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Everything posted by damelo

  1. You are super hot... I have a "thing" for girls in glasses... Post some more! Show some more!
  2. Is that any night or a certain night?
  3. What are the best after hours places in New York City? I have a friend coming in from out of town and I want to show him the best after hours... i.e., the best place to meet girls... What are your picks? Please give me some recommendations.
  4. Thanks! Can you give me a review/description of the place? Is it any good? What's it like? Anyone else have any other good places for me? Thanks......
  5. My friend is having a bachelor party in AC and he wants to go out to a club/lounge before going out to a strip club or something along those lines. I don't know AC at all -- can anyone suggest a good spot??? Thanks...
  6. Ok, I'm well aware of the risks, etc. However, for the purposes of this question, let's just assume that we will get back together. Does that change your answer???
  7. it was a mutual agreement. the problem is that even though she SAID we could, you know how girls can be. She could just be testing me. or she could just be saying that we can, but would still freak out anyway if/when she finds out.
  8. But this girl knows me so well I can't lie to her. She would find out. Plus, I would rather not lie. There's the problem. Otherwise, I wouldn't be asking you jokers for advice...
  9. That she might freak out if she finds out about it, and I don't want to screw things up with her
  10. What the f--- are you talking about??!? Can we get some input from the ladies here??!?
  11. So my girlfriend and I have been having all sorts of stress in our lives, and we decided to take a little bit of "time off" to have some time apart and figure things out. I'm sure we are going to get back together very soon. However, when we took time off, part of the agreement was that we are allowed to see other people. What do you think? Should I have one more thrill, or should I be good? I know I want to be with this girl, she's definitely the one, but while we're taking time off, should I try to hook up one last time? It IS my last chance, although I might feel really guilty Advice, please!!!!!!!!
  12. There have been a few hints about that, most obviously the episode where Homer is worried that Bart is... gay. Just a guess
  13. Yes, but "be yourself" is so vague, and I don't think that he ever asked whether he should "act like someone else" or "be himself"... I just get frustrated when people have told me to "be myself" because really, be yourself is kind of meaningless advice. Ok, so I shouldn't do my Arnold Schwartzenegger impression the whole time. No shit. I think he's asking for more specific advice, like, "is the second date too soon for romance" or "what kind of restaurants are good for second dates". Obviously he has to roll with the feel of the night and turn up the romance if the situation calls for it, but he's just looking for general advice, i.e., the Industry Standard on dating. It took me a lot of figuring out on my own through trial and a lot of error before piecing this stuff together, and I still am no expert... But "be yourself" is not really very specific advice. Also, I know that when I was starting out "being myself" meant telling girls everything about "myself" because I'm the type that tends to spill everything about myself right off the bat... I had to learn the hard way that you have to pace yourself and not appear so interested right from the start, otherwise you scare them away. I'm still being myself, I just reveal myself at a slower pace than I normally would. Is that still "being yourself?"
  14. I agree generally with the "be yourself" philosophy, meaning that you have to trust your instincts and go with the flow. You must adapt to her vibe. However, there's a limit on that -- I mean, you're not going to fully "be yourself", meaning that you're not going to just completely let your guard down and start talking about the new rash that you have and your ex girlfriends and your dead dog. You have to select carefully what aspects of "yourself" you're going to present to her, and when you present them. In other words, of course he shouldn't fake it, but "be yourself" is pretty vague advice. There's definitely some artfulness to the whole thing. My favorite place for 1st dates are restaurants that are a little off the beaten path (not TGI Friday's, etc) -- basically places that have some sort of unique atmosphere/food. Middle-range in terms of price. And most importantly, you should be in a place that has a good sized crowd, because it's too early to have a secluded romantic dinner. That comes later. If you want to get intimiate or whatever that can come after the dinner. Be in a crowd at first to take the edge off.
  15. damelo

    do you prefer...

    You people are completely insane with your back fetishes. Yeah, the back has to be nice, but so does everything else. But who the hell would value a back over legs (esp. thighs), or tummy, not to mention tits, ass, face, and hell, just about anything else. If a girl has a wider back than you then you should stop dating linebackers. Or hit the gym!!
  16. damelo

    do you prefer...

    Sexy back?!??? WTF?
  17. Anyone with info, please PM me!!! thanks...
  18. I'm probably staying in San Jose, not sure yet, though. I want to know where the hottest club scene is, or the party scene, whatever. I will basically go wherever it's good. Is it a good party scene, though? Is it wild? Or is it more just nature-y?
  19. damelo

    making out in clubs?

    It's hot when you make out in full view. You're so wrapped up in the girl that you don't even care about anything else. That's HOT! Plus, for the men out there -- it means that we have better chances of hooking up at a club, if girls are willing to make out in public...
  20. Does anyone know anything about the party scene in Costa Rica???
  21. Does anyone know any info on Costa Rica? The party scene there? I'm going there soon and I want to find the parties...
  22. Yeah, but I think that part of the agreement is that they BOTH get to play the field, not just one... I think he is willing to take that hit (of his girl making out with other guys) in exchange for a little action on his part... The reason I'm saying this is because I know a couple that were very serious but every thursday night they reserved for casual dating... no sex allowed... and now they are married and they are great together. I'm not saying it's a usual or likely scenario, but these people seem to have made it work, so......
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