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Posts posted by shaegodiva

  1. like i said..i only went to black TWO times..and those TWO times happened to be opening nite and classics where ALL THE FLOORS WERE MOST DEFINITELY open...lol i wasnt there the other weeks when they closed the second/third floors n watnot...iw ork sundays and i'm only taking off/ switching days for a good party. so the both times i was there it was packed like crazy, music sucked opening nite but was awesome on classics.... if i had a great time, i'm not complaining- i'm also not exactly CRYING that he's moving to spirit. i would much rather go there than black to be honest.

  2. hmmmmmmm i dont rem ur outfit either...n thats weird b/c i was by that part of the room the WHOLE time basically. i met these two girls over by there, meredith n fatima...really cool. nah i wasnt in the circles...not that good lol i dance only to make an ass outta myself LOL. but its all in good fun....i try VERY hard not to push into ppl but frickin JUICEHEADS kept shoving me around all nite n i'd step on some poor unfortunate LITTLE person who'd look like they wanted to KILL me, thats y i like to stay put..less damage lol

    glad to hear u had a blast too...hmm...i don't remember a black/white tank with the pink skirt... were u in the circles at all? bc i love people watching too so if i saw u in there i might remember your dancing style or whatever :) i was sitting on those speakers by the curtain too around noon....had to ask a guy sitting up there to lift me up bc they're so high... :laugh: i was wearing black shorts and a black halter top with white polka dots...had on silver shades for a chunk of the night too.

    to all the folks i accidently stepped on...i sorryyyyy...people were very cool about it though...i kept turning around and apologizing to everyone when i stepped on them when dancing...they were all smiles still :D

    oh yeah, did u see the girl dancer that moved like a robot? that was really fun to watch! i don't think "she" was a girl though, but the moves were very unique...unrepetitive, fluid and robotic at the same time...nice!!!

  3. yeah but i have to be picky b/c i have a weekend job and goin out usually requires some REARRANGEMENT of schedueles lol. ive been to disco a lot, cheetah, show, spirit, black and wayyy back roxy n exit. i go to watever party seems good enough for me to miss a day of work or work overtime later ...variety lol

    i see thanks for feeling for me .. i guess going there at the start was a mistake .. ya i thought if i did show up like 7 or 8 it would be easy on the door ..

    and may be it the event ..

    in any case ... that does not mean that they treat people like this ..

    do u go to other clubs besides disco??


    the MASK

  4. first time i heard morillo was at his bday party back in march i think?? i couldnt believe...it was the first time i stayed for an ENTIRE set and NOT ONCE did i get bored w/ the music, or have that horrible lull some dj's have where ur hearing the same RETARDED beat and u just want it TO ENDDDDDDD immediately. NOT the case....and just to make sure i got my ass to disco sunday brite n early...and again, sick tracks all day....morillo :) is allllllrite in my book

  5. why YES i was n had a LOVELY time....i had on a black tank w/ white writing, and a hot pink ruffly skirt...im pretty tall too so u can usually see me wen im perched up on the speaker by the curtain in front lol. i prob saw you....b/c ima ppl -watcher lol. as far as price goes, i made sure i put myself on the cp list, i got there at 8, n i paid a cool 30 bux...not bad fer me :)

    hey shaegodiva...what were you wearing? i'm curious if i saw you there. did you have fun?
  6. ive been to disco many times and never really had to wait TOO long in line, then again i'm a girl and im either goin in by myself or w/ other girls so that tends to be easier lol. i got there at around 8 and there were maybe 10 guys on line and we were all in w/i 5 minutes i'd say. i never really had any gripes w/ the ppl there, security n door n watnot...but doesnt sound like u had a very good time of it- least @ the door :(

    ok . to start with positive news .. i had an amazing night yesterday lisetning and dancing my ass off to Eric Morillo .. the music was un-believable .. Eric kicked ass man .. and his sets were truely amazing .. i never heard him spin before .. but i am a fan now .. i am going to buy his CDs ..

    however here is the reason i am posting this thread ..

    what's up with the door people .. they let whoever they want and like .. no matter if they are in line or not ..

    lemme explain

    i got to the club around 5.15 pretty early ha? wrooooong .. i stayed in line until 6.30 .. the line was moving like 2 inches every 15-30 mins ..

    sooo many people would show up .. and cut everyone off .. and talk to the door people .. who would then just let them in .. with free or comps .. duno ..

    they had a separate line also .. dont know if it was vip or what . but anyone in that line, got in pretty fast .. while the main line . was the unfortunate one .. that last line would totally stop at so many times .. no movement at all

    and wht even bugged me more were those people getting special treatement coz they know the door people .. i mean . those guys/girls were not any differently dressed than the main line .. and as a matter of fact many of them looked like they were on drugs already or out of it .. some of them looked pretty trashy ..and some looked like total getto ..

    sorry i am not into putting people down .. but i did not see why were those people getting any special treatment . showing from no where and getting immidiately in .. while others (who looked pretty nice and like real club goers) would stay in line for hours and hours ..

    pretty redicilous if u ask me

    other than the door thing .. Eric was awesome .. too bad he had to spin in such a fucked up club ..

    i am not going back there .. and not only did they loose my business .. they also lost my referrals . which are couple of hundread people that i know .. i am letting everyone know that this cluc has great potential .. but if they keep treating people like this with no respect for their time and presence .. then they will loose big time

    sooooooo having said all that .. what do you people think ?? .. i am intersted to hear from people who were there and were part of that looooooooooooooooooooooong line that moved like a turtle .. i am also interested to know from people who used to go there .. is this usually the case with this club . or was that an unfortunate incident coz of the DJ popularity???


    the MASK


    the MASK

  7. unfortunately i started late, around 2001 n my first club was exit...so i did like the place but im sorry, i LOVED wat jp did to it...lookswise. but i only went twice during the time black was open, the place is seriously shot to shit now i'd say. i dont see wat could work there.

