion... you're a straight guy, some bi-sexual dude comes up to you and says, "i'll pay you top dollar just to watch you masturbate...if it becomes a regular thing i'll hook u up with girls and let you have my apartment so you can screw them there"... assuming this is all legit...what would you do? let's say he's paying abt 100 bux just to watch you get off...
  11. ok, here you go: http://www.ivillage.com/relationships/debate/livetogether/articles/0,,166866_527212,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1&pba=adid=13231262 http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/X0403_Divorce_Rates_for_Li.html http://www.firstthings.org/marriage/display.asp?page=55&Sec=3 http://www.altpenis.com/penis_news/20030706221939data_trunc_sys.shtml i hope you find that evidence convincing enough!!
  12. lol...glad i made you laugh and weyes, studies have shown that couples that live together before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those that don't...
  13. you gotta do her in the bum till kingdom cum...only then can the two of you attain marital bliss IMO =the ass monster has spoken=
  14. well it's gonna be published in next month's medical journals...apparently scientists at Cambridge have discovered a tiny gland inside women's rectums they've tentatively named the "o-gland" ('o' for 'Orgasm') because it's directly linked to the g-spot and when directly stimulated by a strong shot of semen from a man's penis gives women extremely powerful orgasms... what's strange though is that it also makes them very subservient to the men that've stimulated their o-glands...basically once you stimulate the o-gland it somehow secretes a hormone which gets to her brain and then she starts to see you as her superior or some such shit... and to be honest i've experienced this with both naughtybabe and somebitch...eveytime i want wendy to do my laundry, cook something or ban someone from the boards, she'll argue for a bit and then i'll just do her real hard in the bum...after that she'll do whatever i want, no questions asked! same with somebitch...i recently activated her anal node (that's what the o-gland is being called in layman's terms) and now she's providing me sex on demand pretty much guys go try this out with your bitches and thank me later bye
  15. yeah...and i do mean unrestricted access...i've heard from other CP bitches that you're experiencing severe pain performing even the basic excretory functions (farting, pooping) and its because your backdoor hole is barely 2 millimeters in diameter...someone needs to do something to expand it and i have the right tool (ahem) to get the job done in a pleasureable way (for the both of us )...with my you-know-what deep inside you back there, it will be expanded to at least an inch in diameter and things will flow out - and every now and then, even in! - smoothly and painlessly so do get in touch with me via PM and we can arrange an anal sex session soon thanks, anotherway83 oh and btw, happy new year!
  16. anywhere really...anyplace where they have those newspaper boxes...just look to see if there's a box for the la weekly
  17. speaking of the la weekly you can always just check out the website www.laweekly.com
  18. occasionally they might...surely you could check it out sometime...$0.25 is hardly anything (not that im saying you're cheap, just that it's not much that's all)
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