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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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  1. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to scavenger81 in Would you bang...   
    My fav' rep is 'that was negative funny'.
  2. Downvote
    fouroneone got a reaction from teamj4 in Would you bang...   
  3. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to groovefire in Would you bang...   
    Which one?

    I'm kidding, I'm kidding, don't answer.
  4. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to stymie in Would you bang...   
    A+ fake screen name
  5. Downvote
  6. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to Timmmaaayyyy in Would you bang...   
  7. Like
    fouroneone got a reaction from foxylady69 in You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to stymie again.   
    And who gave me JP ARMY
  8. Like
  9. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to deeelite1 in ***Bobby Digital Where Is Your Whale Gf***   
    swamp azzzzzzzzzz
  10. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to prplhz in Would you bang...   
    This might be one of the funiest threads I have ever read! Thanks for the laughs guys Keep um' coming
  11. Like
    fouroneone reacted to MRJR in Would you bang...   
  12. Downvote
    fouroneone got a reaction from MRJR in Would you bang...   
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to stymie again.
  13. Downvote
    fouroneone got a reaction from stymie in Would you bang...   
  14. Like
    fouroneone reacted to teamj5 in Rise Friday night:   
    tom's set was good. todds set sucked because he didnt play esperanca, but phils set was good cause he played some tina'd out mix of lolas theme...so that cancels out groovefire like they werent even there. didnt get to stick around long enough for hoskas set cause i wanted to get to the DiP in time for free pizza.
    hey ya doin moment of the night.......meathead walked into the bathroom and ras followed him in
    this review is TeaM J5 produced â„¢
  15. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to guest00901 in So I Finally Met Tila Nguyen   
    I was modeling at the Hot Import Nights car show in philly last weekend and I saw here there. I got to say hi and get a pic with her, she is sooooooooo freakin tiny but she is such a sweetheart!!

  16. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to somebitch in So I Finally Met Tila Nguyen   
    lol. i would never say such a thing. you know i <3 you. when are we going to party? did you move to bk?

