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Everything posted by skywalker01

  1. taking our kids to the halloween parade in the neighborhood, then taking them trick or treating, then picking out the best candy for ourselves
  2. just got back from the library near my house. was impressed and happy to see such a diverse crowd waiting patiently in line to make sure their voice counts. definitely seemed like a higher turnout than in years past. at least two more votes in senator kerry's favor courtesy of me and my wfe. btw, the touch screens are ridiculously easy. after you are done voting, your choices are clearly displayed and anything you missed is highlighted in red. go out and vote (for kerry)
  3. the party will go on, no matter what the dates. i am willing to bet that most of the dj's will turn up. the europeans (especially the brits) love caning it up in sunny miami and the exchange rate favors the europeans coming here. the party people will carry on. see you there
  4. a big fuck you to the yankees and the curse
  5. OBBY: why would anyone care wtf you look like or where you hang?? do you think someone is challenging you to a fight? what grade are you in?
  6. btw, i think the "internets" are great for political discussions
  7. Bush is illiterate. the man is just plain embarrassing. not to mention he's a shitty pres. only a few more months left, thank god
  8. i don't hate Bush, i just don't think he's a good president. i know PLENTY of right wingers who get their 'panties in a knot' over any discussion of politics. many of them are fanatical. i must say, i will miss the laughs at dubya's expense these next four years. don't think homeboy is gonna get too many speaking engagements like many ex- presidents do. most recent embarrassing Bush quote: "i did the right decision" oh, really dumbass?
  9. saw this one today-- jesus, please save me from your followers i'm sure some people would be seriously offended by it, but there's some truth there
  10. philippio: stfu w your elitist bullshit. people are gonna listen to what they want and support the dj's they like. why the hell do you care?
  11. it boils down to voting for the lesser of two evils. generally speaking, i think most politicians (if not all) are crooked and have their own agendas in mind. kerry gets my vote because i always lean more towards the liberal bullshit than the conservative bullshit.
  12. ok really, i will stop the stupidity. i am just bored and hurricane coverage is just plain bizarre and not nearly as fun to watch as snl/ mad. one last thing.... i'm brian fellows
  13. SWEET!! do they have a messageboard? and if so, do they have # of posts next to your screen name too? maybe i can be the bling of THAT site
  14. WHY am i posing these questions to clubplanet? can anyone please recommend the appropriate site that i can visit for an answer to my questions?
  15. heard the set was a bit of a disappointment. i am not surprised. fully expected to get blown away by his set at amnesia (ibiza) a few weeks back, but he was a disappointment there too. instead mync project stole that show.
  16. i would have to decline and tell my boss to phuck off. prime example of 'bitch work'
  17. rcrespo: the night at rex was totally unplanned. we didn't even know mills and garnier were in paris. it was the day we returned to paris from ibiza and we were WORE out. we went out for dinner and then for a walk near our hotel. we saw a long line from a distance and as we got closer we realized it was for rex and garnier/ mills so we said what the hell. great night musically (which is what REALLY matters) but trust me, rex is an average club at BEST. it's a small rectangle w decent sound if you're right on the dance floor. amnesia (paris) was BEAUTIFUL but apparently they are not getting in the talent that rex does. we went there on a wednesday before we went to ibiza and even though the music was decent the club was empty. as for ibiza, we didn't make it to dc-10 or cocoon (amnesia). our original plan was to hit almost everything. we planned on going to a few clubs every evening. but after getting there we realized that wasn't gonna happen unless we wanted to take out a second mortgage on the house.
  18. got back from ibiza and paris about a week ago. caught jeff mills and laurent garnier at rex club in paris. nice sound but VERY small venue. music was top- notch. as for ibiza, yes the parties are insane, but my overall opinion of ibiza: OVER- RATED!! don't get me wrong, we had some great nights, but i've had more fun right here in florida during wmc. the beaches (if you want to call 'em that) are not even in the same league as the beaches of florida. and if you think clubbing in miami is expensive, forget ibiza. we paid up to 55 euro (equates to around $70 usd) for cover and drinks were at least 10 euro most places, even at mambo and cafe del mar which are sunset bars. pacha was the nicest club imo and best night (and day) was space on sunday. steve lawler on the terrace around 7:30 pm and later in the main room and groove armada destroying the terrace. topping it off, an amazing set by felix da housecat in the main room. most unique set we heard: lawler at mambo, playing a set that reminded me of a 'back to mine' cd. ultra- chilled, down tempo. i will try and find the time to write a proper review, but in short- if you never make it to ibiza don't worry. consider yourself VERY lucky to be in south florida.
  19. yeah i heard the 112 crew @ BED was madness.
  20. for me lately...starbucks caramel frappuccino. immediate sugar/ caffeine fix to gecho ass movin'
  21. which dj's have have not disappointed? for me: lawler @ state (wmc)- he defined filthy house music that night. an incredible set followed by a nice encore at cafeteria in the a.m. howells @ HOB (orlando)- an inspired set for the inspired crowd. howells seemed to love every minute, jumping around and dancing all night and EVERY track he picked kept the crowd on the floor. the letdowns: digweed @ crobar last night. LOVED what he played w sasha at wmc and was expecting an even better solo performance. cattaneo @ icon (orlando) a lifeless crowd didn't help, but the set was boring.
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