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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. What did she even get into it with that guy for? Yeah maybe he shouldn't have called her a bitch, and she shouldn't have called him anything. But in the beginning, she kept saying she saw nothing wrong with using the word. The fact that she uses the word back home, and that shes dated 10 black guys or whatever, that he doesn't know who she hangs out with or whatever. It doesn't matter... I have plenty of friends that are black, and I don't use it, b/c I'm simply not comfortable using the word, I don't see the point. But I know groups of friends, where it's mixed, black/white/spanish/asian, where they use the word among each other with no problems, but they're friends, and they've come to the understanding. I also know ppl who've gotten into fights over the word, where ppl thought the other person shouldn't be using that word. It's kinda like in the news the other day, when Hillary Clinton said something about gandhi and pumping gas, I laughed and found it funny, I'm Indian, I didn't take offense to it, but I know other indians that did. If an indian person were the make that same joke, those ppl would be laughing. It's like an inside thing, where you can say things about your own ppl with your own ppl, and not have others do it.
  2. lol yeah I noticed that too... I think he's sensitive, not b/c of the racial bit that happened, b/c if I was him, I'd feel the same way. But b/c of the whole outcast bit... and "this is the most attention i've gotten the whole time i've been here"
  3. congrats on the job! I used to go to that fridays pretty often.
  4. but I do agree with jacquese in the whole fight with robin bit... cause the whole hands in the face thing, that shit's not cool at all... and i agree with brad with the word usage...
  5. I like Jamie. I hope she has a bigger role. Frankie's a bit weird, haven't decided whether I like her or not. Robin gets on my nerves, just hearing her talk. Brad's cool, didn't like him at first, but he seems kinda cool. Jacquese is too sensitive. And seems like a big gossip. Cameran's ok, southern girl.... The other guy, something about him, I just don't like....
  6. true indeed, thanks for pointing that out to us.
  7. my dad had knee replacement surgery, and he has the handicapped thing now! It's great! During xmas shopping, it was a god send... oh, and 11:06, just watched the real world, now checking the nba scores...
  8. you can send with the send file option or the direct connect. i always just upload files to webspace...
  9. lol, I don't think there's any one answer. And it would depend on the way the name was said, pronouncing it funny could mean a lot of things...
  10. lol, don't forget police quest!
  11. something wrong with your eyes?
  12. EROTIC FETISH I think that shoulda been your work warning.
  13. I believe in fate to a point. That fate will wind up giving you choices, and only take you so far, with you left to do the rest. You can't just sit around, and expect fate to do everything for you. It's kinda like those choose your own adventure ending books from when you were little, with different paths that you can take.
  14. this is why I don't make resolutions.
  15. lol I was j/k.. but what exactly is that smiley?
  16. Did you always get the president physical fitness award?
  17. 12:31 Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one? I used to wondered that. I can't believe I read his whole list!
  18. I'll be sure to avoid the bathroom.
  19. I live in a commonwealth and don't know. http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20001117.html
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