    Uh Yes Hated the place because jp took over it... and turned it into the worst club..

    never hated the space.. infact i use dto work there when it was EXIT... I LOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD that place...

  8. Everyone Please Read


    Jonathan will not be spinning at Black anymore.

    He sends his love to everyone and would like to thank everyone for their support.


    I will keep everyone up to date.

    So please be patient.


    "You Got To Have Soul"http://www.jonathanpeters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18947

  9. who the hell told u 6 or 7 am?????? lmao

    you pretty much cant get in anywhere,,,, :mad:

    Exit R.I.P. its now Wack @$$ Black... JP is there and its only 18 and over after 4am... which is stupid considering its only open till like 6 or 7am

    Avalon is 18 for Ladies

    SF has been closed for Monthssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssszzzzz

    and will Never Re-Open :mad:

    You missed the best Club....

    its now closed since April...

    ARC/ VINYL R>I>P> ARC :cry:

    Try Discoteque on Thursday's 18 and Over I believe.

  10. FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT, AND NOT TO ADVOCATE RAMPANT DRUG USAGE LOL, BUT OUT OF CURIOSITY...WHY IS IT CONSIDERED ALRITE N NORMAL FOR PPL TO DRINK THEMSELVES INTO OBLIVION NITE AFTER NITE, GET MANGLED , DO STUPID SHIT, CAUSE FIGHTS ETC ETC. THE THINGS THAT COME ALONG W/ DRINKING CROWDS..BUT AS SOON AS THE WORD " DRUG " IS MENTIONED ITS " DIRTY"? IM NOT IMPLYING YOU PARTICULARLY, JUST IN GENERAL, BEIN A RAVING , DISGUSTING, ALCOHOL- FUELED MESS IS FINE BUT WEN ITS A DRUG CROWD ITS CRAP? i just wonder, being that im not a big drinker or heavy into drugs, why its fine to be a drunken mess, it still is AWFUL for ur body, still is one of the main causes of death, violence, accidents, etc etc...its JUST as dangerous to be fuked up on as MOST drugs. but yet everyones fine w/ someone posting " i went n got WRECKED OFF MY FACE..." ha ha...but god forbid someone posted bout bein mangled on drugs they'd be dirty, ruining the scene, a general problem for everyone who's IN IT for the music.

    bottom line in my opinion is both screw you up, both impair ur judgment, cant drive etc etc, both can be messy- so why are drinkers "normal" clubbers and the ones who do drugs the problem ppl? just b/c alcohol is legal? well so are cigarettes and nicotine not tina is THE most addictive substance on earth so dont tell me legal= safe.

    for every person ive seen g out somewhere ive seen TEN fall all over themselves drunk, puke on ppl, get obnoxious, and start fights. just trying to look at it unbiased, from a different perspective...

    Crobar is and will be by far the best CLUB ever Built in the U.S.

    For you Vibe means NO SEARCHES FOR DRUGS

    For me Vibe means CLEAN club drinking with Friends FUCK THE DJ

    DT was AND still the FUCKING MAN x100

    IF DT gets to do a BIWEEKLY residence at crobar - NYC will be HAPPY then






  11. yea i saw that guy at exit....havin himself a grand old time lol

    the "Tap Dancing Guy" has been clubbing for MANY MANY Years...he is deaf and goes out to clubs becuz he can feel the vibrations from the music and it makes him very happy....I love that guy.....Ive seen him partying ever since I started going out... :)
  12. dont know if the party is still going on?????? where have you been lol it's been open every saturday/sunday SINCE 3/13. opening nite was crowded but music ehh, i didnt go again till last month @ classics which was DEFINITELY nice. i hear the music is good now but it's not doin so good numberswise. nice setup tho, jp fixed the place up nice and the system is hot i gotta say. shame not too many ppl are going but you should go and check out the music, i hear been REALLY good lately. no police since that first nite that i know of, tight security but no more od's, place is gettin more relaxed.

    I went the first night, It wasn't very good. Some idiots Overdosed and JP had to cut off the music. Police showed up. I don't know if the party is still going on. In my opinion Jonathan Peters is done. :gang::gang:
  13. @i got there @ midnite and left at 3pm sunday...just missed closing by 2 hrs, wen the ride's leaving, it's time to go lol. walking back home wasn't such a hot idea considering my legs stopped working around noon . INSANE music, everything i wanted to hear , vibe was great too. bouncers were around but really weren't hassling from wat i could see and it was packed, but not really UNCOMFORTABLE. good times :)

  14. Originally posted by H-BomB

    Maybe a duel schedule like GHB is now.. Schedule 1& Schedule 3.. because it does appear to have some useful medical purposes (Like treating post traumatic stress disorder) but is also has a very high potential for abuse.

    Alcohol is an ENTIRELY different substance. Occassional drinking does no real harm to the body, the damage associated with the substance happens due to day in and day out ABUSE. (Alcoholism) At this point we just can't say the same for X.

    yes but even OCCASIONAL smoking carries those permanent effects, even one cigarette puts tar on ur lungs...but its LEGAL b/c its CASHMONEY for govt...u get my point. plus, u dont get more addictive than nicotine...
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