  17. Like
    fouroneone reacted to DaVe in CLUBPLANET CENSORS PARADE ATW - What's Your Opinion?   
    If you want to keep all your posts in the Promotions section of Clubplanet, we'll remove any block.
  18. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to bbbooom in - The Reputation Thread -   
    "private school basketball league playin ass niggaaaaaaaaa".. no
  19. Like
    fouroneone reacted to muzikchick in These Hands Ain't Small, I know.....   
    I can put my own ego and "struggle" aside for a second to share a special poem with you. For me, as bad as it gets...I have a father who loves me...and I know all I have to do is call him and tell him I need him...and he would do whatever it took to "make it better"....so, I try not to call too often. Knowing is enough, sometimes....(everyone should get someone they know a box...we all know how we all like to disreguard our pennies)
    but, I came by this poem and it was touching:
    A Poem: ASK NOT
    I am famished, you have food in the belly
    I am naked, you are clothed
    I am homeless, you have a home
    How could we have the same way of life?
    Ask not my craggy alpine peaks
    Their shivering stones are smarting
    Leave the wailing trees alone
    Avoid the flowers, their limbs grief stricken
    Ask not the gentle breeze, ask not.
    A Poem by 'Ditty'
    A 12 year old Afghani orphan
    'A man is not a true believer if he eats with satisfaction whilst his neighbour goes hungry' - (Hadith-Mishkaat)
    A message on behalf of thousands of poor children like Ditty to our children...
    A wise person always counts his pennies and every penny counts. Your small change means a lot to the needy.
    Try to save your pennies and help the poor and needy orphans. Share a small portion of your pocket money with your poorer brothers and sisters.
    Healthy tips: Cut down on sweets, chocolates & fizzy drinks. The pennies you save can go to the poor, simply by putting them in your Penny Saver Box.
    ...and to parents too
    It is a well known fact that Muslims are most generous and giving. We should educate our children and teach them Islamic manners and one of the best manners within Islam is that of GIVING. Children learn this from very early days in their lives.
    Please call and order your FREE Muslim Hands Penny Saver Boxes for each of your children and watch them save and give to charity or click here to order online.
  20. Like
    fouroneone got a reaction from deepspell in How to tell if you are gay   
    1. If you are over 30 and you have a washboard stomach, you're gay. It means you haven't sucked back enough beer with the boys and rather you've been sucking-off the boys and have spent the rest of your free time doing sit-ups, aerobics, and doing the Oprah diet.
    2. If you have a cat, you are a Flaaaayming Fag. A cat is like a dog, but Gay: it grooms itself constantly but never scratches itself, has a delicate touch except when it uses its nails, and whines to be fed. And just think about how you call a dog..."Killer, come here! I said get your ass over here!" Now think about how you call a cat..."Bun-bun, come to daddy, snookums!" Jeeezus, you're the poster boy for GAY.
    3. If you suck on lollipops, Ring-Pops, baby-dummies, boiled lollies or any such nonsense, rest assured, you are a Gaylord. A straight man only sucks stubbies, shots, bar-b-q ribs, crab-claws, raw oysters, cray-fish guts, pickled eggs, or titties. Anything else and you are in training to suck El-Dicko and undeniably a Fag.
    4. If you refuse to have a shit in a public toilet or piss in a parking lot, you're in a deep homosexual relationship. A man's world is his toilet; he defecates and urinates where he pleases. A real man will shoot, shit, sleep where ever he likes
    5. If you drink decaf coffee with skim milk, you like a high hard one in the poop-chute. Coffee has to be had strong, black (or with thick, wholesome milk) and full-aroma. A pussy-eating man will never be heard ordering a "Decaf Cafe Latte with Skim or with a twist of lemon" and he will never, ever know what artificial sweetener tastes like. If you've had NutraSweet in your mouth, you've had a dick in there too.
    6. If you know more than six names of colours or four different types of dessert, you might as well be handing out a free pass to your arse. A real man doesn't have memory space in his brain to remember all of that crap as well as all the names of all the players in the NFL, NBA, NHL and Nascar. If you can pick out chartreuse or you know what a "fresier" is, you're gay. And if you can name ANY type of textile other than denim, you are faggadocious!
    7. If you drive with both hands on the wheel, forget it... you're hungry for man sausage. A man only puts both hands on the wheel to honk at slow-arse drivers or to cut the motherfucker off. The rest of the time he needs that hand to change the radio station, eat his hamburger, hold his beer, finger the bitch in the passenger seat (whoever she happens to be), or talk on his mobile phone.
    8. If you enjoy romantic comedies or French films, mon-frere, vous sonnez le Gay, oui? The only time it is acceptable to watch one of those is with a woman who knows how to reward her man. Watching any of the above films by yourself or with another man is likely to result in SHC (spontaneous homosexual combustion), which is what happens to fags when they flame out too quickly. So follow the rules and beware. Or keep that shit to yourself, you flamming faggot!
    9. If your name is Steven, Neil, Dallas, Gavin, Frank, Brett, Bruce, Craig, John, Andrew, Robert, Laurie/Larry/Lawrence, Aaron, James, Howie, Phil, Ray, Miser, Damian,Terry, Matthew or Luke, then stop living in denial. You're a dung punching arse bandit from way back and everyone knows it.
  21. Like
    fouroneone reacted to Mystify in off drug topic-first time ever....   
    Gave 'em to you frks
  22. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to kahn in off drug topic-first time ever....   
    points for that....................hit me up......
  23. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to fkornre in off drug topic-first time ever....   
    i just gave u some more...i have no clue why they have them but u get them if ppl approve of ur posts and want to give u points, or they could give u a negative response...if u look under ur name u see those green dots...the more points u get the more dots u have...if u mouse over them it says something about u and that changes as u get more...go check out mysty and dg and like everyone on the bump board...they have alot...
  24. Downvote
    fouroneone reacted to NOT IN USE in off drug topic-first time ever....   
    what the hell are reputation points?
    i have 41........sounds low..........how did i get 41 anyways.......
    i know im a couple months behind with the board upgrade and all.
  25. Like
    fouroneone got a reaction from Mystify in off drug topic-first time ever....   
    Wow you three are like BFF now
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